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How to download xlsxwriter files in browser using BytesIO?

I am generating an excel spreadsheet in python using xlsxwriter in the backend of a webapp, which is then stored on the server. The link to that is then sent to the frontend and downloaded in the ...
Vims's user avatar
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JupyterLab custom extension where if i click on button or link to existing notebooks in voila preview should open in split tab to the right

I want to create a custom extension where if any link/button to notebooks in voila preview should open the notebook in voila preview in split tab with jupyterlab. I am new to JupyterLab extensions , ...
sonata258's user avatar
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Failed to synchronize GPU for autotuning conv instruction while using Tensorflow

I am trying to implement this repo. I am using the Kvasir-SEG dataset. Error is occuring at line (81). This link is close to my problem, but none of the answers worked. So I included more of ...
suhas9176's user avatar
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'ValueError: Invalid filepath extension for saving' when saving a CNN model

I've been continously working in learning how to use image classification for a python program I have and I've used an existing one from the internet where it uses cifar10: local_dataset_path = '...
Luis Cruz's user avatar
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Why am I getting an error with pythonnet just trying to import clr?

I have been using pythonnet in a script to interact with an SSAS cube on a test server. Everything was working fine. Today I moved it to the prod server, and I'm getting this error: Traceback (most ...
rchorse's user avatar
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Performance of Numba computations with dictionaries as arguments

I recently updated a Numba code to use dictionaries as arguments. Among the arguments are float64 arrays, floats and integers. I initially replaced the float64 arrays by a single dictionary but I ...
Alain's user avatar
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CTkComboBox Dropdown Closes Immediately for Large Lists

I'm using CustomTkinter to create a GUI in Python, and I'm facing an issue with the CTkComboBox widget. When I populate the ComboBox with a large list of items, the dropdown menu shows the options, ...
SNC92's user avatar
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How do i rewrite a regular discord bot to a discord self bot?

I'm just learning right now, and i finished a test bot in Now i want to rewrite it as a selfbot, since writing a selfbot was my goal to start with, but decided learning discord....
crummei's user avatar
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Fail to install Python 3.10 using pyenv, installer says ncurses, readline, and OpenSSL are used from brew but failed to compile

I am installing Python 3.10 using pyenv, but installer throw error saying that dependencies are not compiled. However, installer also says that python-build use openssl, readline, and ncurses from ...
Quan Nguyen's user avatar
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Can't install packeges in the virtual environment

I am trying to install packges in virtual environment but it is installed in the main python lib folder not in the virtual environment? When create a virtual environment in windows using this command ...
Abobaker khaled's user avatar
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Discrepancy between total impact and forecast differences in Dynamic Factor Model

The total impact of a month generated by the dynamic factor model is different from the difference between the predicted value of that month and the predicted value of the previous month. According to ...
ah bon's user avatar
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Why can't I get QLCDNumber to update whenever my function is called?

I am currently taking a PySide6 course on Udemy and one of the classes is on QLCDNumber. I followed the instructor's code and created a simple display of the system clock which is supposed to update ...
python_noob's user avatar
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Find a particular tag within XML file in Python using xml.etree.ElementTree as ET with method root.find() - does not work as doc describe

I have an XML file "bib_full-001664.xml" and want to find element: <issn pub-type="ppub">2544-1558</issn> My XML file: <OAI-PMH xmlns="http://www.openarchives....
Adam Jurkiewicz's user avatar
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How to Read Multiple CSV Files with Skipping Rows and Footer in PySpark Efficiently?

I have several CSV files with an inconsistent number of data rows without a header row and I want to read these files into a single PySpark DataFrame. The structure of the CSV files is as follows: ...
Purushottam Nawale's user avatar
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Vault does not return token renewed by script

I write a script for renewing Hashicorp Vault tokens. But I faced an issue. When the token renewed automatically by the script Vault retuns n/a instead of token value so I cannot save it anywhere, to ...
poisoned_monkey's user avatar

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