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Branch Creating Bad Links in Swift

Using swift and branch i am trying to create links in app so users can share the app and get rewarded if someone downloads the app with their link. This code is creating links that take the user to ...
tHatpart's user avatar
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My staging universal link identifies and open the app but live link is not recognizing the app

I have set up universal links to both my staging version and live version of the app respectively. Both Staging and live server hosts follow the ASSA file. { "applinks": { "...
Swiosift's user avatar
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Universal link not working - JSON file's 'content-type' header was not found

I followed Apple documentation to implement Universal link but stuck on validating apple-app-site-association on our server. Tried this solution and couple of more as well but still not working. I get ...
Rana Ijaz's user avatar
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4 answers

apple-app-site-association file is not fetched from server but cached at apple?

We have universal links working for a long time now. Today I added a path to the AASA file (let's call it sub2). The path was not recognised by the app, even after reinstalling it. When I debugged I ...
S. Roose's user avatar
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How to Upload AASA (apple-app-site-association) file in third Party Domain (

I am using universal linking in my iOS application. I have 2 domains for my app. 1) 2) (which is third-party domain, this domain is provided by I have ...
Danish Farooq's user avatar
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Branch IO universal link is not working if pasted the url in Safari or open the link from twitter

I'm using to create universal links. It's working fine but it opens applications's App Store page and not the app if I pasted the URL in safari or click it from twitter App. If I click the ...
Ayman Ibrahim's user avatar
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Branch link not capturing data in app, it only works if opens through the safari browser

The link doesn't capture data when I tap and opens the app let branch = Branch.getInstance() branch.initSession(launchOptions: launchOptions) { params, error in guard error == nil ...
Usama Sadiq's user avatar
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Is it possible to verify the apple app site association file was properly requested and configured for an instance of an installed IOS app?

Is it possible to verify the apple app site association file was properly requested and configured for an instance of an installed IOS app? Ideally, we could easily verify that Universal Links are ...
dclaze's user avatar
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Renamed deep link URL doesn't open my updated iOS app any more

I've been using for deep linking purposes. Recently, we've been required to change the URL. So, I've created a new app and added the API keys, domains in the Associated Domains/entitlements ...
AnupamChugh's user avatar
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202 views - iFrame in Custom Deepview Not Working

I've been trying to setup a simple iFrame element in my custom branch deepview. When trying to save, I get a security vulnerability error and the src value in the iFrame element is removed. I thought ...
Mike Simz's user avatar
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Path Variable In Custom URL Scheme Using

I'm having a problem for deeplinking in iOS when the user haven't installed the app. I can't use universal link because the link that's access by user will be a redirect link to the link that have the ...
bpl53750's user avatar
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React Native - Branch link in an Intercom message opens browser first instead of the app

I'm finding it hard to get deeplinking to work with Intercom. The Branch link works well when opened via native Messages app - opens the app directly when tapped. But if we send this link ...
Yeshan Jay's user avatar
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2k views deep links on iOS - Params not shared when app opened with universal links

I'm using the API to create deeplinks send by email to our users. When creating the link I add some metadata for the iOS app like the deelinkpath and other useful data. I'm able to see ...
Mehdi Doghri's user avatar
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Is it possible to choose the app to open every-time if there are multiple supported app on the iOS universal link installed on device?

I have an Apple App Site Association file which contains multiple apps. If a user has all the app, on the first time the iOS gives the option to select the app to open the link. But on the second ...
Jagajith Monappan Kalarickal's user avatar
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cross-site scripting issues in

The links I have created in are redirecting to a porn site insteaf of my app. I asked directly, as our site is protected, and it seems to happen in branch directly. This is a ...
Yess Padilla's user avatar

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