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MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019

A great deal is known about Egyptian pyramid quarry sites, tools used in their construction, transportation of stones from the quarries to the pyramids, and the leveling of stones. However, there is a dearth of information concerning the... more
The 18th century water-powered ironworks at Agoreggi, in the Basque country, was reconstructed based on contemporary historical records and archaeological investigations. In 1994-1999 three campaigns of experiments were carried out with... more
Clothes are not only made to protect against the cold, sun, or rain, but also to have an impact on the wearer, provide information and create moods. They are experienced both sensually by the person wearing them and visually by the... more
Kniha vyšla v roce 2008 v Praze / The book was published in 2008 in Prague Poznámka: Knihu paní Dr. Beranové uveřejněme na našem profilu s důvodu její důležitosti k výuce archeologie a prosíme Vás vážení kolegové o respektování... more
Although it is now commonplace for archaeologists to study use-alteration patterns on ceramics, the same cannot be said of one of the most ubiquitous classes of hunter-gatherer artifacts, fire-cracked rocks (FCR). It can be shown,... more
A collection of essays by over 20 contributors exploring various aspects of life and the research into daily life in medieval rural Europe.
This paper describes our 17th experiment (XP17), which was the first occasion on which a reasonable bloom was made. The smelt was of 7.5kg of moderately rich bog iron ore, in a low shaft furnace, resulting in a low carbon bloom of 1600g.... more
In molti contesti preistorici e protostorici italiani sono largamente rinvenuti resti strutturali in terra e conglomerati architettonici combusti o parzialmente cementati. La loro caratterizzazione tecnologica è un passo importante per... more
This manual happened by request, and is meant to help assist medieval enthusiasts, experimental archaeologists, re-enactors and anyone else interested in recreating historic ales and beers. It is a collection of bits and pieces published... more
In 1987 to 1989 15 experiments were carried out, smelting bog-iron ores in a low shaft furnace. The data from XP13 to XP28 are presented, with quantifications of the smelting and of the refining to billets and bars. Analyses of the bog... more
This PPT was presented at the 2009 'World of Iron' conference. It is a comparative study of bloomery iron made from different ores, refined to bars and forged to knives, looking at the metallography and the slag inclusions. This... more
Ancient Roman female hairstyles were not created by wigs exclusively, as is often asserted. Elaborate Roman hairstyles could be created by sewing with needle and thread as fastener. Article examines the nomenclature, literature,... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 8, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers what typically survives, what constitutes an "artifact", interpreting usage, obtaining materials (e.g., quarrying; mining),... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 5, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers past social organizations, including hunter-gatherer groups (bands), segmentary societies (tribal societies), chiefdoms, and early... more
A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of activation temperature on pore development of activated carbon produced from palm shell. Activation of the samples was carried out at 800, 850 and 900°C for different... more
Cutmark frequencies are often cited in discussions of Oldowan hominid behavior, yet their interpretation remains enigmatic. To strengthen inferences derived from cutmark data, we conducted experiments with Turkana butchers. We test two... more
Insights into the architecture and construction techniques of Irish early neolithic houses in the light of experimental rebuilds in the Irish National Heritage Park, Co. Wexford, Ireland.
Abstract Although there are many archaeological and ethnographic evidences for the use of slate and similar rocks for flaking purpose, they raised little interest among specialists, leading to a general ignorance of specific problems... more
In der rekonstruierten Küche der Villa Borg wurden Experimente unter Feldbedingungen zur (Re-)Produktion römischen Getreidebreis durchgeführt. Dies diente zur Erlangung reproduzierbarer Daten, um mittelfristig Fragen zu Herstellung,... more
Documental sobre la evolución de las técnicas de fabricación de los útiles más representativos del Paleolítico y para qué se empleaban.
Im Römischen Reich gab es große Unterschiede im Ernährungsverhalten der verschiedenen sozialen Schichten. Angehörige der Oberschicht legten Wert auf teure Weine und aufwändig zubereitete Gerichte, die unteren Bevölkerungsschichten waren... more
Experimental archaeology and the investigation of the methods, materials and techniques of fresco wall-paintings, In Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, Christina, O'Sullivan, Aidan, (Eds.), Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding,... more
Field experiments in copper smelting were carried out in order to test assumptions about the copper production processes employed at the Vilabouly Complex (VC), an Iron Age extraction and production site in central Laos. VC is one of only... more
This thesis investigates the interrelationships between settlement distributions, maize agricultural subsistence, and fluctuations in prehistoric climate in the Durango District of southwestern Colorado between A.D. 650-840, also known as... more
Several types of smoking pipes have been manufactured and used by native North American peoples throughout later prehistoric and historic times. Although substantial information exists on the styles of these pipes, very little is known... more
This paper summarizes our current knowledge of acorns as a food resource in prehistoric Europe. It sheds light on the question of the taste of acorn products, which is closely linked to preparation methods. An experiment was conducted... more
ABSTRACT: This documentary response sheet contains a series of 112 sequential questions drawn from the video, PBS: Helen of Troy (115 minutes; presented by Bettany Hughes). The documentary examines what we know about Helen of Troy from... more
Article about the Dutch Youth Association for History (NJBG). The NJBG organizes summer-camps and other activities throughout the year concerning archaeology, history and experimental archaeology. The article introduces the NJBG and it... more
A Documentation paper for my entry in the Kingdom of Ealdormere Pentathlon competition in 2017. This paper is about the creation and hand sewing of a girls’ clothing – Flemish 1560 - Girl’s Smock, Kirtle, Gown/coat, Hat and Apron based on... more