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Il Liber appretii di Molfetta del 1417, una fonte per lo studio del paesaggio agrario e della distribuzione della ricchezza
La mirada de la larga duración ofrece la coherencia diacrónica para un análisis teórico de las continuidades agrarias de la realidad guatemalteca, desde una perspectiva metodológica inspirada en la ecología política. Se parte de los... more
Fornlämningsbilden i Misterhult tyder på att befolkningen minskar under sen bronsålder och/eller äldre järnålder. Det är först under medeltidens början som man kan se en kolonisation och nyodling. Bakgrunden till denna... more
Open fields were a dominant agricultural feature in Central, Western and Northern Europe for nearly a millennium. The spatial organisation of villages and the degree of communal management of common resources varied, but the basic... more
This article analyzes the development of the Green revolution in Costa Rica’s rice production. It shows the leading role played by changes in the biological capital (seeds) in the transformation of rice agriculture since the 1940s. The... more
Aquest treball estudia el paisatge agrari de la Séquia de Palma i la Séquia d’en March, dos sistemes hidràulics que es localitzen a la partida de l’Alfàs. Aquesta està enclavada entre els rius Serpis i Vernissa, i inserida als termes... more
Los campos comuneros son propiedades rurales de uso colectivo cuyo acceso es legi-timado a partir del parentesco entre sus pobladores. Se asume que sus orígenes son colo-niales y todavía hoy constituyen un tipo de propiedad ampliamente... more
... The Modagspace project: Lidar data and landscape archaeology in southern France (Languedoc). Nicolas Poirier ( Auteur correspondant. ) 1, 2, 3 , Rachel Opitz 1, 3 , Laure Nuninger ( Auteur correspondant. ) 1, 3, 4 , Krištof Oštir 2,... more
Meend is a common place-name or toponym in and around the Forest of Dean. It is a name that is familiar to most people in the locality, and the majority of these could probably describe the principal characteristics of a meend. These... more
Tanks are technologies used to store water for irrigation in south India since ancient times. Scholars have been divided over the reasons for the decline of tanks. In the late eighteenth century, when the British colonial government took... more
The interpretation of the use and contextual meaning of fossil agrarian forms is connected with their age. In this article we discuss the dating and interpretation of a field wall in Öggestorp, situated on the northern rim of the southern... more
Draft of a review [in german] of Günter Mahlerwein: Die Moderne (1880-2010), Grundzüge der Agrargeschichte - Band 3, Böhlau Verlag, Köln etc. 2016, 230 p. Die Agrargeschichte galt und gilt als ein besonders konservatives Fach. Dies... more
The aim of the article consists in the research of transformations of ethnic identity in descendants of Belarusian peasantsmigrants of Siberia and the Far East. The source basis of the research includes field data collected by the author... more
Two historical landscape analysis, based on written documents and land survey maps from the 18th and the first half of the 19th century, have been carried out as part of the project running the archaeological investigations for the... more
Este artículo tiene como objetivo propiciar un nuevo diálogo entre la cuestión agraria “desarrollista” y los nuevos contenidos de una cuestión agraria en Costa Rica, delimitada no solamente alrededor de la tierra como “recurso... more
O malogro da política de terras do Im-pério talvez seja uma das ponderações mais repetidas na historiografia que, di-reta ou indiretamente, discutiu a Lei n o 601 de 18 de setembro de 1850, a "Lei de Terras". Contudo, considero que o... more
Capitalismo: tierra y poder en América Latina (1982-2012) reúne un balance sobre la situación del agro en 17 países latinoamericanos, con ello se busca continuar el magno esfuerzo realizado hace tres décadas por Pablo González Casanova... more
Since the mid-2000s, India has been beset by widespread farmer protests against land dispossession. Dispossession Without Development demonstrates that beneath these conflicts lay a profound shift in regimes of dispossession. While the... more
Me ocuparé primero de la realidad del campesinado en cuanto tipo socieconómico. {...} En segundo lugar, abordaré el tema de la organización política del campesinado {...} Por último me referiré a los aspectos culturales e ideológicos de... more
The aim of this paper is to show the evolution of Spanish wheat output in the last decades of XK century. The paper evaluates both the advances in statistical methods achieved by provincial agricultural scientists in the 80's, and the... more
This article examines the struggle for land tenancy reform and the assassination of Farmers' Federation of Thailand (FFT) leaders in northern Thailand during the period of democratic politics between 14 October 1973 and 6 October 1976 as... more
The Countryside under the Collectivisation Knout: the Circumstances of an Exemplary “Kulak” Trial. The study is concerned with the status of private farmers in the period of collectivisation of Czech agriculture in fifties of 20th... more
For a long time, the expulsion of the Moriscos was seen as one of the main causes of the Valencian industrialization delay. The work reviews this thesis that was based on the analysis of the economic transformations that suffered the... more
REFERENCES on AGRICULTURAL TERRACES (Spain). This document will be reviewed and updated annually at: (Environmental Planning Department / Products)
In the important collection of essays entitled Irish Peasants; violence and political unrest, Samuel Clarke noted in his epilogue that there was an Unreaped Harvest in the scholarship on agrarian conflict in Ireland. Since being... more
This is the summary volume in English of a work in Swedish: five volumes and c. 2,100 pages, many color photos. Also the Swedish "Det svenska jordbrukets historia" are free downloadable online: the website of Kungl. Agriculture and... more
El avance de los reinos cristianos sobre al- Ándalus significó la inserción en los esquemas políticos, sociales y económicos feudales de nuevos territorios que albergaban medioambientes diversos. Este proceso supuso la alteración de los... more
The setting and collection of taxation (contributions) from the taxable Czech population stabilised definitively in 1684, when the militare ordinarium gradually assumed key importance. From 1704 this setting (repartition) of contributions... more
Vreta Abbey is the oldest known convent in Sweden, founded already at the beginning of the 12th century. This paper deals with the landed property donated to the convent from approximately 1100–1170. These gifts came from the royal... more
El estudio de la relación sociedad-naturaleza en el noroeste de México es un tema que se ha abordado de manera marginal. Éste hecho resulta preocupante ya que en dicha región se presenta conflictos ambientales que son consecuencia... more