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69 views doesn't redirect to IOS App Store directly when app is not installed

When the app is installed, the deeplink works perfectly fine (redirects user to the app directly). However, when the app is not installed, the deeplink doesn't open IOS App Store directly, it opens a ...
Chwizdo's user avatar
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261 views link opening browser instead of app, flutter

I'm having problems with with in flutter android. I integrated the flutter branch sdk, setup everything, validation passes. In the validation log there is an example link and I also created ...
iOSDevZ's user avatar
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iOS Deep Linking Issue: App Redirects to Home Screen but Doesn't Open and Display Content

I'm encountering an issue with deep linking on iOS where, upon clicking the links, the app redirects to the App Store or, if the app is already installed, it redirects to the home screen without ...
Harsh Bardolia's user avatar
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The Flutter app initiated by a deep link fails to navigate initially, but it works perfectly when using the back button after the app restarts

I'm using Branch for deep link management in my Flutter app. On iOS, everything works perfectly. On Android, when I open the application from a deep link (e.g., from WhatsApp), the app opens but doesn'...
Andrea Bigini's user avatar
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Branch sdk generates very long links when adding custom params

Bug: When I add custom parameters to link properties while generating a short link, I receive a very large link like:
Muhammad Talha's user avatar
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Error in generating the short link when I try to customize the alias using Branch SDK Flutter

I want to implement a share function in my flutter app that allow the users to share posts, and each post should have a unique link, when I try to customize the link alias due to post id: alias:...
Roa'a's user avatar
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flutter_branch_sdk generated deep links do not open app on iOS, generated link always takes to AppStore

I have been trying to use Branch SDK to implement deep linking into our iOS application. The Branch URL redirects directly to App Store and never attempts to open the application. I must be missing ...
Amani Saaduddin's user avatar
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Can i add property id from GA4 into branchIO instead of tracking id?

I am trying to feed branchIO campaign information to google analytics4. BranchIo is requesting me add tracking id which is of the format UA-xxxxxxx-x , but this kind of id is not available in google ...
Rahul Bg's user avatar
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1k views No intent found for opening the app through uri Scheme 'de://'.Please add the intent with URI scheme to your Android manifest

I am trying to integrate Branch,io in my flutter project via flutter_branch_sdk. I have followed this tutorial I can generate link and it redirects and ...
Golam Sarwar Shakil's user avatar
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How to get deferred deep-link data on Android with Flutter?

I have a Flutter app that works great for both iOS and Android when using a QuickLink. However, we are changing from a QuickLink to a Journey. I am using the ...
BrianDev's user avatar
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Branch IO deep link Custom Alias is not Working. Same link is not sharing in two different Apps?

I am creating a social media type application in which I created a sharing profile through Deep link of Branch IO. Issue : I create a unique username of each user and that is use as sharing link. ...
SUMIT SINGH's user avatar
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Branch IO Huawei Integration

i have an app integranted with firebase services, including Dynamic links Now i have made the integration with huawei and already published in app Gallery, but now i have troubles with deep links I ...
Jonathan Ixcayau's user avatar
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MissingPluginException - shared_preferences, image_picker, etc. Works when flutter_branch_sdk is removed

I am banging my head around the internet for a long and could not figure out what is the problem and how to handle it. Please comment if you need any more details. Problem: MissingPluginException - ...
JDpawar's user avatar
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Question about attribution of Facebook app install ads on Android using flutter?

We have app install attribution working for organic links on both iOS and Android using the flutter_branch_sdk. However, for Facebook app install ads, the paid attribution is only working for iOS and ...
user3487187's user avatar
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flutter branch IO integration and attribution implement

I am using flutter_branch_sdk package to integrate branch IO SDK I am trying to track the user install attribution, where user coming from such as user coming from twitter, Instagram, and such a xyz ...
Tushar Nikam's user avatar
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