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We present detailed electron microprobe analyses and oxygen three-isotope measurements by high precision secondary ion mass spectrometry on 45 type I (FeO-poor) chondrules/fragments and 3 type II (FeO-rich) chondrule fragments from... more
We elaborate the model of accretion disks of young stars with the fossil large-scale magnetic field in the frame of Shakura and Sunyaev approximation. Equations of the MHD model include Shakura and Sunyaev equations, induction... more
We used the Disk Detective citizen science project and the BANYAN II Bayesian analysis tool to identify a new candidate member of a nearby young association with infrared excess. WISE J080822.18-644357.3, an M5.5-type debris disk system... more
We conduct a linear stability calculation of an ideal Keplerian flow on which a sinusoidal zonal flow is imposed. The analysis uses the shearing sheet model and is carried out both in isothermal and adiabatic conditions, with and without... more
The organic compounds HCN and C2H2, present in protoplanetary discs, may react to form precursor molecules of the nucleobases, such as the pyrimidine molecule, C4H4N2. Depending on the temperature in a given region of the disc, molecules... more
One of the first stages of planet formation is the growth of small planetesimals. This stage occurs much before the dispersal of most of the gas from the protoplanetary disk. For small planetesimals, aerodynamic gas drag keeps their... more
ABSTRACT The astonishing diversity in the observed planetary population requires theoretical efforts and advances in planet formation theories. Numerical approaches provide a method to tackle the weaknesses of current planet formation... more
According to the planetary origin conceptual model proposed in this paper, the protosun centre of the pre-solar nebula exploded, resulting in a shock wave that passed through it and then returned to the centre, generating a new explosion... more
We investigate the gravitational interaction of a Jovian-mass protoplanet with a gaseous disc with aspect ratio and kinematic viscosity expected for the protoplanetary disc from which it formed. Different disc surface density... more
We undertook spectral analysis of fourteen protoplanetary disks (proplyds) in the Orion Nebula in order to detect the presence of photoevaporation due to the nearby Trapezium stars (Ori A, B, C, and D). The proplyd data was taken using... more
We have applied a model of planetary system formation in the field of a standing sound wave (the ‘SSW-Model’) to the prediction of planets in 586 multi-planetary exosystems (384 biplanetary, 127 tri-planetary and 75 exosystems with four... more
We present a mechanism related to the migration of giant protoplanets embedded in a protoplanetary disc whereby a giant protoplanet is caught up, before having migrated all the way to the central star, by a lighter outer giant... more
The torque felt by a non-accreting protoplanet on a circular orbit embedded in a uniform surface density protoplanetary disk is analyzed by means of time-dependent numerical simulations. Varying the viscosity enables one to disentangle... more
We conducted a 12-month monitoring campaign of 33 T Tauri stars (TTS) in Taurus. Our goal was to monitor objects that possess a disk but have a weak Hα line, a common accretion tracer for young stars, to determine whether they host a... more
We report on the λ = 5 − 36µm Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph spectra of 79 young stellar objects in the very young nearby cluster NGC 1333. NGC 1333's youth enables the study of early protoplanetary disk properties, such as the degree of... more
We investigate the dynamics of large dust grains in massive lopsided transition discs via 2D hydrodynamical simulations including both gas and dust. Our simulations adopt a ring-like gas density profile that becomes unstable against the... more
Planetary systems are born in the disks of gas, dust and rocky fragments that surround newly formed stars. Solid content assembles into ever-larger rocky fragments that eventually become planetary embryos. These then continue their growth... more
We investigate the driving of orbital eccentricity of giant protoplanets and brown dwarfs through disc– companion tidal interactions by means of two dimensional numerical simulations. We consider disc models that are thought to be typical... more
The increase of computational resources has recently allowed high-resolution, three-dimensional calculations of planets embedded in gaseous protoplanetary disks. They provide estimates of the planet migration timescale that can be... more
We evaluate the horseshoe drag exerted on a low-mass planet embedded in a gaseous disk, assuming the disk's flow in the co-orbital region to be adiabatic. We restrict this analysis to the case of a planet on a circular orbit, and we... more
Follow up unpublished
Poster presented at "Disc Dynamics and Planet Formation":
28.06.2015 - 03.07.2015, LArnaka, Cyprus