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Abstract In many robotics applications, knowing the material properties around a robot is often critical for the robot's successful performance. For example, in mobility, knowledge about the ground surface may determine the success of a... more
Abstract In many camera-based robotics applications, stabilizing video images in real-time is often critical for successful performance. In particular vision-based navigation, localization and tracking tasks cannot be performed reliably... more
ABSTRACT—New smartphone technologies are emerging which combine head-mounted displays (HMD) with standard functions such as receiving phone calls, emails, and helping with navigation. This opens new opportunities to explore cyber robotics... more
Smart coaching platforms are emerging which combine Body-Sensor-Networks with AI-based training software to monitor and analyze body motions of athletes, workers, or medical patients. This allows for new opportunities to explore... more
Abstract Multiple transmission rates are supported in the current 802.11 WLANs, which allows stations to exploit different rates in an adaptive manner to cope with the variability of wireless channels and achieve the higher system... more
Abstract Underwater communications is a very challenging topic due to its singular channel characteristics. Most protocols used in terrestrial wireless communications can not be directly applied in the underwater world. A high bit error... more
Abstract The mobility of underwater sensor nodes makes the network topology inconveniently controlled and slowly changed. Thus, in order to enable underwater sensor networks to work more effectively, it is necessary for us to periodically... more
Abstract In this paper, we consider the design of a system in which Internet-connected mobile users contribute sensor data as training samples, and collaborate on building a model for classification tasks such as activity or context... more
Abstract The ubiquity of smartphones and their on-board sensing capabilities motivates crowd-sensing, a capability that harnesses the power of crowds to collect sensor data from a large number of mobile phone users. Unlike previous work... more
Abstract Underwater communication is a very challenging topic. Protocols used in terrestrial sensor networks cannot be directly applied in the underwater world. High-bit error rate and large propagation delay make the design of transport... more
Abstract Underwater sensor networks (UWSNs) have been proposed for many location-dependent applications such as oceanographic data collection, pollution monitoring, mine reconnaissance, etc. Accurate node localization plays an important... more
Abstract—Due to the lossy nature of wireless links, it is difficult to determine if packet losses are due to wireless-induced effects or from malicious discarding. Many prior efforts on detecting malicious packet drops rely on evidence... more