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Terdapat kencenderungan bahwa topik skripsi mahasiswa pada program studi Informatika, Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas kurang beragam. Hal ini terlihat dari berulangnya topik-topik skripsi yang diambil mahasiswa dari semester ke... more
Since it first appeared in literature in the early nineties, the Circular Economy (CE) has grown in significance amongst academic, policymaking, and industry groups. The latest developments in the CE field have included the interrogation... more
Web engineering software development is facing continuous changes in technology implementation. This involves analysts, developers and designers to provide extra effort in the design and maintenance of Web applications in order to adapt... more
As we are living amid an unprecedent environmental crisis, the need for schools to empower students into environmental citizenship is intensifying. Teachers are considered as the main driving force in fostering students’ environmental... more
There is an increasing interest in the scientific study of the association between spirituality and recovery from addiction. While most of these studies have provided evidence for a possible relationship, others have explored the... more
Back problems (BPs), with their cost and disability, are a substantial burden for individuals, employers, and society. This systematic review of controlled trials evaluates the effectiveness of interventions to prevent BP episodes in... more
Web engineering software development is facing continuous changes in technology implementation. This involves analysts, developers and designers to provide extra effort in the design and maintenance of Web applications in order to adapt... more
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi qualificar, temporal e referencialmente, a compreensão sobre os significados atribuídos ao termo Building Information Modeling e relacionados. O método da Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL) estruturou o... more
It is no secret that many projects fail, regardless of the business sector, software projects are notoriously disaster victims, not necessarily because of technological failure, but more often due to their uncertainties. The threats... more
Abstract Background: Agile software development is based on a set of values and principles. The twelve principles are inferred from agile values. Agile principles are composition of evolutionary requirement, simple design, continuous... more
Diabetes Mellitus leads to death if it is not prevented at the initial phase when seeing signs, symptoms, and pain. Diabetes Mellitus is a health crisis in Fiji today. The aim of this paper is a systematic review of diabetes in Fiji.... more
Several groups have outlined methodologies for systematic literature reviews of the effectiveness of interventions. The Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) began in 1998. Its mandate is to provide research evidence to guide... more
Context: Colon cancer is a serious disease that can be hereditary or arise from exposure to carcinogens in unhealthy food. Current chemotherapy treatment has serious cardiovascular adverse effects, is not always effective, and there may... more
Hernández-Corona, M. E., Méndez-Rizo, J., & Rojas-Solís, J. L. (2021). El síndrome de burnout en policías: Una revisión sistemática sobre aspectos metodológicos, factores asociados, causas y consecuencias (Burnout in police officers: A... more
The purpose of this research is to review the extant literature on mobile advertising systematically and to carry out a comprehensive analysis of research in this emerging field. Accordingly, this paper synthesises the literature on... more
It has been extensively argued that individualizing a serious game to the characteristics of its players is a major contributing factor to its effectiveness. To realize this individualization, the identification of player aspects that can... more
BACKGROUND—Software Process Improvement (SPI) is a systematic approach to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of a software development organization and to enhance software products. OBJECTIVE—This paper aims to identify and... more
Background and aims: To remedy problematic Internet use (PIU) and problematic online gaming (POG) in adolescents, much is expected from efforts by parents to help youths to contain their screen use. Such parental mediation can include (a)... more
Context Numerous open source software projects are based on volunteers collaboration and require a continuous influx of newcomers for their continuity. Newcomers face barriers that can lead them to give up. These barriers hinder both... more
Purpose-Several authors have examined the lean healthcare literature, but besides all efforts made, articles comparing conceptual and analytical studies were not found. Thus, a systematic review is conducted aiming to understand the state... more
As we are living amid an unprecedent environmental crisis, the need for schools to empower students into environmental citizenship is intensifying. Teachers are considered as the main driving force in fostering students’ environmental... more
To promote the safety and well-being of youth who are incarcerated, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education identified the importance of evidence-based mental health interventions. The purpose of this systematic review is to... more
Background: The edge computing paradigm allows to reduce latency and response time of applications by bringing computations and data storage closer to the locations where they are needed. Edge computing is used in different kinds of... more
Most published journal articles describing professional development (PD) initiatives for K-12 ures of hightheoretical framework arisen in content areas with more tradition in PD research (e.g., mathematics and science education). The goal... more
Over the past decade, governments around the world have been trying to take advantage of Big Data technology to improve public services with citizens. The adoption of Big Data has increased in most countries, but at the same time, the... more
The growth in online professional development opportunities for teachers, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, prompts us to question what the most effective practices of facilitating professional development online are and what design elements... more
Background and aims To remedy problematic Internet use (PIU) and problematic online gaming (POG) in adolescents, much is expected from efforts by parents to help youths to contain their screen use. Such parental mediation can include... more
The literature review analyses 17 diploma theses which focus on the educational possibilities of using the Snoezelen concept in children and pupils with moderate, severe, and profound intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities,... more
Context: Physiologically, memory is created by changes in the synaptic conductivity from one neuron to the next neuron, leading to the emergence of new or facilitating pathways to guide messages in the neuronal circuits of the brain.... more