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Recent research on software revenue and pricing models has revealed important ways in which firms can benefit from software renting. However, it is still unclear how SaaS providers select a proper revenue and pricing model to make their... more
As defense acquisition costs have soared over the past decade, efforts at reforming the acquisition system have focused intensely on creating more opportunities for competition as a means to reduce costs and incentivize better contractor... more
Deregulated electricity markets are expected to provide affordable electricity for consumers through promoting competition. Yet, the results do not always fulfill the expectations. The regulator's market-clearing mechanism is a strategic... more
Pricing content defines a major challenge for tomorrow's Internet, since existing models appear to be unworkable yielding very poor results. However, the provider of content, commercial ones as well as private persons, show in a... more
Substituting the values for c, we get (a-(c f + c v)) a ………….……………………. (equation 2) We know that ARPU is the function of usage (u) and the rate* (r t), therefore; *Rate that customer achieves by using the allocated resources against a... more
Choice models are used frequently in marketing to help management make better or more informed product and pricing decisions. The most common statistical model for choice studies is the multinomial logit with heterogeneity via... more
Many businesses are managing a sharp decline in sales during the ongoing coronavirus crisis. An instinctive reaction may be to cut low-performing products from their menu of offerings — but this isn’t always the best way forward. The... more
Despite the existence of sophisticated and precise mathematical economic models, there is a persistent gap between the predictions and the economic reality. The uncertainty and complexity of the involved phenomena fails to be encapsulated... more
A study of the pricing of mobile telephony is essentially an analysis of elements driving survival of business in hyper competitive, capex intensive, technology centric businesses. Pricing is an essential ingredient of the strategy for... more
Main benefits of developing a Business plan are listed in this work, with a specific focus on agribusiness. The sections contained in a business plan would differ to a certain extent in view of the purpose of the plan, but most... more
Global, regional and local brands all play various roles in how a business chooses to market its products/services in particular markets. According to Johansson (2009); “A global brand is one that is available and recognized in most... more
This is a case study of corporate-guided market failure: Coca Cola Inc’s new branded product Coke Life, launched in 2013. ‘Brand failures’ are an accepted part of the business world and regularly feature in the business strategy... more
While the United States experienced a sharp decline in residential real estate prices in several regions over the past few years, the Middle East experienced a significant escalation in residential housing costs over the same period. This... more
This paper aims to understand how high-tech start-up firms in the sense of lean global start-ups develop their international pricing strategies, practices, and models. It aims to expand the study of international entrepreneurship by... more
Türkiye’de esnaflar, tacirler ve serbest meslek mensuplarının sunduğu mal ve hizmetler ile regüle edilmiş piyasalardaki bazı mal ve hizmetler için fiyat tarifeleri bulunmaktadır. Bu tarifeler suretiyle pek çok mal ve hizmetin fiyatları,... more
Retail managers use psychological pricing to make the prices of goods appear to be just below a round number. The euro introduction in 2002, with its various exchange rates, distorted existing nominalprice patterns while at the same time... more
Book Review: Talking Prices by Olav Velthuis TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Introduction II. Juxtaposition of art and commerce: the trichotomy of the avant-garde galleries, conservative dealers and auction houses III. Money as the building... more
Purpose: This paper seeks to identify the critical factors determining the valuation of software as a service (SaaS) companies. This newly created business model, namely software access and licenses as opposed to complete products,... more
This study aims to identify the potential inherent risks associated with the pricing of quantity surveying (QS) consultancy services; and also to establish statistical significance of the identified inherent risks to QS consultancy... more
Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the relationship between price and novice young consumers’ [18-34 years old] expected product quality perception, using wine as the focal product. Design/methodology/approach – The... more
The thesis studies multivariate approximation using radial basis functions (RBF) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and develops a framework for comparing these approaches, which is applied in the context of derivatives pricing.... more
This paper seeks to find a correlation between the valuation of software as a service (SaaS) companies and the price-setting practices and pricing strategies utilised. The focus is to assess the pricing techniques employed by the leading... more
The Toyota Prius is today's leading mid-size hybrid sedan in the world mass market. The Prius offers a stylish exterior; Hybrid Synergy Drive and an EPA label fuel economy of 52 miles per gallon (mpg) in the city and 45 mpg on the... more
The article is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of the participation of foreign companies in the Russian PPP projects. The author analyzes the attractiveness of the Russian PPP market for foreign investors and... more
The quality of service plays a major role in service industry especially when it comes to customer satisfaction level. This paper focuses on investigating the customer’s satisfaction levels towards services provided by Saudi Airlines. For... more
الملخص الأصل أن التسعير الجبري يحد من الحرية الاقتصادية التي كفلها الإسلام للأفراد في المجتمع؛ ذلك أن عقود المعاوضات مبنية على الرضا، ولا يكون التحجير على المكلف إلا استثناء حين التعارض بين مصلحتين: الفرد والمجتمع ـ فالواجب على الدولة... more
Activity-based costing provides a more accurate method of product/service costing, leading to more accurate pricing decisions. It increases understanding of overheads and cost drivers; and makes costly and non-value adding activities more... more
The effect of nine-ending prices on customers' behavior on necessity goods was tested in Tuga Company where 120 people attended in the research. This study is going to find if the nine-ending prices can affect the customers' perception of... more
Ustaahmetoğlu, E. Uluslararası Pazarlamada Fiyatlandırma Kararları, Editör Mehmet İsmail Yağcı ve Sabiha Kılıç, Uluslararası Pazarlama, Lisans yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2014. ss .237-266
Pricing method is an applied mathematical formula on company´s cost structure intended to support marketing strategies on the retail trade. The objective of the paper is to present this methodology, under Angolan legislation, not... more
Firms increasingly deploy algorithmic pricing approaches to determine what to charge for their goods and services. Algorithmic pricing can discriminate prices both dynamically over time and personally depending on individual consumer... more
As successful tourism firms invest heavily in marketing to defend or improve their competitive position, they increasingly need to measure their marketing performance. Previous studies related to tourism have largely focused on financial... more
Service sector like aviation requires high fixed investment. The Fluctuating demand characteristic of aviation requires marketers to find ways of smoothing demand levels to match available capacity using dynamic pricing strategies. One of... more
Due to its success and acceptance in the airline and hospitality industry and the growing availability of behavioral, engagement, and attitudinal consumer data, dynamic pricing strategies are gaining popularity. The purpose of this... more
Price is a component of an exchange or transaction that takes place between two parties and refers to what must be given up by buyer in order to obtain something offered by seller. Pricing is the process whereby a business sets the price... more
Lending is one of the main sources of revenue for financial firms and constitutes the main source of risk not just to profitability but to survival. Traditional approaches to credit risk assessment have shown to be flawed and impacted by... more
Analysis that aligns the "financial requirements", costs, prices and balance sheet in Brazil. Capital needs of Working Capital, contribution margin and pricing studies.
Purpose. Accommodation sharing is a major trend shaping the hospitality industry, and Airbnb is the most prominent sharing platform driving this growth. While price convenience is reported as one of the main strengths of Airbnb... more
Rooms Management Assessment 1
This essay critically discuss the relationship between hotel room pricing, occupancy and guest satisfaction.
Pricing is a major decision for international businesses since it affects a firm's positioning, profitability, and shareholder value. Irrespective of the context, companies need to set their pricing strategy to recoup capital investment,... more