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Obiettivo del presente capitolo è riflettere sulla correlazione tra valorizzazioni semantiche e investimenti estesico-passionali nei processi di produzione del senso simbolico
Occorre oggi allargare il nostro paradigma antropologico di riferimento, passando da un paradigma che dice una parte di verità sull'essere umano, a un paradigma più accogliente e più rispettoso, più confortevole per noi e per le esigenze... more
With dragons, dogs, wolves, ravens, and so many more, animal symbolism is endlessly significant in Game of Thrones. Discover their meanings in heraldry, in Celtic myth, and other clever correspondences. What do red, green, black, and grey... more
This article summarizes the state of knowledge about the preislamic Arabic calendar.Up to the presence many questions regarding the preislamic calendar have remainedopen. Was it a lunisolar calendar and how were the leap months... more
Because young children lack reading skills, traditional text-based warnings can be rendered ineffective. Pictorials might be an alternative for text to conveying safety-related information. Surprisingly, very little research has been... more
The general concept of the research experiment is based on the idea of processing the subject of the relationship between the human body and the visual abstract symbols, to try to examine the visual possibilities that may emerge of that... more
Niniejsza praca ma na celu przedstawienie teorii mitotwórczej J. R. R. Tolkiena, z perspektywy jej wymiaru duchowego. Od czasów antycznych teorie, tudzież filozofie, opierały się na myśleniu abstrakcyjnym i miały za zadanie wyjaśnienie... more
Rjabchikov, Sergei V., 1999. Utrachenny klyuch k pis’mennosti ostrova Paskhi. In: Y.A. Sorokin and A.M. Kholod (eds.) Versii antropotsentrizma (materialy III mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma “Chelovek: yazyk, kul’tura, poznanie”, 27-28 aprelya... more
V članku je predstavljen kratek povzetek predavanja. V prostoru okoli nas se prepletajo vidni del (narava, prostor), nevidni del (energije, kačje črte) ter naša preteklost. Prostor je sestavljen tudi iz svetih mest v naravi, megalitov,... more
Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are severely challenged by their difficulties with language and communication. Some research suggests that augmented language input, whereby a speaking communication partner adopts and uses... more
Resumen: En el presente estudio analizamos la vestimenta de la pintora mexicana Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), enfatizando en la ornamentación de sus vestidos y blusas bordadas, centradas en los rasgos propios de la mujer mexicana. A través de... more
A iluminação de espaços sagrados não é devidamente observada como elemento relevante para a eficácia de tais ambientes. Todavia, a contínua construção e manutenção de igrejas cristãs ao longo de milênios tem manifestado a luz como dotada... more
Man employs a variety of methods to communicate his ideas and intentions. When he trusts that his audiences are competent enough to comprehend his oral or written message, and when he feels assured that no prejudice or misunderstanding... more
This study debates the vernacular architecture of Bali in the Middle Bali era, which was strongly influenced by social stratification discourse. The discourse of social stratification is a form of symbolic power in traditional societies.... more
Quel est le secret de Pythagore ? On pourrait avancer que, par définition, s’il y a secret, il est caché et n’est pas dévoilable, ou ne sera pas dévoilé. Le vrai secret est celui dont on ne soupçonne même pas l’existence. On peut... more
The famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the brilliant Russian painter Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) have broadly reflected on the topic of the mountain, conceived by them as a symbolical and hermeneutical figure.... more
Straipsnyje ikonografijos ir stiliaus požiūriu analizuojama Lietuvos kapinėse esan-čių XIX a. antkapinių ketaus kryžių puošyba: ornamento motyvai, religiniai bei sepulkraliniai simboliai, stiliaus požymiai. Lietuvos kapinėse iš likusių... more
Като повод за настоящата статия послужи публикацията на И. Лазаренко "Средновековна хералдична апликация от Варна". [1] Според нас натрупаният археологически материал, макар и относително ограничен като количество, позволява да се направи... more
A short introduction to the idea of Chinese art motifs and their symbols and themes--look beyond the exterior to find the interior meanings. Chinese and English text.
La categoria di simbolo da tempo è al centro di una vasta riflessione: fa incrociare diverse discipline e interseca problemi molto lontani. Questo libro vuol essere una maneggevole introduzione al tema e insieme una base di partenza per... more
We describe two new caches of whole engraved ostrich eggs from southern Namibia and the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. KEY WORDS: Ostrich eggs, engraved ostrich eggs, decorated ostrich eggs, Later Stone Age.
The Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B.... more
This paper is concerned with a critical analysis of the work of advertising; in terms of form, content and meaning communicated but also as regards its social impact and influence on the individual.
Icons are frequently used in contexts where comprehension needs to be consistent across cultural and linguistic barriers. This paper reports on a study comparing the comprehension of 54 universal medical icons in rural Tanzania and the... more
Исследование композиции, посвященной теме бренности, из собрания Музея изобразительных искусств Карелии (Петрозаводск)
This edited volume examines how metaphors and related phenomena (metonymies, symbols, cultural models, stereotypes) lead to the discursive construal of a common element that brings the nation together. The central idea is that metaphor... more
This investigation on the Corpus Dionysiacum focuses on the study of some of the fundamental concepts in the theology of the Pseudo-Dionysius (v. gr. beauty, light, symbol, hierarchy, liturgy, apophatic theology, mysticism, divinization)... more