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OFDM has emerged as the leading modulation technique in the RF domain, and it has evolved into a fast-progressing and vibrant field. It has been triumphant in almost every major communication standard, including wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11... more
The recent advances in miniaturization and the creation of low-power circuits, combined with small-sized batteries have made the development of wireless sensor networks a working reality. Lately, the production of cheap complementary... more
Page 1. FAST ACTIVE CONSTELLATION EXTENSION FOR MIMO-OFDM PAR REDUCTION Brian S. Krongold ARC Special Research Centre for Ultra-Broadband Information Networks Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering University of Melbourne,... more
We present a theoretical model developed for estimating the power, the optical signal to noise ratio and the number of generated carriers in a comb generator, having as a reference the minimum optical signal do noise ratio at the receiver... more
The WiMAX technology, based on the IEEE 802.16-2004 Air Interface Standard is rapidly proving itself as a technology that will play a key role in fixed broadband wireless metropolitan area networks. The first certification lab,... more
The fourth generation mobile communication has used MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) technology to improve system performance .MIMO can be used to get better capacity, coverage, high data rates and throughputs. Land mobile satellite... more
Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) are commonly deployed in various environments. The WLAN data packets are not transmitted continuously but often worst-case exposure of WLAN is assessed, assuming 100% activity and leading to huge... more
Wireless Networking has become an important area of research in industry and academics in recent years. The main objectives of this paper are to gain knowledge about the WiMAX technology, its security and application. WiMAX (Worldwide... more
In wireless communication system, the multipath channels introduce frequency selectivity and time varying properties in OFDM symbols which causes Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) within symbols. For mitigation of such impairments caused... more
ABTRACT One of vital parts of the mobile wireless channel is channel estimation significantly improve the performance of the system, especially for 4G LTE and 5G systems. The main goal of this project is to test the time-variant channel... more
This paper compares MIMO vs SISO and mention difference between SISO and MIMO techniques. These are techniques based on number of antennas used at the transmitter and the receiver. SISO has been in use since the invention of wireless... more
All over the world, security has been a major concern in every home. Automated security systems are a useful addition to todays home where safety is an important issue. Vision-based security systems have... more
Wavelets have been favorably applied in almost all aspects of digital wireless communication systems including data compression, source and channel coding, signal denoising, channel modeling and design of transceivers. The main property... more
To achieve better calculative performance in optical fiber communication and for simplicity of implementation different digital modulation, detection and multiplexing techniques are used. These techniques maximize the spectral efficiency.... more
Energy consumption is one of the important challenges in WSNs deployment and applications. This is because power of WSNs is limited by battery which is difficult if not impossible to replace or recharge in some manner in the sensor nodes.... more
Abstract—The telecommunication industry has been through disruptive times, but data networking service revenue has continued to rise. The telecom industry is expected to continue to grow as demand increases for cable and high-speed... more
— Electrical machines are devices that change either mechanical or electrical energy to the other and also can alternate the voltage levels of an alternating current. The need for electrical machines cannot be overemphasized since they... more
In this paper is simulated the time- domain unit sample response of sine function and frequency- domain response of sine function. Digital filter plays an important role in today’s world of communication and computation. Without digital... more
Modern radar systems often have the conflicting requirements of a large phased array antenna for increased power-aperture product and/or angular resolution versus wide instantaneous signal bandwidth for fine range resolution.... more