
Are you an author looking for a website or for a site design and upgrade? I can help.

As an author and former editor at a Big 5 publishing house, I know the value and importance of a well-designed website. As tempting as it is to go all out with graphics and fancy bells and whistles, the honest truth is that people Googling your name on the internet won’t care, especially if said graphics and bells and whistles slow down loading time β€” or worse, look terrible in mobile.

I offer affordable, user-experienced focused website packages for authors, designed for the Squarespace platform. Everything your potential audience needs from an author website, none of the extraneous and excess bloat. Think of your website as your online business card β€” good design starts from utility and efficiency.



A consistent color palette, typeface harmony, with an emphasis on legibility and utility.

β˜… Personalized logo
β˜… Home page
β˜… About page
β˜… All books page
β˜… Contact page

$600 + $100 per additional page



A consistent color palette, typeface harmony, with an emphasis on legibility and utility. Includes some light personalized graphic design elements.

β˜… Personalized logo
β˜… Home page
β˜… About page
β­’ Custom media kit page
β˜… All books page
β­’ Custom book or series page
β˜… Contact page

$750 + $100 per additional page



Entirely personalized graphic design.

β˜… Personalized logo
β˜… Home page
β˜… About page
β­’ Custom media kit page
β˜… All books page
β­’ Custom book or series page
β˜… News, press & updates page
β˜… Events page
β˜… Contact page
β˜… Custom links/bio site page for use across social media

$1000 + $100 per additional page

All packages include:

β˜… a 30-min onboarding Zoom call where we discuss the general direction, mood, vibe, and inspiration for your website

β˜… a 30-min client training Zoom call after everything has been approved and designed

A la carte services not included:

β˜… Domain and hosting service set-up, including transferring from one server to another β€” $200*

β˜… Website maintenance and updates β€” $50/hr

* does not include the cost of domain and hosting services


  • I’ve been designing websites since high school, back when I was using Geocities and Angelfire. After that, I moved to Wordpress, and while Wordpress is flexible and great for content management, most of the time, all that customization potential goes underutilized. Squarespace offers a great alternative for those of us who need a streamlined platform to reach our readers.

  • Buying a domain is not included in the package, but I can certainly do it for you or walk you through it for a service fee. Squarespace makes it easy to purchase domains and connect it to your account, but if you have a domain you would like to bring over, I can certainly assist you with that.

  • I do website maintenance and updates at an hourly rate! Just contact me and I can do it for you, or I can show you how to do it yourself, as I find Squarespace’s platform fairly intuitive.

Ready to work together? Fill out the form below!