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“The CIH Exam - Essential Practice Questions by Farcas, Hammond, and Cena is, as the name implies, an essential set of questions in Industrial Hygiene. It is well laid out in 17 sections. The questions are well introduced with a short... more
İnşaat, İnşaat Sektörü, Fiziksel Risk Etmenleri, Risk, Tehlike, İş Güvenliği, İş Kazası, Risk Analizi, Fine Kinney metodu, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Occupational Health and Safety, İş Güvenliği Uzmanlığı, İş Güvenliği Uzmanı, Mühendislik,... more
Purpose . To estimate workforce participation characteristics and employees' attitudes regarding participation in workplace wellness programs. Design . Data from a statewide stratified random sample were used to compare small (<50... more
Occupational health nursing plays a critical part in improving the safety of foreign labor workers. The development and implementation of safety training programs do not always regularly take into account language barriers, low literacy... more
Providers treating low back pain must be confident and knowledgeable in evidence-based practice (EBP) to provide the best outcomes. An online education course was created in an effort to increase knowledge and confidence in EBP and... more
The medical literature reports health hazards for law enforcement personnel from repeated exposure to methamphetamine and related chemical compounds. Most effects appear transitory, but some Utah police officers with employment-related... more
Shipping companies were surveyed to evaluate the effect of public health measures during the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic of 2009 on ship and port operations. Of 31 companies that operated 960 cruise, cargo, and other ships, 32%... more
The development and implementation of worksite health and wellness programs (WHWPs) in the United States (US) holds promise as a means to improve population health and reverse current trends in non-communicable disease incidence and... more
This minireview describes the health effects of antimony exposure in the workplace and the environment. To collate information on the consequences of occupational and environmental exposure to antimony on physiological function and... more
Estudo transversal em 1.026 trabalhadores em distrito de perfuração de petróleo do Nordeste brasileiro mostrou prevalência global de doença do disco intervertebral lombar de 5%, variando de 1,8% (atividades sem manuseio de carga), 4,5%... more
Factors associated with depression of medical students are poorly understood. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of depression in medical students, its change during the course, if depression persists for affected... more
INTRODUCTION: Instruments that measure job well-being have the aim to evaluate consequences as individual health due to job unsatisfaction but not nurse perception about organizational health. The aim of this study was to assess the... more
Obesity has been characterized as a disease. Strategies to change the incidence and prevalence of this disease include a focus on changing physical and social environments, over and above individual-level strategies, using a multilevel or... more
In a voluntary national effort, U.S. industry, education, labor, and government have initiated the development of standards for job skills and competencies in jobs in 15 economic sectors. The aim of the skill standards is to maintain a... more
An updated and expanded database for the Hanford Mortality Study has been developed by PNL`s Epidemiology and Biometry Department. The purpose of this report is to document this process. The primary sources of data were the Occupational... more
A participatory ergonomics model was designed for improving working conditions, quality, and productivity in a medium-sized manufacturing enterprise by making use of a Supportive Expert Team (SET). In order to implement the model, a... more
Evidence regarding the extent of mental health problems and the associated characteristics within an employee population is necessary to inform appropriate and tailored workplace mental health programs. Mental health within male dominated... more
SUMMARY Objective: Despite the progress in the implementation of health promotion programs in the workplace, there are no questionnaires in Brazil to assess the scope of health promotion interventions adopted and their scientific basis.... more