47 Meters Down: Uncaged

  • Großbritannien 47 Meters Down: Uncaged (mehr)
Trailer 1


Nicole (Sistine Rose Stallone), Sasha (Corinne Foxx), Alexa (Brianne Tju) und Mia (Sophie Nélisse) entdecken bei einem gemeinsamen Tauchgang eine versunkene Maya-Stadt. Doch ihr Staunen über die unerforschten Ruinen bleibt ihnen im Halse stecken und der Tauchgang wird zum Horror-Trip! Denn die Unterwasser-Stadt entpuppt sich als Jagdgebiet riesiger Weißer Haie mit Killerinstinkt. Ein Katz-und-Maus-Spiel mit dem größten Schrecken des Ozeans beginnt. Während die Sauerstoffversorgung immer knapper wird, müssen sich Nicole, Sasha, Alexa und Mia aus dem Unterwasserlabyrinth voll enger Höhlen und unheimlicher Tunnel einen Weg aus ihrer Unterwasser-Hölle suchen. Ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit und ein atemloser Überlebenskampf beginnt … (Concorde Filmverleih)


Kritiken (5)

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Englisch Similar story, different actors, but the same shit. High school drama mixed with an underwater fantasy Mayan city and a blind, "devolved" bloodthirsty shark. As bad as it sounds on paper, it looks bad on film. Not to mention that the atmosphere was zero, there was only one decent scare, and the shark was artificial to the point of being awful. I really can’t understand how anyone can say this is a good movie. ()


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Deutsch Es geht um einen aus der Sicht der Produktion attraktiven Film zweiter Klasse mit schönen Unterwasserhöhlen und nassen Tomb Raidern in Höschen ohne Flossen. Auch das Raubtier sieht scary aus und sorgt für ein paar Momente, in denen man erschreckt wird. Aber sonst passieren hier Sachen, die nicht einmal der Hai aus Woodoo - Die Schreckensinsel der Zombies erlebt hat. Schwer zu glauben, dass es die Autoren ernst gemeint haben und sich an dem gelungenen ersten Teil beteiligten. ()


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Englisch The premise could work if we were to automatically accept the fact that filmmakers prefer fooling around with sharks rather than, like Jaws, introducing strong characters that won’t end as generic fodder for the toothy threat. The claustrophobic setting in a cave offers a few possibilities for tense and untried scenes, but what prevails in the final result is a literal twilight of originality that gives way to chaotic effects and a bizarre action-packed ending. Another pointlessly dark sequel with unremarkable protagonists that makes me feel like getting another beer and watch Spielberg’s masterpiece for the twentieth time. ()


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Englisch Like the first one, not quite a typical shark horror film, which again takes place deep underwater. This time in the ruins of a flooded Mayan city, a visually refreshing element, but unfortunately also the film's biggest weakness. It spends most of its time just wandering cluelessly in the murky underwater caves, and instead of evoking a sense of dread of sharks lurking in the dark, it spends most of its time focusing on the main characters' (indistinguishable in their diving masks) efforts to get out. The sharks are blind this time, and so the tension should logically come from whether the characters can be sufficiently “quiet” in their presence. Surprisingly, the film doesn't work with this very consistently. The shark attacks are often unrelated to how much anyone moves, and are staged more in the form of random scares. The tension only slightly kicks in at the action-packed conclusion, when we move to the open sea and the still-slow sharks pick up full speed. But then it becomes a typical shark horror movie. So the attempt to make a shark version of The Descent didn't really work. ()



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Englisch I admit that I quite enjoyed this horror spectacle. The creators made some mistakes and illogicalities, but who cares? I felt cold at the thought of wandering somewhere in the mysterious depths of a labyrinth of underwater caves with limited oxygen and a shark at my back. I certainly wasn't bored, so I'll turn a blind eye to the unlikely and greatly overdone ending. However, the choice of locations in which the filming took place is certainly worthy of praise. (60%) ()