Maze Runner - Die Auserwählten im Labyrinth

  • Schweiz Maze Runner - Die Auserwählten im Labyrinth (mehr)
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Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) wacht auf einer Lichtung auf und kann sich an nichts mehr erinnern - außer seinem Vornamen. Bald erfährt er, dass dieser fremde Ort inmitten eines Labyrinths liegt, aus dem es keinen Ausweg zu geben scheint. Aber Thomas ist nicht allein. Mit ihm sind viele andere Jungen im Labyrinth gefangen, die ebenfalls ihr Gedächtnis verloren haben wie Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangster), Alby (Aml Ameen), Gally (Will Poutler) und Minho (Ki Hong Lee). Eines Tages ist ein Mädchen die Neue auf der Lichtung. Sie heißt Teresa (Kaya Scodelario) und soll die Letzte sein. Gemeinsam versuchen sie einen Weg in die Freiheit zu finden und das unheimliche Geheimnis zu lüften, wer sie hergebracht hat und warum? (Fox Deutschland)


Kritiken (8)

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Deutsch Eine Bearbeitung der markanten young adult dystopian Science-Fiction von James Dashner. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass Dashner ständig verschiedene Fortsetzungen, Prequels, Sequels, Leitfäden und andere Romane aus dieser Welt schreibt, ist es mehr oder weniger sinnlos, die aktuelle Filmtrilogie in irgendeiner Weise zu besprechen, da nichts gegeben oder irgendwie beendet ist. Der erste Film wirkt teilweise wie eine Mischung aus Peter Pan, der TraumelfHerr der Fliegen und Cube, aber das ist auch schon alles, was ich an Positivem zu sagen habe. Schauspielerisch wird das Ganze von dem erwachsenen Will Poulter und Thomas Brodie-Sangster getragen. ()


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Deutsch Maze Runner: Die Auserwählten im Labyrinth funktioniert ähnlich wie Die Tribute von Panem - die Geschichte spielt in einer unbestimmten Zukunft und die Protagonisten müssen sich mit einer Realität auseinandersetzen, die nach den Regeln von außen oder von oben funktioniert. Die Handlung baute sich bis zum Finale gut auf, das den imaginären Sinn der Geschehnisse im Film enthüllte und damit auch die Bühne für eine Fortsetzung bereitete. Die Besetzung war größtenteils gut, es gab nur wenige gute Gruselgeschichten, was angesichts des Schauplatzes inmitten des Labyrinths seltsam ist, aber es war ja auch kein Horrorfilm. Kurzum, ein Film, der sich in eine lange Reihe verschiedener Science-Fiction-Filme einreiht, sich aber keineswegs blamiert und über dem Durchschnitt bleibt. ()


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Englisch I’m glad that lately Americans have been making one film after another based on fantasy bestsellers for young people, of which there are tons these days. Off the top of my head, I could name for example Hunger Games or Divergence. The Maze Runner is also a good movie. Even though my rating might not suggest it at first glance, I was having really good time watching this film. It is not easy to portray a world so vastly different from ours. But the creators succeeded in doing it and the only issue I had with this movie was its story, which I found irritating but there’s nothing to be done about at. Fortunately, one girl found her way into the gay environment so from the second half this movie has at least some balls. ()


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Englisch It was very difficult to trust a potential future blockbuster that which was charged to a brand new and inexperienced director, but surprisingly he did it with style and ease. The young actors are charismatic, we have future promising actors some of whom may have decent careers ahead of them. The pacing is very decent with no dead spots, the story is also very good for the genre and features many a cool twist, the action is clear and spectacular, some scenes are so well paced that they are almost palpable with suspense, and of course the unpredictability is the main draw of the film, it leaves you in anticipation until the last minute. If you liked Lost, this works on a similar principle. 80% ()



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Englisch At the beginning, excellent work with a great atmosphere and a well-developed screenplay full of solidly escalating tension, delivering a multitude of questions and forcing us to think. Unfortunately, it only lasts until about halfway through, when the rule "if you've seen everything, there's nothing left to fight for" starts to effectively apply, and it only goes downhill qualitatively from there. The same can be said about the tension and the good feeling from a relatively imaginative-looking intimate project with unfamiliar actors. The ending is horrifying. ()


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Englisch Not bad at all. The plot and its approach as an adventure fantasy against the backdrop of the psychological coexistence of a group of "chosen ones" manages to keep the attention alert at all times, and though the subject matter represents a typical, ambitious "big movie for the young" of our times, the visually stylized form is often overshadowed by intimate scenes in which the conflicts between the characters escalate and the mysterious labyrinth is only descriptively presented. And that's a good thing, as neither the ideas nor the action inside the maze have enough potential to provide a great and unusual experience. The film fades from your mind very soon, but the little it leaves behind is positive. 65% ()


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Englisch From the perspective of the managers of the maze, it's actually a pretty sad story. Just put yourself in their shoes – you spend considerable funds on your social experiment to map the survival skills of a closed-off group of boys, and they invent epilating cream before, say, flint. Sure, you curse yourself for making them all those bodices with the non-functioning buttons as a dress code, but you still have confidence in yourself that you can get the whole situation back on track. Out of desperation, you add to the group a gay guy with the scariest eyebrows of the decade, then you serve them a curly-haired fatso who would even get bullied at UNICEF, and last but not least, you don't disdain to send in a semi-autistic weirdo whose range of expressions would make a rock cry. In one last desperate spasm, you finally send them a spunky girl. In vain, it must be admitted – you are responsible for the most costly state-subsidized Blue Oyster Bar east of Venus. So you confront the problem head-on and unleash all the props from Wild Wild West on them to clean up your mess, except it all goes wrong and now deal with it. ________ Maze Runner is a pretty awful Frankenstein menstruum that isn't shy about ripping off practically anything that's made any money in the last 15 years, gluing it together with gum arabic, and pretending I'm holding something unique. In fact, despite its "wicked is good" tagline, the film's only uniqueness is a terrifying cowardice, where any sample of the population selected for any action always includes virtually every ethnic subgroup, the suddenly appearing girl has almost no relevance and no one really cares much about her, however it may then raise rather bold theories about how things have worked this far in this all-male society, given that after three years of abstinence, shaved sweaty boys and men pay virtually no attention to her. All inventiveness is basically exhausted on biomechanical monsters, otherwise it's really just the boring hodgepodge of an untalented director with nothing to lean on, despite the whole set being lined with walls. ()


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Englisch Considering what has been coming to us from Hollywood lately, at least in terms of fantasy targeting teenagers, this is still quite well done. The theme is very good, but slightly mishandled because there is clearly room for something grittier that would fit better. The ending is a bit uncertain, and surely a sequel will be needed to see more, but still, I have a good feeling about the first film. ()

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