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1Departamento de Arquitetura, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Fone: (043) 371-4535, Fax: (043) 371-4082, CP 6001, Londrina-Paraná, Brazil. 2Departamento de Construção Civil, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Fone: (043) 371-4455,... more
2003 yılından bu yana faaliyetlerini başarıyla sürdüren İnorma, günümüzde sektörün öncü firmaları arasında yer almaktadır. Birinci sınıf kalitede ürünleri, avantajlı fiyatları ve yüksek müşteri memnuniyeti oranı, İnorma'nın başlıca... more
The rural landscape is characterized by constructions, that have one or two floors. They are made using the “fratticcio” and/or “graticcio” technique. The constructions were used as houses or stables, haylofts or shelters and they... more
We used Building Performance Simulation (BPS) with EnergyPlus / DesignBuilder to do a systematic parametric analysis of two relevant cases and study the effect of different climatic contributors to the indoor microclimate. The case... more
5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HERITAGE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Throughout the development of the museums architecture, despite many advances and achievements of this architectural typology, there has been a gap between architecture... more
A partir de 1998 los coordinadores del presente libro iniciaron recorridos por todo el estado para identificar la arquitectura tradicional de origen popular, en donde según la perspectiva del momento, su reconocimiento ayudaría a entender... more
Access to site-based energy resources is a pre-requisite for natural lighting, solar heating, and natural ventilation in buildings. This paper describes design methods and proposals developed for the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA,... more
Different climates of different regions do not provide the required appropriate climatic conditions to ensure thermal comfort all year long. The goal to be pursued is to achieve the best interaction between climate, building and user... more
Progettare edifici e impianti sostenibili ed efficienti significa, non solo calcolare e dimensionare in modo corretto, ma anche e soprattutto saper fare le scelte giuste e seguire un processo progettuale coordinato ed efficace. La scelta... more
The environment we live in for decades shape up our tradition and culture, these are reflected in our songs and dances, decisions and actions, and even in our arts and architecture. However strong foreign influences are the imprint of... more
Our team was asked by the Chattanooga Downtown Planning and Design Studio to study how the downtown plan could be environmentally sound. We were charged with articulating the issues, framing the problems, looking for larger integrative... more
Extreme cold conditions in the Peruvian highland region generate recurring problems that affect the health and economy of the local population. The limited thermal performance of the dwellings above 4200 meters above sea level,... more
Este documento está conformado por el "capítulo 1: Planteamiento de la investigación" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo (Caso de estudio:... more
Despite its accession to the OECD, Chile still faces the task of rehabilitating existing housing. There is a huge housing stock that was built before the new thermal regulation took effect in 2000 and that accordingly no longer meets the... more
La propuesta nace sobre la base de constituirse en una “primera aproximación al tema” y, tiene como propósitos, en relación con el tema planteado expresar algunas consideraciones e ilustrar sobre proyectos y obras internacionales y... more
El presente estudio analiza el comportamiento de tres campamentos mineros peruanos en respuesta a variables climáticas y geográficas específicas con el objetivo de determinar pautas y criterios de diseño arquitectónico bioclimático, que... more
Los contenidos de este libro aportan conocimientos teóricos y enfoques prácticos y ejemplos de proyectos realizados, o en vías de realización, que inciden en un cambio del paradigma energético en dos campos: el edificio y la estructura... more
Designing Residential Tower through A Bioclimatic Approach (Case study of :Rasht city) SARVNAZ RAHIMI DANESH1, Farzaneh Asadi malek Jahan2, Mehdi Alirezaei3 1- MA Student 2- Supervisor 3- Advisor Abstract Nowdays, the development of... more
Este documento está conformado por el "capítulo 4: Análisis climático-bioclimático de Pachuca, Hidalgo" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo... more
Según el Balance Nacional de Energía (México, 2008), el consumo de electrici-dad en el sector residencial y comercial representa 33% del total consumido en el país. La mayor parte de la energía se consume durante el verano, cuando es... more
De antiguo, el arquitecto ha tratado de resolver adecuadamente el espacio de relación entre el profesor y el alumno, de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, de la docencia y de la discencia. Desde la época de la infancia, Richard Neutra decía:... more
Doğal kaynakların sürdürülebilir yöntemlerle değerlendirilmesini amaçlayan ve günümüzün sağladığı olanaklarla desteklenip geliştirilen toprağa dayalı yapım sistemleri, önemli ekolojik ve ekonomik avantajlar sağlamaktadır. Yaşadığımız... more
Concept of the dymicity and the meaning , The Nature has Dynamic Identity, The building with the dynamic shape , Dynamic inside the building , Dynamic of light, Dynamic of Form Dynamic in the planning Dynamic with sustainable... more
The climate in Greece, described as Mediterranean climate, is characterized by hot-dry summers and cool-wet winters, which requires the development of adaptability tactics concerning the architectural design. Meanwhile, school buildings... more
Pamphlet outlining the speculative building codes applying to Panarchistic Architecture's 'Pyro-resistor' architectural and urban design genus pyroarchetype variant for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience... more
The aim of this work is to establish a useful methodology to generate bioclimatic architectural designs based on the information contained in natural organisms, in this case the architecture generated by some animals and their passive... more
La rehabilitación de vivienda social desde una perspectiva ambiental, es una necesidad urgente. Un gran porcentaje del parque de viviendas sociales existentes, no responde a sus condiciones ambientales locales específicas. Sin embargo,... more
This book was born, primarily, from the need to introduce the students of the Environmental Design course to the Barra-Costantini system, with a text that is both compact but sufficiently detailed in the technical aspects, to allow them... more
In this research a porous envelope, based on a gabion wall filled with basalt rocks, is studied experimentally to determine its capacities in fulfilling bioclimatic strategies of thermal mass and ventilation useful for hot-dry climates.... more
Este documento está conformado por las "conclusiones" de la tesis titulada Confort Térmico en Bioclima Semi-Frío: Estimación a partir de los Enfoques de Estudio Adaptativo y Predictivo (Caso de estudio: Centro de Estudios de Eduación... more
El proyecto “Energías Renovables en Argentina: Visiones y perspectivas de los actores sociales. Hacia un análisis integral de los Sistemas Tecnológicos Sociales, desarrollo productivo y sustentabilidad socio-ambiental” surgió como una... more
Aproximación a la 'High Tech Architecture' tomando como punto de inflexión el Centro Beaubourg (Pompidou) de 1971-77, donde cristalizan muchas facetas tecnológicas tanto pragmáticas como utópicas tras la WWII, abriendo nuevas... more
En una primera fase este trabajo analiza algunas representaciones de la arquitectura popular en el mundo según clasificación de climas específicos. A través de este análisis inicial, se sacan conclusiones con respecto a las estrategias... more
La présente proposition s’intéresse à l’aspect bioclimatique dans l’habitat à travers une étude de l’architecture traditionnelle Mozabite. La question posée est comment l’architecture mozabite peut-elle être utile dans le domaine des... more
""also see How to design buildings that heat with the sun, cool with the wind, light with the sky, and move into the future using on-site renewable resources Developed for rapid use during schematic design, this... more
Entre los años 1991 y 2012 existe un incremento del consumo energético en un 95%. donde el área residencial es parte del 27% del total. Si a esto le incluimos la existencia de incoherencias entre la zonificación térmica y climática, y... more
This fully updated Third Edition covers principles of designing buildings that use the sun for heating, wind for cooling, and daylight for natural lighting. Using hundreds of illustrations this book offers practical strategies that give... more