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This article started from a territory currently common to most Latin American architecture schools and perhaps around the world: the low explication and systematization of knowledge delivered, and acquired during the teaching process in... more
A clearly distilled architectural atlas based on 144 major designs from ancient times to the twenty-first century, showcasing the cultural dimension of building. However disparate the style or ethos, beneath architecture’s pluralism lies... more
In this chapter, I draw on Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy to explore environmental embodiment—the various lived ways, sensorily and motility-wise, that the body in its pre-reflective perceptual presence engages and synchronizes with the world... more
21. yüzyılın hızlı yaşam döngüsü içinde kimi değerler yitirilirken, kimileri yeniden yaşama katılmakta, keşfedilmektedir. Anadolu’nun derin tarihi içinde yeniden keşfedilen değerlerden birisi de “köy” yaşamı olmaktadır. Belki hiç... more
The book "Top International Architects - Design Concepts in Architecture," (4 volumes, in English) features the latest work of more than 80 internationally renowned architects, including Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Frank Gehry, Norman... more
Parametric design techniques offer obvious advantages for engineering and manufacturing processes, now architects emerge to apply these methods in their creation of design suggesting solutions at an earlier stage of the process. Through... more
Master degree programs in the US universities are described and characterized as a result of the Fulbright sponsored research into American architectural education, conducted by the author. Data are presented on the graduate architectural... more
Theme: Curriculum Keywords: architectural education, design education; new method: sodap, learning by praxis, "Architectural education has always been in tension with architectural practice. That is how it should be; practice sometimes... more
Kampung Jawa is a settlement located in the heart of Denpasar, the capital city of Denpasar. These Settlement actual name was Dusun Wanasari, but people of Denpasar usually call it “Kampung Jawa”. Kampung Jawa historical background can be... more
After the earthquake and tsunami occurred in Chile on February 27th 2010, the Technical University Federico Santa Maria was asked to contribute with reconstruction proposals for the commercial infrastructure destroyed in the town “San... more
The first-year design studio has an important role to play as the basis for architectural education. In crucial sessions, first-year architecture students are expected to focus on their work on their own, with peers and, most importantly,... more
This paper describes the development of a pedagogy that aims to engage architecture students in principles of mechanical computation and to develop critical thinking on how information and computation can be manifested and performed... more
La aptitud para emplear de modo corriente materiales de baja energía incorporada y para hacerlo en armonía con el carácter de las construcciones vernáculas será capaz de cerrar la brecha conceptual entre la conservación de edificios de... more
The pandemic process compelled many educational institutions to apply online education during the quarantine. Therefore, design studios in practice-based disciplines such as architecture and industrial design have been adapted themselves... more
In this paper, I will discuss how the book 'The Ethical Function of Architecture' contributed to my quest for a way out of the aporia of teaching ethics in the design studio. In doing this, I shall put the book in the context of the... more
相較於法國,德國的地區歷史因為特殊的歷史背景,特別是政治力量的牽扯,由各區獨自發展王國的神聖羅馬帝國,到1871年德國統一後,期間歷經納粹時期,東西德分裂,因此其歷史的發展並不延續,連帶著德國的建築教育也因政治角力呈現銜接上的斷層。 這並不代表德國的歷史沒有發展主軸,在看似不連續的德國建築教育傳承中,因Schinkel而聞名的柏林營造學校... more
Due to globalization, cultural spaces are now developing with no tangible connection to geographical place. The territorial logic traditionally used to underpin architecture and envision our built environment is being radically altered,... more
A presentation of the Czech translation of a seminal book on architectural theory by Nikos A. Salingaros and others, with a conversation between the author and the Czech editor, and two chapters (in Czech). Published in Kontexty... more
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe brought his experience as an architect into the classroom, first as director of the Bauhaus school, and later at the Armour Institute of Technology in Chicago, when he took over the Department of Architecture in... more
The traditional system of higher education looks at architecture either as art or engineering discipline, simplifying other aspects of its discourse, like social, economic or environmental. The emphasis in architectural education should... more
The Imizamo Yethu water platforms are an annual design-build project that involves the design and construction of small-scale physical infrastructure interventions in an informal settlement close to Cape Town, South Africa. It has been... more
Throughout the last few decades, architectural design education has witnessed several changes. One of these changes was using 3D Simulation modeling technology into design process. With the rise of environmental approach in design, new 3D... more
This study assesses that there are similarities between Bauhaus movement and computational design. The similarities are discussed under the titles of hands-on activities, interdisciplinary studies and relation with technology for both... more
This paper discusses parametric design systems integration in the design studio as a mechanism for improving parametric design thinking among architectural design students at a second year under-graduate level. The merits of parametric... more
This book paints a portrait of 50 years of Dutch architectural education by looking into the educational practice of two teachers of architecture, Max Risselada and Hans Tupker. Follow the link for a full download.
A short interview with Meghal Arya discussing issues related to practice and academics
In March 2018, I went on record with the New York Times, accusing Richard Meier of sexually inappropriate behavior at an office event in 2003. In what follows, I reflect on the experiences I contributed to that piece, which are a... more
Les écoles d’architecture construites en France depuis les années 1950 sont au centre des préoccupations actuelles, notamment parce que leur valeur d’usage, mais aussi leur valeur patrimoniale, sont en question. Envisager leur... more
A legacy after the success of the Passive and Low Energy Architecture conference organised in Edinburg, Scotland in June 2017.
Esta tese tem como objectivo compreender o modo como os concursos de arquitectura, em particular os concursos internacionais, foram relevantes para a internacionalização da arquitectura Portuguesa e como traduzem um processo de... more
The analytical approach to Architectural Design has been a tremendous tool to achieve formulating the spatial program and the design-concept for the prepared project. This is based on environmental parameters and on users needs.... more
Recollections of an Unconventional Pedagogy appeared in Stories of Teaching at Carleton University in which award-winning teachers were invited to contribute. The book, to celebrate Carleton at 75 yrs, was launched at the TLS event:... more
An online article reflecting on the approaches to design studio education in Turkey: “How to…. architectural education” or 10 Tips For A Successful Architectural Design Studio.
The teaching of space in architectural education has generally been ex-plained to students as an eternal truth outside of context or history. Never-theless, a genealogy exists for the teaching of space. A visual language of spatial... more
This is an overview about the cooperation my university had with the ministry of Heritage and culture about the documentation of four vernacular settlements in Oman. This is an award-winning research that involved a large number of... more
Pritzker Prize-winner Kevin Roche (b. 1922) is one of the most critically acclaimed architects of the postwar era, distinguished for the pioneering urban structures he designed in the 1960s and 1970s, including the Oakland Museum of... more
EXPLORING NEW TERRAINS:The Next Design School. Keynote lecture presented at the 2016 Architectural Education Forum, School of Architecture and Planning (SoAP) of the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg, South Africa. Four... more