
Flughafen-Securitybeamter Kirk ist ein absoluter Durchschnittstyp. In Sachen Beziehung fehlt es ihm an Selbstbewusstsein. Seiner nörgelnden, eifersüchtigen Ex Marnie läuft er daher immer noch hinterher. Als er ein Handy findet und es der ebenso smarten wie atemberaubenden Molly zurückbringt, ändert sich dies schlagartig. Zum Dank lädt diese ihn nämlich zum Essen ein und verliebt sich dabei Hals über Kopf in den sensiblen Kerl. Trotz der Warnungen seiner Freunde, sie wäre nicht seine Kragenweite, will Kirk das Glück mit seiner Traumfrau versuchen. (ORF)


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Englisch An Incredibly fun affair. Some scenes are like taken out of reality, some are outrageously awkward. What I enjoyed the most about it is that the creators openly don't tell you they are just joking and parodying on purpose. The rating of the film will therefore depend on how many things you can manage to see through, and there's plenty of them. The best comedy of the year. ()


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Englisch You hardly ever get to see something so artificial. No matter how good an actress Alice Eve is, she still couldn't hide her body language which was literally screaming she'd rather be anywhere else but in the presence of the protagonist, whom you wish you could just punch in the face. I enjoy comedies about losers, but the movie has to be really funny, smart and a little realistic. This film was not about giving hope to the most desperate individuals. What it was trying to say is that women don't really care about men's appearance, money, social status. They don't even need to have anything in common with them or a single common topic to talk about. All they want is a completely below-average individual, in all respects mundane, and not in a good way. For this reason, the movie should be classified as a sci-fi or mystery. ()



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Englisch A romantic comedy that doesn't surprise you with anything. A standard plot, development, and ending. Under different circumstances, I would have given it a 2, but I’m giving it a 3 for two reasons. Firstly, it's a comedy and I had some genuine laughs. Secondly, Alice Eve. ()

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