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The continuous exploitation of Earth's resources and exploration of other planets and finding humans another home is what humans plan for the future. It will be a far shot if one has to say that this is based on a limited understanding of... more
Dark matter is a substitute for the enhanced force between the galactic clusters that keeps them closer. The understanding of gravity has evolved from the time it was presented to the modern world. The term gravity as we perceive it is... more
The question of where we come from, what for and why has always captured the imagination of humanity since our origins. Many philosophies have attempted to explain this puzzle. Modern science is looking for a solution to this puzzle in... more
Time flows like a natural phenomenon. The speed of time can be marked by time marker as Speed of light. The speed of time is influences by relative speed of observer, gravity and dark energy. Dark energy is an offshoot of dimension of... more
This paper lays a hypothesis about the fundamental nature of Space and Time. Time is absolute as well as relative. Relative quantity can occur only if the absolute exists in the theory. It is an established fact that elementary particles... more
Science has made great breakthroughs in understanding of our universe. Science has some limitations. It has done lots of research in material dimensions of matter and energy and a small part in time. Science has not acknowledged the... more
Almost the entire world is in competition about economic progress, amassing wealth and energy resources. Thus, development of sixth sense of humanity, common sense, to a certain level is required in order to change the direction of human... more
Universe is six-dimensional environment containing dimensions of consciousness, time, space, energy and matter. The complete universe appears infinite to us and houses a large number of galaxies. A galaxy is a mini universe in itself. The... more
This paper proposes a theory of evolution of universe. The universe is simple and expanding. New matter is being added to the universe at a sustained rate. Proposition also needed specifying two new dimensions of Consciousness... more
Time flows like a natural phenomenon. The speed of time can be marked by time marker as Speed of light. The speed of time is influences by relative speed of observer, gravity and dark energy. Dark energy is an offshoot of dimension of... more
Dimension can be is seen as degree of freedom of movement of any object. Dimension is defined as attribute of an object which can vary from -∞ to +∞. Complete set of dimensions can define any object completely. For the purpose of complete... more
This paper proposes a theory of evolution of universe. The universe is simple and expanding. New matter is being added to the universe at a sustained rate. Proposition also needed specifying two new dimensions of Consciousness... more
Universe is six-dimensional environment containing dimensions of consciousness, time, space, energy and matter. The complete universe appears infinite to us and houses a large number of galaxies. A galaxy is a mini universe in itself. The... more
Dimension can be is seen as degree of freedom of movement of any object. Dimension is defined as attribute of an object which can vary from -∞ to +∞. Complete set of dimensions can define any object completely. For the purpose of complete... more
The continuous exploitation of Earth's resources and exploration of other planets and finding humans another home is what humans plan for the future. It will be a far shot if one has to say that this is based on a limited... more