Reviews (4)



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English Some pretty good ideas in one mini movie. I like to think of it as "some goofing around". It would be cool if someone just goofed around like this and made an equally fresh feature film out of it. Then my 5 stars would be on a whole other level. Yes, I really liked the script. ()


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English I'm afraid Jason Reitman set the bar too high with his short film debut. It will be difficult for him to approach such quality during his career. And they say bureaucracy kills, pff, such nonsense! ()


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English A truly refreshing and bombastic short film miracle, benefiting especially from a quality story that is simple in essence but incredibly gripping in reality. Personally, I'd rather not even see my own score, because knowing myself, I'd be proudly attacking absolute zero by now. ()


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English In this short film, Jason Reitman demonstrates his strengths, particularly in being funny, creating an engaging plot, and ultimately rallying the audience to root for the main protagonist. Some jokes are truly excellent, and it's wonderful to see that they stem from the chosen concept rather than being generic jokes. ()