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The exoskeleton of the lobster Homarus americanus is a multiphase biological composite material which consists of an organic matrix (crystalline α-chitin fibers and various types of non-crystalline proteins) and minerals (mainly calcite).... more
This paper reports the results of the first dynamic labeling experiment with regenerating spines of sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus using the stable isotope 26Mg and NanoSIMS high-resolution isotopic imaging, which provide a direct... more
The centrosome plays a major role in the spatial organization of the microtubular network and has a controlled cycle of duplication, the two duplicated centrosomes functioning as mitotic poles during subsequent cell division. However, a... more
This study investigated the effect of multilingual linguistic experience on the perception of Japanese durational contrast by learners of Japanese as a foreign language at the basic level. Five monolingual and five multilingual learners... more
Electron cryotomography can be used to solve the three-dimensional structures of individual large macromolecules, assemblies, and even small intact cells to medium ( 4–8 nm) resolution in a near-native state, but restrictions in ...
Magnetic fabric patterns and microstructures of granitic rocks provide evidence of structural modifications as a result of the coalescence of two plutons, Alpa Corral and Talita, during the construction of a large granitic batholith,... more
The Pinto shear zone is one of several Late Cretaceous shear zones within the eastern fringe of the Mesozoic magmatic arc of the southwest Cordilleran orogen that developed synchronous with continued plate convergence and backarc... more
Purpose – Construction labour productivity is of great interest to practitioners and researchers because it affects project cost and time overrun. This paper evaluates and ranks the importance, frequency and severity of project delay... more