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I can not get Branch install parameters after opening app from Shared Link in iOS

I am sharing link with , but when I am installing app from the link in my didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, not getting the Branch parameters. [[Branch getInstance] initSessionWithLaunchOptions:...
MMSmmsbd's user avatar
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Branch io not updated without install the app iOS

In our project, we are using pod branch version 0.34.0 and we are following the below steps for installing the app. We are facing issue in the point2. 1.When the app is installed and clicked the deep ...
HariKarthick's user avatar
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Cant view custom events on

In viewDidLoad I've added an arbitrary event to test. Why cant I see this event under custom events tab in live view on dashboard? I've configured everything correctly and set live and test keys in ...
AnonProgrammer's user avatar
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Custom events not showing up in Dashboard using iOS (Objective-C) SDK?

I have a custom event I'm attempting to track that shows when the user reaches a certain page in my iOS app. In this app, I have filled in the proper branch_app_domain and branch_keymy branch live ...
TestinginProd's user avatar
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Branch Integration failed: Team ID mismatch

I am getting an error with Branch integration to my app. In my AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, I check: Branch.getInstance().validateSDKIntegration() And I'm getting this error: Team ...
Rob's user avatar
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iOS deeplink doesn't open the installed app and always redirects to app store except for the first link shared

I'm using Branch SDK for creating deep links and sharing them. If the app is installed, the link should've open it. But the link is always redirecting to app store except for the first link. The first ...
amirtmgr's user avatar
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2k views Pass Custom Data with Install

I am using to link installs back to ad campaigns. Our setup uses Branch simply for install attribution after which the install metadata is sent back to our app via webhook. I want to pass ...
toddg's user avatar
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Using together with Facebook SDK

I'm trying to figure out exactly what this code from the documentation means // Add the openURL and continueUserActivity functions - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)...
Michael's user avatar
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3k views URL testing without deploying App on App Store?

I want to test newly added addMetadataKey in branch share link [branchUniversalObject addMetadataKey:@"user_name" value:user_name ]; is present in the params or not. If user clicks a link,...
Sid Mhatre's user avatar
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How to test links using iOS simulator

Hi is there a way to test deep links in iOS Simulator. We need to make sure it works on different devices, as we have a report in production that something fails on iPhone 7 and need to ...
Ted's user avatar
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1k views Deep link not opening application in iOS

I am using Brach SDK to implement deep linking into our iOS Application. The Branch URL redirects directly to App Store if I am opening from FB, Skype, LinkedIn iOS App. But it redirecting to our app ...
Meet Doshi's user avatar
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370 views Deeplink is opening the deep link every time the app is launched

I have used for creating deeplink for my app. But it's redirecting me to the deep link controller every time app is launched. I have used following code in - (BOOL)application:(...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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115 views present navigation controller

im using SDK in my apps. My Apps is using UITabBarController. I can manage to open the link to my select view but its view as modal, and when i close it it shown my initial screen while i ...
Voyager's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Branch deeplinks while the app is already running?

As Branch documentation states and my current implementation goes, the branch links are detected in the AppDelegate, a view controller is registered accordingly and then launched from there. Is there ...
Simran Bakshi's user avatar
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How to make open App v/s URL when sending a URL through onesignal generated notification

On IOS - Notification opens browser v/s app. Using one-signal for notification. branch URL is set as additional data on the notification. Grabbing this back in OneSignalHandleNotificationBlock and ...
Sharad's user avatar
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