La Nuit se traîne

  • Francia La Nuit se traîne (más)


Esta intensa película sigue al cerrajero Mady, inmerso en una desesperada huida hacia delante para demostrar su inocencia en medio de una ciudad inflamada por las protestas raciales. Tras cumplir con el encargo que le hace una chica, Mady descubre que ni la casa cuya puerta ha abierto es la de ella, ni la bolsa con la que esta huye tampoco; su verdadero propietario es un mafioso implacable. (Sitges Film Festival)


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inglés A brisk, energetic thriller on the theme of “innocent protagonist gets into a jam, the situation only gets worse as time goes by and he has to get through a hellish night fraught with danger in order to save his own life”. In this case, a young black locksmith becomes the victim of a deception when he unwittingly helps to burgle an apartment and thus calls down on himself the wrath of the mobsters who have suddenly lost a million euros in cash. All against the backdrop of Black Lives Matter protests in the centre of Brussels, shot in a dynamic and engaging way. The plot relies on tense moments and sudden twists, though in some scenes the screenplay goes for dramatic effect through solutions that are more complicated that would actually be necessary. The work with suspense is aided by the precise type-casting and the appropriately frightened/determined performance of the actor in the lead role. ()