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Purpose – This paper aims to focus on research regarding organizational learning (OL) and knowledge management(KM), and to specifically investigate whether OL has been conceptually absorbed by KM. Design/methodology/approach – This study... more
A method for producing entrapped whole cell biocatalyst is described. The procedure consists of the direct mixing of a gel suspension with an oily phase. Three biopolymers are used: gelatin, agar, and carrageenan using K. fragilis cells... more
A method for producing entrapped whole cell biocatalyst is described. The procedure consists of the direct mixing of a gel suspension with an oily phase. Three biopolymers are used: gelatin, agar, and carrageenan using K. fragilis cells... more
The purpose of this research was to design a structural equation model to identify relationships between psychological capital (optimism, hope, resilience and self-efficacy) and knowledge sharing behavior in a sample of 137 professional... more
El propósito de esta investigación es contribuir al entendimiento de algunas condiciones que favorecen el aprendizaje en las organizaciones, específicamente el rol de la cultura del aprendizaje, la formación, la claridad estratégica y el... more
El artículo analiza las diferencias entre capacitación tradicional y aprendizaje organizacional
The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship of subjective norms, selfefficacy and perceived value of knowledge on the knowledge sharing intention and behavior in leaders and collaborators in organizations. Data were... more
El objetivo fue describir la relación entre el liderazgo transformacional-transaccional del líder con la conducta de compartir conocimiento de los colaboradores. Utilizando un diseño descriptivo-correlacional con análisis regresional y un... more
Una preocupación de las instituciones universitarias que asignan recursos para la investigación es cómo medir su resultado, más allá de los productos académicos. El presente trabajo propone el aprendizaje organizacional como un resultado... more
Knowledge sharing research is growing in Latin America. Most instruments used to measure employees’ knowledge sharing activities have been developed in the Anglo-American language (English). Currently there is no instrument available to... more