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Vapour pressure isotherms and X-ray diffraction patterns have been measured for Ar and N2 condensed into mesoporous Si. The chemical potential–temperature phase diagram has been established in the triple point region.
Neutron spin echo spectra of the melts of n-hexatriacontane (C36) and poly (ethylene oxide)(PEO), 2 kg/mol, confined in circular channels with a mean diameter of 10 and 12 nm, respectively, in porous silicon, were recorded at Q values... more
We present, along with some fundamental concepts regarding imbibition of liquids in porous hosts, an experimental, gravimetric study on the capillarity-driven invasion dynamics of water and of the rod-like liquid crystal... more
Neutron spin echo spectra of poly (ethylene oxide)(PEO) melts confined in porous silicon (the mean pore diameter: 13 nm) were recorded at Q= 0.05, 0.08, and 0.11 Å− 1 and successfully analyzed in terms of a two-state model, where chains... more
The vibrational density of states of a series of homologous triphenylene-based discotic liquid crystals HATn (n = 5, 6, 8, 10, 12) depending on the length of the aliphatic side chain is investigated by means of inelastic neutron... more
Kr has been adsorbed in SBA-15, a template-grown mesoporous silica substrate. A volumetric adsorption isotherm is presented. The Bragg peaks of the pore array have been measured by small angle x-ray diffraction and analyzed as function of... more