148 posts tagged anonymous
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Hello! I'm using Sirius and when I search through a tag, in the headline for example 245 posts with xxxx then there is a space missing between the tag and the "tagged as"... is there a way to add the space? thank you so much for helooing?


you say in this part where i took this capture? i tested it on two browsers and everything seems to be ok.

posted on July 21st, 2024
filled under answered anonymous k:sirius
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2/2 sorry hover anon again, if the hovering isn't possible, is there a way to have links underline at least? on my own posts/pages they don't, only when i reblog. i'm really sorry but thank you in advance!!

sorry, i noticed that part of the code was missing. search for .reblog-content a:not(.read_more):not(.post_media_photo_anchor) and paste the following code next to it

,.original.caption a:not(.read_more):not(.post_media_photo_anchor)

just below this, you will see that it also has .reblog-content a:not(.read_more):not(.post_media_photo_anchor):hover and just like before, paste the following next to

,.original.caption a:not(.read_more):not(.post_media_photo_anchor):hover

please copy and paste with the commas, or else your code will break. i already updated the code on github, so if you don’t want to go through all this work just reinstall it

posted on July 21st, 2024
filled under answered anonymous k:sirius
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hi! sorry if this doesn't make sense,, ^^'' do you know why when i paste in codes it has some text saying "No text detected. Try a screenshot instead. 0 : 00" at the end? it isn't in the code either, i checked

hello! i have no idea. there must be a problem with tumblr :/

posted on July 15th, 2024
filled under answered anonymous
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hi, is there a way to have all links highlight the same as a link in the description box with your sirius theme? mine don't seem to even though they're shown that way in the preview? maybe i'm writing my posts wrong ;-;

hello! i don’t think i understood. do you want the dropdown links to have the same styling as those in the description, or do you want your links to appear in the description?

posted on July 09th, 2024
filled under answered anonymous k:sirius
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i'm using your gorgeous theme sirius!!! and was wondering is there a way to make Tumblr's small text option bigger? I put the font at 15px and text written in the small text option is still quite small and tough to read? not sure if i make sense haha

hi! search for small, (yes, with that comma) and you will see that it has a font-size:.7em; just change this .7em to some other value. this value can also be in pixels

posted on July 09th, 2024
filled under answered anonymous k:sirius
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hi! i'm using your updated andrômeda theme and absolute adore it! i recently pinned a post and noticed that it has a gradient border around it that's really really pretty! is there a way to make all posts have this effect, not just the one that's pinned? thank you!

hi!! thanks for using andrômeda <3

search for .post.pinned::after remove the .pinned, leaving just .post::after :)

posted on March 08th, 2024
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hi Sasa! hope you're having a good day! i love your themes and want to use bellatrix on a blog. i wasn't sure but just wanted to ask if there's anyway i could get links in the header, as i like the theme with just the header? much love, thanks for taking the time to read this! <3

hello! i hope you had a good week.

i never realized i didn’t put the links in the header until i read your message lol. first, paste the following code above </header>

<a href=“{text:link two url}”><span>{text:link one title}</span></a>
<a href=“{text:link two url}”> <span>{text:link two title}</span> </a>
<a href=“{text:link three url}”> <span>{text:link three title}</span> </a>
<a href=“{text:link four url}”> <span>{text:link four title}</span> </a>
<a href=“{text:link five url}”> <span>{text:link five title}</span> </a>
<a href=“{text:link six url}”> <span>{text:link six title}</span> </a>
{/block:IfLinkSixTitle} </nav>

after that, search for /*sidebar*/ and paste the following code above that

header nav{
header nav a{
header nav a::before {
transition:color .4s;
content:counter(li, decimal-leading-zero)“.”;
header nav a:hover::before{color:rgb(var(–Sub-color));}

posted on March 01st, 2024
  • Anonymous
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Bless you for the work you put into making and rewriting themes. I know it's hard work and those of us who love and care about having nice themes are so grateful that there are still people out here coding and sharing them for us to use for free!! Have a nice day or evening 🩷

thank you very much, really. i’m doing this for you, who consume my codes, engage and enjoy it. this blog would be nothing without your support, and even though i don’t earn anything from it, i’m very happy to be able to share my hobby here.

posted on January 20th, 2024
filled under answered anonymous