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A 16-year ethnographic exploration of English Football Fan behaviour.

Contents and Conclusion only uploaded.
This article analyses 2500 responses from association football (soccer) fans to an anonymous online survey conducted from November 2011 to February 2012 that examined the extent of racism in British football. Eighty-three per cent of the... more
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has attracted considerable interest in the management discipline, but has rarely been evaluated and explored in the sports management research arena. In evaluating the sports, management and marketing... more
It has been suggested that when footballers take penalty kicks they generally focus on the goalkeeper, ignoring the target area. In experiment 1, we tested the implications of this strategy by constraining gaze centrally while asking... more
Football clubs are businesses that operate in a complex landscape of non-market, market and sport domains. Each with many actors, agendas not necessarily aligned with the best interests of all clubs, and forces that tend to promote... more
Attending live sporting events is a popular leisure and entertainment activity in contemporary European societies, none more important than football (the sport Americans refer to as soccer). For example, according to Deloitte’s (2014)... more
This paper (written in 2003) was one of the first studies to critically look at the governance relationships in European football. We analysed the way a sport governing body responds to the pressures of a lobby group through the example... more
Cómo el deporte ciencia ha aportado (y puede aportar aún más) ideas al deporte rey
El evento del fútbol ha sido empleado en la historia por los gobernantes a fin de mantener el orden establecido escenificando una unión y paz social a través de los éxitos de los clubes de fútbol y sobre todo de los equipos nacionales. En... more
In this article a sociological diagnosis of football hooliganism as a world phenomenon is given. The author uses mainly English (newspaper) data about football violence (in and outside Britain) as an empirical base to explore how... more
El presente artículo trata sobre la planificación general de una pretemporada para porteros de fútbol profesional de la liga adelante en 2ª división. Se exponen en primer lugar lo que entendemos por planificación y de su necesidad para... more
This article draws on the responses of 1,500 fans from across the United Kingdom to an online survey posted from August 2013 to November 2013 regarding their experience of football violence. Reflecting the 2013 Home Office report that... more
This book is a collection of texts that symbolizes a channel between academia and / or industry experts to public or private sector managers. Diverse themes make up the work such as urban regeneration, sustainability articulations,... more
El fútbol más allá de un simple deporte o entretenimiento, representa un espacio organizado desde el género: un espacio que da raíz y ayuda a mantener la masculini- dad. Esto desde una idea generalizada de este deporte. Pero en espacios... more
Permasalahan kompetensi absolut penyelesaian sengketa kontrak kerja pemain sepakbola proessional dan klub sepakbola di Indonesia dan solusinya.
Does soccer explain the world? Or does the world explain soccer? Is soccer a cause of global integration? Or does it result from global integration? These questions animate a number of recent popular books on soccer. In order to answer, I... more
Salary caps have been part of U.S. professional sports for a long time. Salary caps can be designed in different ways and the term is used here broadly to include all measures that limit how much money a team can spend on player salaries.... more
El uso de la tecnología para apoyar el arbitraje no es algo nuevo. Ya ha sido inventada. Otros deportes, tanto individuales como el tenis, o colectivos como el Football americano, Baloncesto, Rugby o Balonmano, Béisbol, Hockey sobre hielo... more
O presente relatório foi efectuado na equipa do Clube Atlético Riachense (seguidamente descrita pela sigla CAR), ao longo da época desportiva 2014/2015, dentro de um contexto de futebol amador que tinha por competições o Campeonato... more
Sport specificity has become a term where the word specificity is often misunderstood by professionals in athletics. Training methods that are based on simulation can deviate from sound training principles and distort the true nature of... more
We identified the perceptual–cognitive skills and player history variables that differentiate players selected or not selected into an elite youth football (i.e. soccer) programme in Australia. A sample of elite youth male football... more
The objective of the Club Management Guide is to provide an in-depth study of the daily business activities of a football club; by way of sharing various club methods to current and future club officials of real-life examples from... more
This research aims to examine football fans’ awareness of their team sponsors and to compare sponsorship awareness between season ticket holders and casual spectators. Data was collected from among fans of a professional football team... more
The purpose of this study was to assess brand equity in professional soccer teams. Through a preliminary analysis and further adaptation of the Spectator-Based Brand Equity (SBBE) scale, a refined model was tested among soccer fans.... more
Resumen En el siguiente artículo se exponen una planificación general llevada a cabo en un equipo juvenil de fútbol con una alto nivel de pericia. Se explica lo que se entiende por planificación y se exponen las fases desarrolladas, desde... more
The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia was another demonstration in how sports and politics mix. In protest of Russian politics, few leaders from Western countries attended. For this World Cup, public resources were misused in that half of the... more
This article focuses on the role of the media in the processes of diffusion, maintenance, and undermining of corruption in sports, particularly soccer. Drawing chiefly on various illustrative examples of several recent cases of corruption... more
Discussions about ‘athlete-centered’ coaching and ‘coach-centered’ coach education have started to gain increasing popularity in the field of coaching science. While it has been suggested that these ‘learner-centered’ approaches arguably... more
The paper focuses on the football Ultras and their involvement in the stadium as a social situation and contextual environment from a sociolinguistical point of view. The tribes of the Ultras differ one from the other and the study... more
This paper discusses the role of football stadia in the built environment in Britain, focusing on how stadia have been used as an architectural device to facilitate certain emotional, social, economic and cultural needs. Four themes of:... more
We used systematic observation tools to explore the structure (i.e., activity and inactivity) and sequencing (i.e., the types of activities used) of football coaching sessions in Australia following the implementation of a new National... more
In the recent years, the football industry has highly been globalized and football clubs have begun to be transformed into global corporate companies as creating and implementing international strategies in overseas territories... more
Purpose - This research contributes to knowledge on the issues and benefits associated with managing brand presence and relationships through social media. UK football clubs are big businesses, with committed communities of fans, so are... more
"There has been little research into the psychological factors affecting footballers at different levels (Hanin et al, 2000), in particular, the mental toughness and hardiness of footballers. The aim of the present study was to... more
Ketika bicara tentang hooliganisme, maka selalu diidentikkan dengan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh suporter sepakbola. Apakah semua suporter sepakbola itu hooligan? Mengapa bisa muncul kekerasan? Bagaimana proses kekerasan itu muncul?... more
Los campeonatos nacionales de fútbol profesional suponen una actividad económica de gran impacto que mueve miles de millones de euros anualmente, y por tanto, contribuyen de forma significativa al producto interior bruto del país. Además,... more