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Public action increasingly takes place in self-organizing networks that are remote from direct governmental control. While these transformations have been subject to scrutiny in regard to their efficiency, less attention has been paid to... more
'Go nuclear' or 'go zero'-as the international community stands at a nuclear crossroads, a number of questions demand urgent attention: How do established and emerging nuclear-armed states manage their nuclear affairs? Who commands and... more
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w połowie 2014 r., mających na celu identyfikację oczekiwań władz małych miast wobec polskiej państwowej polityki rozwoju lokalnego. Jako źródło informacji o tych oczekiwaniach wybrano... more
Problematyka rozwoju lokalnego była wielokrotnie podejmowana w literaturze przedmiotu. Liczne prace poświęcone mu koncentrują się na jego celach, czynnikach, stymulowaniu go i na jego pomiarze. Mimo to, jak dotąd niewiele uwagi poświęcono... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
Desde la mirada de la Filosofía y la Ética, este artículo hace un análisis de la construcción del concepto de “policía”. Se examina a partir de la herencia del pensamiento moderno, y a través de los procesos que conllevaron a la idea de... more
The task to reshape governments in the countries confronted with the Arab Spring prompts the question whether there are necessary conditions to realize a stable society that simultaneously seeks to eliminate the elements that have led to... more
ABSTRACT The Ethiopian People’s Democratic Revolutionary Front (EPRDF), currently ruling party, comes to power after 17 years struggle for liberty and egalitarianism against the Military government. The May 1991 change of government... more
This paper offers a new perception for democratic governance social policy making. Democratic governance theory can put into practice effective public policy solutions for educational development. A synthesis of the theories of Madison... more
ABSTRACT_62_RECOVERY Democracy – Planning for Recovery BEFORE the Coming Collapse — A Book of Hope provides the recovery design plans for democratic nations where other books provide only predictions of the collapse with no remedial or... more
The article argues for citizens’ participation in public policy making ‘in the widest sense possible’. This, the article sees as a panacea for addressing ‘some of the deficits of political representation in contemporary (representative)... more
Howz Biradari/clan plays vital role in the Punjab for casting vote in rural Punjab.
The article presents how local authorities of Polish small towns perceive and form at the strategic level, these supra-local relations of their towns, which are connected with local culture. The article begins with key categories... more
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań, które miały na celu zidentyfikowanie, jak władze polskich małych miast postrzegają i kształtują na poziomie strategicznym te ponadlokalne relacje ich miast, które związane są z innowacjami i lokalną... more
Jill Schostak and I wrote this book as part of our evolving interest in doing research radically. By radically we mean engaging with people's voices to learn how to create the conditions for social justice and for democratising all the... more
Abstract South Sudan Security over the years has been a major concern for international community, regional and scholars of security and nation formation. South Sudan Security since the inception of the nation has being characters by... more
Nothing reveals the dire state of education in Nigeria than the recently released cut off marks for admission into Federal Government Colleges otherwise called Unity schools. In the cut off scores released by the Federal Ministry of... more
La contribution de l’Université à la société fait aujourd’hui débat. Face au taux de chômage élevé des diplômés et dans le cadre du projet politique d’une « économie de la connaissance », il lui est demandé de rendre des comptes sur la... more
This chapter explains the challenges and possibilities in Somalia’s attempts to redesign its “ungovernable” spaces. It is therefore a story about the journey of Somalia that explores its ethno-political and religious spaces, as well as a... more
Cet article traite des problèmes liés à la coordination de l’action publique dans des environnements complexes et fragmentés, à l’exemple de la politique de la drogue dans les principales agglomérations suisses. Deux lignes de conflit... more
To get of state civil apparatus who performing good, so management human resources the government into important consideration. Governance of state civil apparatus good it is can be implemented by through a process position promotion... more
The article discusses barriers in strategic governance of local development characteristic for Polish local governments, i.e. municipalities, which occurred within the first 15 years of the XXI century. These barriers were identified in... more
Resumo: A Constituição Federal de 1988 sugeriu que as políticas públicas por ela emanadas deveriam ser realizadas em regime de gestão compartilhada, isto é, com a participação da sociedade. A partir daí, conselhos, conferências,... more
This paper is written in the context of discussions within UNDP and the wider development community in Asia-Pacific on how to structure programmes aimed at meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. As per UNDP’s 2010 MDG... more
Tariffs or price control has been a controversial subject in recent years. The debate between legal experts and economists is still a hot topic in any discussion. Tariff control regulated in the work creation omnibus law seems to be a... more
In 2020, in the new EU strategic horizon1 that is opening at present, the place should matter more than ever when it refers to territories that are envisaged from the Social Innovation paradigm (Moulaert2, Mulgan3 and Morgan4).... more
Citizens' participation in governance in Nigeria has been greatly affected by the system of autocratic, undemocratic, and even democratic regimes. These regimes have inculcated fear into the youth and have not provided a free flow... more
The international literature offers a number of motives which should incline local authorities toward strategic planning of local development; it also emphasizes that they should be strongly motivated to do that. Meanwhile, their actual... more