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Traditional buildings across Nigeria’s geographical zones are known to have demonstrated a thorough response to the climate, local technology and socio-economic milieu in which they evolved. The origin of these different traditional... more
Integral to the reproductive processes of the biota of several forest, shrub, and grassland biome-types, wildfire ignites some 3,400,000km2 of Earth’s vegetated surface annually. Though a highly complex phenomena coupled with not one, but... more
This paper presents hybrid and nature-based solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment that may be applied to diverse urban and peri-urban contexts. They offer multiple environmental and economic benefits, with the enhancement of human... more
M agic, mythology and Celtic culture are the three premises to be found in Brigit's garden. This is an emblematic place that has been able to combine the essence of life and death through nature, biodiversity and Irish tradition. Mary... more
In the year 2011 until 2016, Coastal Erosion news gets the media's attention and the government as they try to find a solution for the erosion problems at Pantai Teluk Lipat, Dungun Terengganu. The beach is listed as among the six severe... more
Edible sustainable landscaping is an important step toward sustainability in an urban environment. Replacing a traditional grass lawn with this type of landscaping would reduce water and maintenance requirements of an area of campus and... more
In spite of the serene natural environment created by God for the benefit of all the earth inhabitants with vegetation, water bodies, hills and mountains dotting everywhere to create an environment planned to achieve an atmosphere that... more
Landscape is simply the scenery of the environment that appeals to the human sense of beauty; this perception is brought about by the combination/ mix of natural and man-made physical features that makes up the environment. This study... more
A river is an essential element in everyday life- as a resource, as a means of transport, as a corridor of endless movement and as a hub for recreation. It also captures several imaginations along its front, providing various diverse... more
In 'Città Europea in Evoluzione' l’architetto e urbanista Giuseppe Marinoni e il fotografo Giovanni Chiaramonte mostrano una significativa rassegna di quelle parti di città sorte in seguito alla riqualificazione di aree industriali e... more
ABSTRACT The locations and the relationships between locations that have emerged with urbanization and the growth of cities have placed considerable pressures on city dwellers. In recent times, city dwellers have been seeking comfort both... more
Landscape planning and design involve decisions that have far-reaching effects, positive and negative, on the soundscape. However, landscape architecture and related disciplines have not fully recognised the possibilities of considering... more
Since consumption is increasing rapidly due to urbanization and population growth and green areas are decreasing, sustainable landscape designs are gaining importance nowadays. Plants, which are the most important and basic material of... more
Basil has generally been taken as a standard culinary herb. It has been used as a traditional medicine in some countries around the world and used in the treatment of various medical conditions and ailments. A field experiment was carried... more
Architecture in Context: Designing in the Middle East provides a foundation for understanding the critical context of architecture and design in this region. It does this by: 1. presenting a practical overview of architectural... more
Advanced accepted manuscript copy. Published formatted copy will be posted when available. This research paper reviews the literature in an area of engineering heritage requiring further examination, the impact of climate change on... more
In this paper, an attempt in finding alternative to lawn solutions for the Mediterranean region and semi-arid areas with water deficit is made. Persistence to lawn and its intensive cultivation can be linked with probable environmental... more
Biyolojik gölet tasarımlarının temel amacı bölge ekosisteminin ve su rezervlerinin korunmasıdır. Bölge ekolojik değerlerinin korunabilmesi ve geleceğe aktarılabilmesi için doğru kullanımlara yer verilmesi gerekir. Biyolojik gölet... more
ÖZ Herkes için tasarımın amacı; binalar, peyzaj tasarımına konu olan her türlü alan ve mekan, iletişim araçları veya ev eşyalarında, her bireyin aynı fiziksel çevre için geliştirilen çözümleri mümkün olan en geniş ölçüde kullanmasını... more
The number of cultural parks has been steadily increasing in recent years throughout the world. But what is a cultural park? This book provides a detailed answer to this question and sets out the basis for an academic debate that moves... more
The vertical landscape strategy is an alternative approach to increase urban residents’ contact with the landscape, improve quality of life and general psychological health (S.Kellert, 2005). This paper presents a research of vertical... more
This paper is a comparative study on the sustainability of two Persian gardens located on the arid central plateau of Iran. The authors observe sustainability in many elements of traditional Iranian architecture and landscape architecture... more
In an era of globalisation and environmental instability, the ‘landscape’ is often perceived merely as the physical context rather than as the core element to establish a vision for a whole region, create values, share memories and play a... more
Die Veränderungen in Gesellschaft und Klima fordern den Garten- und Landschaftsbau sowie die Landschaftsarchitektur immer wieder heraus. Die Ostschweizer Fachhochschule in Rapperswil (SG) nutzt ihre 50-jährigen Aussenanlagen als... more
Make your city greener is a short guide to Nature-based Solutions of Depaving for the urban space with aim to support the actions of climate adaptation of the built environment.
Open access at: In 2020, the Osservatorio regionale del paesaggio of the Regione del Veneto (Landscape Observatory of the Veneto Region) promoted an international... more
Çağdaş peyzaj tasarımı, değişen yaşam biçimleri, kaynak değerlerinin korunması, artan nüfus ve bozulan çevre koşullarına adapte olma yolunda kapsamını geliştirerek yeni kavramları gündeme taşımaktadır. Bu bağlamda 21. yüzyıl peyzaj... more
Frugality is a core notion of sustainability, and responsible resource management should be prioritized in urban planning and landscape architecture. Low-budget strategies as a deliberate means of creating valuable, attractive, well-used,... more
This paper will concentrate on the result of a research based on comparative study between two Persian gardens in different micro climates in arid regions. Sustainability could be observed in many aspects and elements of traditional... more
Article history: Received 15 June 2014 Received in revised form 22 August 2014 Accepted 25 September 2014 Available online 15 October 2014
Predictions of rising sea levels and higher frequency storm events, coupled with habitat loss and ever rising costs of maintaining sea defences, managed realignment has become a tool to be used in conjunction with an array hard and soft... more
The architectural structure of the Persian garden was created along with the evolution of Iranian culture and civilization over centuries, and it has been known as one of the ancient cultural heritages. Pasargadae was a garden city... more
This paper is based on the work entitled “Rehabilitation and Valorisation of the traditional saltworks at the Reserva Natural do Sapal de Castro Marim e Vila Real de Santo António”. Its overarching goal was the rehabilitation of the... more
Twenty years after the European Landscape Convention, considering the evolution of Italian law, the landscape plan of Regione Puglia’s is a case of interest for the implementation instruments adopted for governance of the territory. The... more
The development and design of ecological networks in the Brussels Metropolitan Region is hindered by the shortcomings of top-down planning and bottom-up initiatives. One the one hand, technical planning instruments, such as the Regional... more
Traditional buildings across Nigeria’s geographical zones are known to have demonstrated a thorough response to the climate, local technology and socio-economic milieu in which they evolved. The origin of these different traditional... more
In August of 2016, the town of Arquata del Tronto suffered an earthquake that produced important damages at the village and in the structure and integrity of the Medieval Rocca. This proposal aims a research of a method to regenerate the... more