The Apartment - Willkommen im Albtraum

Trailer 2


Ein eigenes und bezahlbares Apartment in den Hollywood Hills! In einer ruhigen Seitenstraße, mit viel Platz, einem Gemeinschafts-Pool und einer Community, die auch mal gemeinsam grillt. Für Sarah ist mit ihrem Umzug ein Traum in Erfüllung gegangen. Doch der Schein trügt: Merkwürdige Geräusche in der Nacht rauben ihr den Schlaf, ihre Katze verschwindet und irgendwie scheint jeder ein bisschen zu hilfsbereit und freundlich zu sein. Als Sarah dem dunklen Geheimnis des Apartments auf die Spur kommt, ist sie bereits gefangen in einem nicht enden wollenden Albtraum ... denn seine Nachbarn kann man sich bekanntlich nicht aussuchen... (koch films)


Kritiken (4)

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Englisch A very original and interesting film by newcomer David Marmor, from whom I would not have expected this. A young girl moves into a new community and the people there seem like the dream neighbours, but it eventually turns into psychological terror and nothing is as she originally thought. The film is fast-paced, laying all its cards on the table after just 20 minutes (which is perhaps a shame, because that's the film's biggest asset and it doesn't pull out anything as strong from then on), and from that point on you don’t know what to expect next. I don't want to spoil too much, so I can't write much more about the plot. Some of the scenes are unexpectedly shocking, the atmosphere of the neighborhood "system" is crushing and stuffy at times, while at the same time offering essential questions about today's society, and I wouldn't want to see what it would look like if people got real close to living like they do here. Quite an unusual and interesting affair that won't suit everyone, but it does deserve an average rating. I’m giving it a cautious extra star for the idea and the chilling ending. ()


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Deutsch Ein kleiner, leidlicher Sekten-Thriller mit einer soliden klaustrophobischen und paranoiden Atmosphäre der Hilflosigkeit. Es gibt doch auch noch schlimmere Eigentümergemeinschaften, als die, mit denen ich Erfahrung gemacht habe. ()


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Englisch I went into this film with no expectations whatsoever and also without a general knowledge of its subject, and suddenly I find myself surprised that I’m rather enjoying it. Sure, if I could choose, I’d rather see this struggle between individualism and overwhelmed communitarianism done by a filmmaker who would take it with more seriousness and credibility, but even this simple B-movie variation quite satisfied me. ()


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Englisch This is a nice surprise that flew under the radar. A likable young female lead goes to LA to start a new life. She finds a job and a new place to live in an apartment complex, but her new neighbours are not who they say they are. The film is more of a dense psychological drama in the vein of The Wicker Man or Midsommar, but a little sibling rather than a competitor, but I don't mind that at all because I can relate to similarly-themed films and the community here has interestingly set rules. The protagonist is very likeable and some moments are not only suspenseful but also very chilling, and there is even some blood in the finale, so I'm surprised. I enjoyed it. Absolutely perfect one-shot. Women will like the film a lot. Story***, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music***, Visual***, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 7/10. ()