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Birds featured in many aspects of medieval people's lives, not least in their poetry. But despite their familiar presence in literary culture, it is still often assumed that these representations have little to do with the real natural... more
Second informative article in the "Do you know...?" series for the journal of the South African Veterinary Association. Topic of the month: sumerian ornithology, study of some of the species mentioned in the beautiful hymn "Nanshe and the... more
El zopilote aura (Cathartes aura) es una de las aves carroñeras más abundantes del continente americano, sin embargo, algunos detalles de su biología reproductiva son totalmente desconocidos en varios países. En febrero de 2018... more
While working in the Egyptian Nile valley in March 2012, a team of Austrian and German ornithologists rediscovered Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles exustus, a species considered to be extinct in Egypt since the 1980s.
Habitat use in birds of prey is still not really understood yet. In this study, the foraging behaviour of five Lesser Spotted Eagles (Clanga pomarina) in north eastern Germany were investigated. A dataset of GPS-fixes was used to... more
The brolga Grus rubicunda breeds primarily in shallow freshwater wetlands and is classified as Vulnerable in Victoria. Specific guidelines have been developed to mitigate potential impacts of the wind industry on brolga populations.... more
We used information from eBird, the U.S. Geological Survey's Breeding Bird Survey, Christmas Bird Counts, and agency studies and records to evaluate the historical and recent breeding and wintering status of the Osprey (Pandion halieatus)... more
Доместикация и урбанизация часто отождествляются, так как равно считаются "приспособлением к человеку и созданной им искусственной среде обитания" (т.е. развитием синантропности). Проведённый анализ показывает ошибочность этого... more
Observar e desenhar uma ave a voar é um exercício que permite retratar a beleza, a fluidez do movimento e a graciosa capacidade de se sustentar no ar, pela força das suas asas. Representar uma ave de asas abertas transmite, no imediato, a... more
An integrated remote sensing/field ecology project was carried out to link the use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and other remotely sensed data to studies of landscape spatial heterogeneity and bird community ecology as a first step... more
Migrating birds that arrive at unknown stopover sites have to satisfy greater nutritive demands in restricted time and simultanously run a higher predation risk than residents which are familiar with the area. Foraging behaviour of... more
We present new records of the little- known White- chested Swift Cypseloides lemosi from northern Peru and north- west Bolivia; photographic documentation is available for one of the Peruvian records, whilst the sight- only Bolivian... more
Introduction Reliable data on population trends are essential for management of individual species, particularly those that are threatened or subject to harvesting (eg Male 1995; Caughley and Gunn 1996; Jones 2004; Runge et al. 2004). It... more
Myths about invasive species are widespread in the general community, even when contrary to scientific evidence. Public revulsion against invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) in Australia has encouraged the belief that toads pose a... more
The eighth international census of Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus wintering in Britain, Ireland and Iceland (also including the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands) took place in January 2020, to update the estimates of the size, midwinter... more
The study examined the Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) of seven different tree species growing around electricity generating houses within the Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Main campus, Samaru. Four parameters, leaf relative water... more
La diversidad alfa y beta de la avifauna diurna estudiada en la Zona de Amortiguamiento del Área Natural Protegida Colima, Cuscatlán; en donde las principales actividades que se llevan a cabo son en su mayoría agrícolas y ganaderas... more
We used archived recordings of Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Corthylio calendula) songs to examine characteristics of the song, repertoire size, and regional dialects across the species' breeding range and to assess possible cultural evolution in... more
Understanding the association between an individual’s position within a social network and its sex and age across seasons can be useful information for conservation management. For example, identifying the social position of females... more
Nest-site selection is crucial for birds' breeding success and, therefore, studies on this topic are critical in order to understand what features species need. This is particularly important in areas with conservation issues, where... more
As they are very difficult to observe in the wild, there is remarkably little documented information in the scientific literature on any of the 17 species of buttonquail. This lack of information has hampered informed conservation... more