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The Chapter presents the de fi nition of Network Science, and its fundamentals and attributes, the main mathematical aspects of the study of networks and the parameters, or quantitative indicators, used to study and analyze a network from... more
The challenges of designing the needed Ultra Large Scale (ULS) systems are beyond the methods and techniques that humanity currently knows of. These systems are characterized by extraordinary decentralization, inherently conflicting,... more
The number of people backcountry skiing has increased significantly over the past ten years. Current sales of backcountry ski and rescue gear greatly outpace more traditional alpine, telemark, and snowboarding equipment. However, as... more
This paper shows that the Dutch disease can be more formally characterised as low economic complexity using ECI-type indicators; there is a solid and robust inverse relationship between exports concentrating on natural resources and... more
Heuristics is the schience of finding solutions whenever there are no algorithms. ....
Heurisms only increase the probability of a solution being discovered. ...
The main argument in the chapter is that the creative process has its very root in the natural laws, especially under conditions of limited resources, which impose a conflict between alternative organization patterns in systems. After a... more
Financial markets are a classical example of complex systems as they are compound by many interacting stocks. As such, we can obtain a surprisingly good description of their structure by making the rough simplification of binary daily... more
The Land System, as a terrestrial component of the Earth System, constitutes an eminently coupled environment-societies system. For operating in complex interface between social and natural fields, the land system science emerges as a... more
Adaptive control in the face of uncertainty involves making online predictions about events in order to plan actions to reliably achieve desirable outcomes. However, we often face situations in which the effects of our actions are... more
In this paper, the effectiveness of the NetLogo programming environment is investigated, as regards assisting students (of various levels of achievement) of the Greek Higher Secondary Education, to understand how some simple ecosystems... more
Este artículo presenta dos vertientes paralelas y entrelazadas: la obra de Robert Smithson, relacionada con la geofísica y la industria de la minería, y el desarrollo a partir de los años sesenta de la investigación científica de los... more
Scholars have focused on two primary characteristics that reflect the complexity of a system: the structure of the system and in the variability in the relationships between the elements. This paper discusses both aspects of the system... more
Some thought spent on the sad disintegration of Europe and the termination of democracy. After Brexit and several battles of regions striving for more autonomy in Europe, we now face a horrendously violent crisis in Catalonia, of which... more
As organisations operate in turbulent and complex environments, it has become a necessity to assess the systems thinking (ST) skills, personality types (PTs), and demographics of practitioners. In this study, we investigated the... more
The future of human computation (HC) benefits from examining tasks that agents already perform and designing environments to give those tasks computational significance. We call this natural human computation (NHC). We consider the... more
Social Legal Theory (SLT) has been heralded as the “third pillar” of jurisprudence, offering a social scientific alternative to the rational relativity of legal positivism and the moral determinism of natural law. Yet recently SLT’s most... more
Severe space storms pose significant risk to critical infrastructures. They are typically classified as high consequence, low probability events, yet the record over the last several hundred years indicates we may be overdue for a... more
The properties of the firm are crucial starting points for developing theories on economy and management. The aim of this study is to propose a general theory of the social organization of production, mapping the essential conditions for... more
"Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy is partially informed by evidence-based measures. Many traditional measures are derived from population averages whose validity assumes adherence to the Central Limit Theorem. When a... more
Le recours contemporain à la notion de "complexité" renvoie fréquemment à des démarches ayant tendance à unifier sa définition. En langue anglaise, sa réduction à une forme singulière (complexity theory ou complexity science) s'avère... more
A central characteristic of the modern world consists of the growing dominance of artificial over natural problems. Human accumulation of power means that we are now capable of creating and destroying many things, including ourselves.... more
Eucaridan evolution involved a process starting from a body organization characterized by an elongate and cylindrical cephalothorax, a well-developed abdomen composed of swimming appendages, ending in a tail fan formed by flattened... more
I uploaded this because it is the most revolutionary piece of work that helped spark a financial shift and the 4th industrial revolution including artificial intelligence and virtual reality. As a well respected iot specialist I have... more
The purpose here is to see if the paper, Universal Resilience Patterns in Complex Networks (Gao, Barzel, and Barabási 2016), can allow " one to think about complexity differently along a path to perhaps suggest modeling applications for... more
The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem that can be solved by finding optimal solutions. In this work we present an adaptation of the metaheuristic " Penguins Search Optimization Algorithm "... more
Literature on the modeling and simulation of complex adaptive systems (cas) has primarily advanced vertically in different scientific domains with scientists developing a variety of domain-specific approaches and applications. However,... more
-- Abstract: The basis of Schemas Theory in the structure of the Western Worldview, Kinds of Being, the Divided Line, Semiotics and the Circulation of Projection. Companion for a complementary paper published by Springer Systems Science... more
The aim of this article is to open a conversation between the complexity & education community and the field of interdisciplinarity (as well as its close relative, interprofessionalism). It starts by describing two very different streams... more
We raise the new possibility that people diagnosed with developmental dyslexia (DD) are specialized in explorative cognitive search, and rather than having a neurocognitive disorder, play an essential role in human adaptation. Most DD... more
Developing complex problem-solving is crucial to deal with the uncertainty, unpredictability and continuous changes that permeate and dynamise our complex world. Accordingly, complex problem-solving skills should be a central focus in... more
The article reviews the origins, precursors, and main proponents of climate change tipping points, and the debates that the tipping point concept has occasioned. The importance of dynamical systems theory, GAIA theory, and abrupt climate... more
The study of complex systems in a unified framework has become recognized in recent years as a new scientific discipline, the ultimate of interdisciplinary fields. Breaking down the barriers between physics, chemistry and biology and the... more
It is not possible to speak of a single systems approach. There are rather of a number of systems approaches, each loosely drawing on different aspects of a family composed mainly of, general system theory, cybernetics, information... more