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This dissertation is a social and military history of the army in Egypt under the Ptolemies (323-30 BC), the Greek rulers who succeeded Alexander the Great in Egypt. Building on approaches developed in state-formation theory, notably... more
Abstract: This paper presents the data and the methods available to estimate the number of Greeks immigrating and settling in Ptolemaic Egypt. I shall argue that the evaluations generally proposed (10% of Greeks) are too high and the flow... more
"My particular interest in the Egyptian warriors stems from the confusion about the machimoi and whether this term has the same meaning in Hellenistic documents as in Herodotus’ narrative of the earliest years of Late Period Egypt. In... more
Polybius (V 63–65) describes the reorganization of the Ptolemaic army by genos, by age, and the breaking up of the old regiments before the battle of Raphia (217 BC). By comparing his words with the papyrological sources, it appears... more
Studies on the change in prices in late third century Egypt are based on a small sample of texts difficult to date. If CPR XVIII and P.Heid. VI 383, where the silver standard is used, belong to the reign of Ptolemy III, as is argued here,... more
NOW IN PAPERBACK (June 2019) This is the only substantial and up-to-date reference work on the Ptolemaic army. Employing Greek and Egyptian papyri and inscriptions, and building on approaches developed in state-formation theory, it offers... more
Les demandes d’asylie nous permettent de nous interroger sur la relation entre Grecs et prêtres égyptiens à travers l’évolution de l’octroi de l’asylie en Égypte, sur la présence étonnamment prépondérante de soldats dans le milieu des... more
Immigration to Egypt after Alexander’s conquest raises questions as to the nature of the relationship between Egyptians, Greeks, and other ethnic groups from the entire Mediterranean. Usually framed in terms of ethnicity, it has been... more
Was it ever easy to conquer Egypt? By looking at the sources from the seventh to the second century BC, this essay argues that it was never easy to do so, but that it even became more difficult from the fourth century BC onwards because... more
This study is an excellent up-to-date examination of the cavalry-settlers in Egypt under the Ptolemies. Scheuble-Reiter gathered all the documentation, mainly papyrological but also epigraphic, literary and at times archaeological on the... more
Revolts in Hellenistic Egypt consisted of rebellions and riots, which occurred sporadically from the reign of PTOLEMY III EUERGETES (246–221) until the year following the Roman conquest (29). The term may also include the various periods... more
The katoikoi are the “inhabitants” of a place (Arist. Oec. 1352a33), the noun being synony- mous with the participial form katoikountes, while a katoikia is a “settlement” or “colony” (village or town) lacking the status or the insti-... more
The Colossi of Memnon are two monumental statues standing in front of the now-destroyed mortuary temple of Amenhotep III, a pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, on the west bank of the Nile in Thebes. The northern Colossus, a seated figure of... more