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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, das Anwendungspotential der Wasserstofftechnologien auf Kläranlagen aufzuzeigen. Wie bereits in der Einleitung dieser Arbeit erwähnt, ist zum Schutze des Klimas eine massive Minderung der von uns Menschen... more
Wood-based biochars were used as microbial fuel cell electrodes to significantly reduce cost and carbon footprint. The biochar was made using forestry residue (BCc) and compressed milling residue (BCp). Sideby- side comparison show the... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are envisaged as an emerging cost effective technology for organic waste treatment and simultaneous bioelectricity generation. In this work, the potential use of lemon peel waste for bioenergy generation was... more
Sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) is a bioelectrochemical device which produces the pollution-free energy. SMFC generates low voltage with fluctuation between 0.982 V to 1.16 V of 60 days of the experiment. This voltage is not suitable... more
Thermal properties of bio-materials are properties which depict the reaction of the materials as a result of change in temperature. This study determined the effects of moisture variation on some thermal properties of Mucuna Pruriens and... more
The present study aims at designing a promising Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) to utilize wastewater in order to generate electricity. Two types of salt bridge have been used in MFC (KCl and NaCl). The maximum electricity generation with 1M... more
Bioelectricity is the electric current produced by anaerobic ingestion of organic substrate by microorganism. A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a appliance that transforms energy discharged outcome of oxidation of complicated natural carbon... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are recognized as a future technology with a unique ability to exploit metabolic activities of living microorganisms for simultaneous conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy. This technology holds... more
This study focused on the use of spinel manganese–cobalt (Mn–Co) oxide, prepared by a solid state reaction, as a cathode catalyst to replace platinum in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) applications. Spinel Mn–Co oxides, with an Mn/Co atomic... more
Oсобливості утворення біогазу із жировмісної сировини в поєднанні з курячим послідом характерно тим, що на етапі ацитогенезу в процесі утворення молекул метил-СоМ участь беруть не тільки проміжні сполуки перетворення ацетату та метанолу,... more
Anode biofilm is a crucial component in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for electrogenesis. Better knowledge about the biofilm development process on electrode surface is believed to improve MFC performance. In this study, double-chamber... more
Microbial fuel cell (MFC) merupakan salah satu teknologi sel bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat diperbarui. MFC memanfaatkan proses oksidasi senyawa kimia oleh biokatalis untuk menghasilkan energi listrik daya rendah. Tujuan dari... more
Death, decay, and transcendence are transformed if interpreted from a microbial perspective. This paper constructs a non-anthropocentric approach on a microbial scale through the concept of microbiopolitics, an expanded notion of... more
This work aimed at determining the amount of energy that can be harvested by implementing microbial fuel cells (MFC) in horizontal subsurface constructed wetlands (HSSF CWs) during the treatment of real domestic wastewater. To this aim,... more
Resumen El objetivo de la presente investigación fue generar bioelectricidad en celdas de combustible microbiana con depuración simultánea de agua residual de la industria alimenticia. Se construyeron dos tipos de celdas, de una y doble... more
E.coli yang telah diisolasi dari kotoran atau feses ayam dapat menghasilkan energi listrik. E.coli mengkonsumsi substrat seperti gula dalam kondisi anerobik untuk menghasilkan karbon dioksida (CO2), proton dan elektron. Elektron yang... more
Total 126 distinct colony has been isolated,31 colony from TS-1, 30 colony from TS-2, 25 colony from TS-3 and 40 colony from TS-4 from different location Terai Tea garden.
Addressing the contemporary waste management is seeing a shift towards energy production while managing waste sustainably. Consequently, waste treatment through gasification is slowly taking over the waste incineration with multiple... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have been demonstrated as a challenging and promising technology towards management of various environmental problems. Bioremediation has been accepted widely as viable option utilizing the naturally inhabited... more
The current fossil fuel-based generation of energy has led to large-scale industrial development. However, the reliance on fossil fuels leads to the significant depletion of natural resources of buried combustible geologic deposits and to... more
Application of the Fenton process for textile wastewater treatment is limited due to high treatment cost, substantially contributed by the un-availability of cheap hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, alternative methods for hydrogen peroxide... more
— A low cost Sediment Microbial fuel cell designed to provide an opportunity to produce renewable energy from sediment. The power produced by the MFC by microbes present in sediment. In this paper maximum energy extraction is investigated... more
Microorganisms have the potential to become a game-changer in sustainable energy production in the coming generations. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as an alternative renewable technology can capture bioenergy (electricity) from... more
Microbial fuel cells have received increased attention as a means to produce "green" electricity from natural substances such as carbohydrates, agricultural wastes or dairy waste. A microbial fuel cell is a biological system in which... more
In this study, a microbial fuel cell (MFC) was developed to treat waste, produce electricity and to grow microalgae simultaneously. Dead microalgae biomass (a potential pollution vector in streams) was used as a substrate at anode. CO2... more
Microorganisms naturally form biofilms on solid surfaces for their mutual benefits including protection from environmental stresses caused by contaminants, nutritional depletion or imbalances. The biofilms are normally dangerous to human... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) produce electricity as a result of the microbial metabolism of organic substrates, hence they represent a sustainable approach for energy production andwaste treatment. If the technology is to be implemented... more
The potential enzyme evaluation of the acidophilic, chemolitotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria specific to the mining biotope is of high interest in the solubilization, recovery and / or removal of platinum metals from industrial waste... more
Based on the catalytic properties of electrochemically active organisms, activated-sludge based-microbial fuel cell (MFC) system was designed for the electricity generation. As a microbial energy source, glucose has been exploited as... more
The process of mining to extract metals from their ores includes the step of ‘Concentration’, which employs methods like froth flotation. These metallurgical treatments involve oxidation of sulfur ores generating inorganic sulfur... more
In present study, different blend compositions of polybenzimidazole (PBI) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) have been analyzed as polymer electrolyte membrane in single chambered MFCs. Four membranes namely, pure PBI, PBI/PVP 70:30, 50:50,... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and membrane photobioreactors are two emerging technologies for simultaneous wastewater treatment and bioenergy production. In this study, those two technologies were coupled to form an integrated treatment... more
A membrane bioelectrochemical reactor (MBER) is a system integrating membrane filtration into microbial fuel cells. To control membrane fouling, fluidized granular activated carbon (GAC) was applied to the cathodic compartment of an MBER,... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are bio-electrochemical devices that couple organic carbon removal from wastewater and electricity production. Full-scale application of MFCs in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) requires high surface, low... more