Fairy gone

  • Japan フェアリーゴーン (more)
Japan, 2019, 9 h 36 min (Length: 24 min)



From the director of Drifters, comes a war-torn world on the brink of calamity. Able to summon fairies as alter-ego weapons, former soldiers become government dogs, mafia members, and even terrorists in search of purpose beyond the battlefield. Who will maintain the peace they all fought for nine years ago? (Manga Home Entertainment)

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English Fairy Gone is attempting to be a complex show, and so there is a lot going on (soldiers fighting, politicians scheming, people investigating stuff, and a lot of different secrets holed up behind closed doors). However, I am disappointingly sorry to say that I found most of the first twelve episodes quite boring. I was originally going to write about how mediocre the show is, although the honest truth is that the last couple of episodes of this first half of the season convinced me that I was enjoying it much less than the word average would suggest. The fight scenes did nothing for me, and the way the "fairies" were represented was nothing that impressed me much. I practically couldn't care less about the characters, and for example, the only thing I found most interesting about the male protagonist was his name - Free Underbar. Anyway, no matter how much the anime��s creators tried to conjure up some atmosphere, I was mostly bored and grimacing, thinking, for example, "This song is not really appropriate for the scene right now" or "The showdown looks awkward". It is just that even though Fairy Gone is trying really hard, I did not find it that interesting and that is why I probably am not going to watch the second half of this season in the autumn... 4/10. ()

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