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The history of return migration is an often overlooked element in migration research. This research, which constituted my degree thesis in "Anthropology and history of the contemporary age" at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,... more
The various strategies of reaching out to the diaspora throughout the 20th century and of eventually including it in the building of a nation-state was embedded in transnational relations and ties between Croatian communities and... more
The paper focuses on the (re)emergence in the late twentieth century of a specific form of cross-border labour migration--viz. guest-work or circular/managed migration--that is designed to keep migrants from settling in receiving... more
Temporary Exhibition at the castle of Ioannina (Ic Kale) entitled: "From Apeiros Chora to the Great Continent; Epirotes following the migration wave to the USA (late 19th century - WWII)". The exhibition -mainly photographic- also... more
La lettura incrociata del libro di Michele Colucci e del n. 91 di «Meridiana» a sua cura consente di tratteggiare alcuni caratteri di fondo dell'immigrazione in Italia, dal secondo dopoguerra alla recente "crisi dei rifugiati": caratteri... more
The paper proposes a critical understanding of contemporary " low-skilled, " trans-national contract work/circular migration as a guest-worker regime. Rather than approach circular migration as an instrument of development, or a human... more
This article examines the postwar trajectories of ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) from Slovenia, Romania, and Ukraine who had ended up in Germany and Austria due to Nazi resettlement. Their story is usually told within the context of... more
1. La storica paura dell’immigrazione di massa; 2. L’Alien invasion, la concorrenza salariale e il benessere a rischio; 3. Il welfare state in pericolo; 4. Suicidio della razza e criminalità degli immigrati: le costanti retoriche della... more
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Societies is a multi-disciplinary scientific journal for cultural studies. The journal presents results... more
Przekonanie, że „Solidarność” była bezprecedensowym zjawiskiem społecznym w historii Polski (i nie tylko), wydaje się dziś oczywiste. Mniej znany jest fakt, że jej narodziny, a zwłaszcza stłumienie po wprowadzeniu stanu wojennego, dały... more
Przedstawienie historii migracji od czasów najdawniejszych do końca XX w., tj. na przestrzeni ponad 100 tys. lat, wymaga oczywistych skrótów i uprosz-czeń. Uczeni z różnych dziedzin, którzy się takiego zadania podejmowali, wybierali z... more
Bloomsbury Press / Hart Law (2021) In this novel approach to law and literature, Robert Barsky delves into the canon of so-called Great Books, and discovers that many beloved characters therein encounter obstacles similar to those faced... more
In the years after the Second World War, the city of Rijeka found itself caught in the middle of various migratory trajectories. The departure of locals who self-identified as Italians and opted for Italian citizenship occurred... more
This essay outlines “migrant knowledge” as a research topic at the intersection of the history of knowledge and migration history. It opens with a discussion of the concepts bridging those subdisciplines and a survey of research that... more
Lungi dall'essere una delle mete favorite dell'emigrazione italiana, l'Africa occidentale attirò durante il Novecento solo poche migliaia di migranti, che riuscirono tuttavia a ritagliarsi uno spazio economico importante all'interno dei... more
Chapter abstracts for Immigrants in the Sexual Revolution: Perceptions and Participation in Northwest Europe (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
This volume suggests a new way of doing global history. Instead of offering a sweeping and generalizing overview of the past, we propose a ‘micro-spatial’ approach, combining micro-history with the concept of space. A focus on primary... more
Pour les intellectuels et lexicographes officiant sous l'Ancien Regime, le peuple de France n'est alors pas un mais multiple. Au cœur de l'espace urbain, exclusion faite de la population mendiante et vagabonde, la partie tout... more
"Le second peuple de Nantes au XVIIIe siècle : environnements du quotidien et interactions sociales. Pour les intellectuels et lexicographes officiant sous l’Ancien Régime, le peuple de France n’est alors pas un mais multiple. Au cœur... more
In: Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History. Ed. Trevor Burnard. New York: Oxford University Press 2020.
Essays and articles on Armenian-German relations with focus on Berlin (as a residence and refuge for Armenians, a place of study of Armenian culture, a crime scene). The full text of the pdf file can be downloaded here:... more
LACKO, Miroslav: Wolfgang Duck (†1588) z Bambergu a Levoča [Wolfgang Duck (†1588) aus Bamberg und Leutschau]. In: Z minulosti Spiša 29 (2021), pp. 7-22. ISBN 978-80-971553-8-4.
Indumenti e accessori si sono rilevati elementi di grande interesse per comprendere come e perché, anche in antico, le Persone scegliessero i loro ornamenti e fossero pronte a grandi investimenti di denaro, pur di mostrarsi con oggetti... more
Il Civico Museo Archeologico di Angera (Va), in stretta collaborazione con la Soprintendenza Archeologia della Lombardia, grazie al co-finanziamento di Regione Lombardia e con il patrocinio del Polo Museale della Lombardia, ha avviato per... more
This book is a historical research about the Portuguese immigration in Venezuela, especially in city of Barquisimeto, during the 20th Century.
In the 1940s the Egyptian Armenian community was one of the most active centers of the Diaspora. However, a number of developments changed the status of the community. The repatriation of 3692 Armenians in 1947-48 to Soviet Armenia was... more
Maurizio Gusso, "‘Canzoni d’autore’ sulle migrazioni dall’Italia e in Italia": traccia della relazione nel terzo incontro – "Emigranti e immigrati nella letteratura, nelle canzoni e nella storiografia dell’Italia repubblicana" - (Sala... more
Construcción cultural de los canarios en Cuba. Identidades. En: Stud. hist., Hª. cont., 15, Universidad de Salamanca, 1997, pp. 85-92.
„Un estudio sobresaliente de un proyecto fracasado de colonización, el que conjuntamente con otros factores, construyó la “leyenda negra” en los mercados financieros europeos sobre las posibilidades de desarrollo del Paraguay. Incluye... more