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Set up BranchIo with Ionic 5 and Capacitor

I am migrating from Ionic 3 to Ionic 5 and Cordova to Capacitor. I am facing problems in using BranchIo plugin which is working perfectly in Ionic 3. I have installed the plugin for Capacitor as per ...
Tapas Mukherjee's user avatar
-2 votes
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I want to set older domain name with same account and another account in

Domain is incorrectly set up; please use the nameservers below as your NS record. A CNAME record is not required. If you've already done this, note that it can take up to several hours to propagate. ...
jay solanki's user avatar
3 votes
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'Branch.h' file not found Xcode error for Ionic 3 app

When I am trying to build my Ionic 3 app in ios device from Xcode, I am getting the following error. 'Branch.h' file not found The error appears in file BranchSDK.h inside the Plugins folder of IOS....
Tapas Mukherjee's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does needs code changing on app end?

I am managing a website(a web developer) and we have a mobile app in ionic, I don't have experience in mobile development. My boss wants to integrate in the website and ios. Does code needs ...
Ali Nouman's user avatar
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Deepviews displaying incorrect text when app is already downloaded using Branch

So I discovered an issue on iOS today after implementing on my devices earlier this week. I generated a new Deepviews template using the BranchIo dashboard, it looks great except the text at the ...
Jordan Lewallen's user avatar
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Cordova Ionic v1 App crashes on deep linking with in IOS

I am using ionic v1 to build a cordova project. My app runs in android and iOS. But when I try to implement deeplinking using branch, the app is crashing. I am not able to track the console also. Here ...
SANGEETH KUMAR S G's user avatar
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How to create Android app links using in Ionic 2/3 app?

I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding the implementation of some of the branch concepts for the Ionic platform Wrapper SDK . I've generated short URLs using the SDK, but it seems to get ...
Sebin Benjamin's user avatar
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Branch IO non-branch data is never cleared or reset onResume() or onReady()

My Branch data does not "reset" after I read it in the initSession() callback. So if I am conditionally redirecting the user based on whether Branch contains the url parameter I am expecting to ...
jwBurnside's user avatar
2 votes
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651 views deeplink not working as expected in ionic 3

I have integrated deeplink in my ionic 3 application. I have successfully generated the link and the link opens up the app. But, I wanted to open a particular page instead of the homepage of ...
Soumya Rauth's user avatar
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Branch.initSession not returning data in Ionic v1 on iOS

I have installed and configured branch as documented. Everything works fine on Android, but I am not able to make it work on iOS. Here is what I followed. Ionic v1 project Created Branch account ...
SpiritOfDragon's user avatar
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115 views Share Sheet message

This is a function im calling on Ionic regularShare(){ // only canonicalIdentifier is required var properties = { canonicalIdentifier: 'content/' + this.itemId } // create a ...
RSK's user avatar
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1k views - How to setup universal links/App links in Ionic app

My app is built on ionic 1 and I have followed this guide to get things working. When you click on the branch url, the app ...
SpiritOfDragon's user avatar
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$twitter Ionic 3

ok when i add the twitter card to iOS crashes and gives this error *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class ...
Rekar Botany's user avatar
-2 votes
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246 views inetegration with cordova / ionic 1 app. Shared link generated by branch for snapchat does not show image preview and the link not clickable

We have used for implementing deep links in our mobile hybrid app which is developed using ionic 1 framework. We have used branch-cordova-sdk plugin and configured the deep links for ...
TechMobi's user avatar
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Branch link opens Ionic 3 app, which immediately closes before loading

I'm configuring Branch and seeing what I think is unexpected behavior upon trying to test my setup. I have an Ionic 3.7 app and am new to Ionic/iOS/Android development- so I've been following the ...
dkhaupt's user avatar
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