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Czech and Slovak educational systems stand at the doorstep of the fundamental reforms, accentuating the development of psychosocial qualities of all stakeholders engaged in education as determinants of a successful educational process.... more
The study explores the individual differences in the experience of faith formation using the framework of attachment theory, as it looks at what inspires attachment behaviours toward God. The experience of faith formation is herewith... more
Disorganized/Disoriented (D) attachment has seen widespread interest from policy makers, practitioners, and clinicians in recent years. However, some of this interest seems to have been based on some false assumptions that (1) attachment... more
Cornerstones of Attachment Research [ free to download ] re-examines the work of key laboratories that have contributed to the study of attachment. In doing so, the book traces the development in a single scientific paradigm through... more
This short essay on the psychical operations of the Life and Death Instincts, as seen in the Object Relations theories of Melanie Klein, was my first glance at Psychoanalytic Instinct Theory, studied and written in the Spring of 2008.... more
The archetypal Death Mother symbolizes women whose behaviour or feelings threaten the lives of their children. Western culture, however, believes that women evolved to love their children instinctively and selflessly, and that women who... more
Attachment is the inborn bias of human children to seek the availability of familiar care givers in times of stress. It has been observed from ancient times and in many cultures, and scaffolds further physical, cognitive, and... more
Version of Author's proofs from: Haker, Hille & Greening, Molly (eds.) (2019) Unaccompanied Migrant Children. Social, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives, Lanham/Boulder/New York/London: Lexington Books. 245 pp.
An increasing number of parents engage in extended daily chest-to-chest contact with their full-term healthy infants for several months after birth as an extension of skin-to-skin contact in the early postpartum period. This practice is... more
The affective bond between an infant and its caregiver, the so-called mother-infant tie, was analyzed by various reputable psychologists (e.g., Ainsworth, Clark, Erikson, Anna Freud, Harlow, Klein, Spitz, and Winnicott) but both the basic... more
Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento do questionário “Experiências em Relações Próximas”, versão Portuguesa do “Experiences in Close Relationships” (Brennan, Clark, & Shaver, 1998), bem como dados relativos à sua precisão e validade.... more
This chapter looks at how attachment procedures can illuminate the hidden experience of children in high risk families, as well as the interpersonal processes of the agencies working with them.
Objective  This study examined the attachment patterns of late-adopted children (aged 4–7) and their adoptive mothers during the first 7- to 8-month period after adoption and aimed to evaluate the effect of adoptive mothers' attachment... more
This article examines seventeen children poems by Sylvia Plath written in the years 1960-63, in relation to the poetics of romantic love. Drawing on motherhood studies (Klein, 1975; O’Reilly, 2010; Rich, 1976; Winnicott, 1956, 1965,... more
This qualitative study focuses on the exploration and description of the training needs of caregivers who work in Child and Youth Care Centres (CYCCs) with children with attachment disorders. Information was gathered through focus groups... more
Le Congrès international des Jeunes, organisé pendant cet été (2012) par les Filles de Marie-Auxiliatrice de la province AEC, a rassemblé plus d'une soixantaine d'animateurs des différents pays de la province (sous-région CEMAC). Puisque... more
Social media have become significant contexts for dating relationships among high school students. These media, which allow for increased visibility of dating partners' information and constant connectivity, may put teens at risk for... more
Besvarelsen vil svare på oppgaven: "Utvikling: På hvilke måter kan tilknytning påvirke utvikling av emosjonsregulering? Drøft hvordan kunnskap om tilknytning og utvikling av emosjonsregulering kan være relevant for forebygging."... more
Reder and Duncan’s well-known studies of the 1990s on fatal child abuse drew attention to how parental scripts regarding their children could dangerously distort relationships in ways that were sometimes fatal to children. This article... more