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Hatha Yoga, suas origens míticas e históricas. A libertação (moksha) e imortalidade (amrta) através do caminho do corpo (kayasadhana) pela transformação alquímica (rasayana) para o reencontro da energia (Shakti) com a consciência (Shiva).
A revised, shorter version of this article was published as "Krankheitsprävention im Ayurveda: Pragmatisches Recycling und historische Brüche" in polylog 42: Gesundheit und Heilung (2020): pp. 7–20. ( Cf.... more
Around the eleventh century CE, Sanskrit medical texts began to record profound changes in the methods used for drug manufacture. New substances, especially metallic and non-metallic minerals, were added to the ayurvedic pharmacopoeia or... more
This is a bibliography on "Indo-European Alchemy" (subsequently changed to "World Alchemical Traditions"), compiled for a field exam with David Gordon White. Due to alchemy's interdisciplinary and comparative nature the exam also includes... more
This article considers the narrative and context around a particularly well-publicized incident of rejuvenation therapy, advertised as kāyakalpa (body transformation or rejuvenation), from 1938. In this year, the prominent Congress... more
Wild and diverse outcomes are associated with transmutational practices: the prolongation of life, the recovery of youth, the cure of diseases, invincibility, immortality, enlightenment, liberation from the cycle of rebirths, and unending... more
In Sanskrit medical literature, rasāyana is defined as one of eight subject areas of medicine. The proclaimed aim of rasāyana therapies is to preserve or promote health and well-being, but also to prolong life, to halt degeneration caused... more
“Rasāyana and Rasaśāstra in the Persian Medical Culture of South Asia”, History of Science in South Asia, 7, 2019, pp. 1-41. Available at: In this article, I suggest that looking at the entangled... more
Anandakanda a Rasasastra text of the medieval period illustrated six Gandhaka sodhana (Purification of Sulphur) methods by using different dravyas, yantras, puṭas and samskaras. Among the six methods of sodhana one method is unique and... more
The paper was published in a recent issue of Intellectual History of the Islamicate World. Anyone interested in a pdf of the final version should send me an e-mail.
Wild and diverse outcomes are associated with transmutational practices: the prolongation of life, the recovery of youth, the cure of diseases, invincibility, immortality, enlightenment, liberation from the cycle of rebirths, and unending... more
Wild and diverse outcomes are associated with transmutational practices: the prolongation of life, the recovery of youth, the cure of diseases, invincibility, immortality, enlightenment, liberation from the cycle of rebirths, and unending... more
This article explores the chapter on vitalisation therapy (rasāyana) in the Kalyāṇakāraka, a Sanskrit medical treatise from the ninth century that was composed by the Digambara Jain monk Ugrāditya. It compares Ugrāditya's account of... more
Background: Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is most prevalent form of anemia affecting around 2 billion people worldwide. Ayurveda, an Indian system of medicine, describes pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruits as a Rasayana and a dietary... more
Miʿrāj al-duʿāʾ wa-mirʾāt al-dawāʾ (“The Ascent of Prayer and the Mirror of Medication”) by Muḥammad ʿAlī al-Qazwīnī, a Shiʿite presumably working in eastern Iraq in the eighteenth century, gathers information on methods for rejuvenation... more
Introduction: The superoxide radical (O 2-), hydroxyl radical (OH) are generated in physiochemical pathways. All biological systems have innate antioxidant defence mechanisms but these mechanisms can be inefficient due to poor diet... more
This is the shortened, revised published version of this draft: This article discusses the changes and continuities that characterize the role of disease prevention in Ayurveda from its origins until... more