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Decarbonizing the transportation sector is critical to achieving global climate change mitigation. Although biofuels will play an important role in conventional gasoline and diesel applications, bioderived solutions are particularly... more
The Kyoto protocol establishes a gradual reduction of gas emissions to control the greenhouse effect and the destruction of the ozone layer. The conventional refrigeration systems are based on the cyclic compression and expansion of some... more
The likely health effects of climate change make it one of the most pressing global public health issues of our time. Effects range from more intense and frequent cyclones, flooding, and heat waves through to changing infectious disease... more
Levels of parasitism and the dynamics of helminth systems is subject to the impact of environmental conditions such that we may expect long term increases in temperature will increase the force of infection and the parasite's basic... more
The Chicxulub impact crater in Mexico is the site of the impact purported to have caused mass extinctions at the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary. 2-D hydrocode modeling of the impact, coupled with studies of the impact site geology,... more
The evolution of industrial-era warming across the continents and oceans provides a context for future climate change and is important for determining climate sensitivity and the processes that control regional warming. Here we use... more
Current difficulties surrounding air conditioning systems involve an increase in input air aimed at improving indoor air quality (IAQ), the financial costs arising from energy consumption and external environmental impact, linked to the... more
"Volatile fatty acids (VFA) including acetic, butyric, formic and propionic are extensively utilized in contemporary industry. Their commercial value is of high significance while their often derive from petroleum which is non-abundance... more
: This report summarizes the results of a two year project led by the Naval Facilities Engineering and ExpeditionaryWarfare Center to demonstrate the potential for the patented I2 infusion system to reduce the rate of foul within... more
This is an evaluation of one study found in Cui, R.Y., Hultman, N., Cui, D. et al. A plant-by-plant strategy for high-ambition coal power phaseout in China. Nat Commun 12, 1468 (2021).... more