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A member registered May 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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I am really looking forward to the full version of the game. Keep up the good work!

You have a very cute art style, and I am really looking forward to your next game!

You're welcome! I'm glad that I could fix the issue.

I have changed the text size, but you should read the full devlog, for all details regarding the editing process.

Ronan is really cute~ As a novice game creator, I had to make my project reaally short, but, I'll still share it with you.


I'm doing my best! I hope you can keep hanging on as well. 

That sounds really painful. The worst insect sting that I ever got was from a misquito. I hope that remains the case.

Hmm...maybe it would be like Noah's Ark. Only humans who have been good to the environment could live.

I wish that I had such a purpose. Those people are truly lucky.

I think that I am better at just writing than making a game. RenJs won't even load if I don't use indentation properly, so I have to copy the script, and add it back in little by little to find out where I messed up. But, at least I can say that when I write, I can momentarily escape reality. I guess that is all that I can hope for.

Feelings can be cruel that way. Sometimes, I feel that I have no control over them, and it sucks. Those are the times that I want to escape into a game or a story.

If we could be strong enough to push away our negative feelings, it would be like a super power with how incredible it would be.

Yes, I finished it~ Technically, the game isn't done, but I have finished the fourth day, even though they are still adding stuff to that day.

Well, it won't be everyone's cup of tea,( day four has a very...graphic sex scene), but it breaks the fourth wall sometimes, and the love interest is very interesting.

I don't remember if she used Naninovel or not. It's been a while since I played it, because I had to delete it to make room for other games. But, I honestly hated the lack of a save feature, because the emulator kept making the game crash. They can create a password so that only people paying can play the game, but it's too hard to add a save feature or use a different engine?

That really is a relief. Over here, the old president Donald Trump has been replaced with Joe Biden. He is way better than Trump, so that's also really good.

The government wants everyone to act, look, and think a certain way, and to live the way that THEY think is right, and it puts so much stress on people. Only the people who are able to adapt to how society changes can thrive.

That's okay. I haven't had many good experiences in America either. At least, past my pre-teen years. Life can be really hard, and society doesn't make it easier.

 But, if Brighton is as nice as you say, it might make a great vacation spot one day.

And, I have heard of so many accidents on rollercoasters, that it is also a dangerous thing to pressure someone into going on it.

I know what you mean. Looking back at some games where characters have good voices, but the voice doesn't match the character, I remember not wanting to play them anymore because that honestly ruined the immersion for me.

Since I tend to like more romantic games, I think that I like drama the most. I know that it isn't comparable to jumpscares, but I only play horror games if they have romance anyway, so jumpscares aren't really what I focus on anyway.

I'm not judging if you can handle yandere like that. I think that I am completely turned off by those types of yandere because, since I haven't met many nice people in my life, I tend to like yandere that are kind and gentle. Softer yandere, you know? They make me feel loved.

Make a love interest with all of the traits that I love? Why did you give me that idea? Now, I have to do it! I have always wanted a love interest that would make me want to play a game over and over again, even after getting every ending. I kind of gave up on the game that I was making, because having to rewrite the script so that the indentation was perfect became frustrating, but I think that I will just make a new game with the idea of a love interest that would be perfect in my eyes.

I cannot tell a lie - I love mayonnaise so much that I put too much on the sandwhich every time. Buuut, I use wheat bread, which is healthy...right? XD

Wow. I could never eat jalapenos like that, because I'm sensitive to spicy food. Even hot sauce is too much heat for me.

Even though I love coffee, I need either sugar or creamer in it, and I learned very quickly that you use up too much of both of those things if you have multiple cups of coffee a day. I was scolded by my cousin for using too much cream and sugar, even though I needed the coffee. Three more relatives came to visit, so it is very hectic. More dishes and other things to clean, and I feel like I'm the only one doing any cleaning. But, I won't trauma dump on you. Just know that I have to sneak coffee sometimes. :P

I'm kind of tired of packaged noodles, because my cousin always buys them. At this point, I'm contemplating writing a novel, and selling it, just so that I have the money to buy foods that I like.

If I try to make that, my cousin will make a disgusted face, ask what I'm doing, then say that I am wasting eggs and cinnamon. But, now I want to try it. XD

I have a problem where if the food isn't sweet, it doesn't seem like a breakfast food. Probably because that is the one time that I know that I can have sweets. There are too many kids here now, so they get snacks before anyone else, so if there aren't enough,I get nothing. >.<

But, your way of thinking is smart. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so, it should be healthy but...try telling that to my sweet tooth. :D

For me, I think it's the caffeine more than the taste, since I drown the taste in flavored creamer and sugar. I literally need it to function though. Being an introvert with a large family, and doing many chores every day means that if you don't have caffeine in your system, then when someone tells you to clean the kitchen for the third time in the day, or the dog keeps barking, and you have to shush it on your own till it's growling and lunging at you, you WILL be feeling the fatigue by the afternoon.

The sad part about it is that my young nephews who wanted it now want to put it in a shelter, but my cousin said that's not their decision to make! >.< All because my cousins boyfriend picked the dog out, and my cousin is too scared of him to ask him to get rid of the dog! So, who suffers because of all of this? Me! I think it's my punishment for not getting my own place. Or the universe telling me that leaving this place, no matter how scared I am, is better than this. least here, I know what to expect and what I will have to go through. Out there? It's a mystery.

My mom used to eat lemons after sprinkling a little sugar on them, and I thought that was really strange. I always wondered why she didn't make lemonade instead. But, I love lemonade and lemon candy. Grapefruit is the only fruit that I can't eat. I can't even drink grapefruit juice. It's really bitter to me. I like to compare it to coffee without cream or sugar.

Oh, it's spicy? Yeah, I really am not good with spicy things. It does sound interesting, but maybe I'll pass on it.

I did try black coffee with no sugar when we didn't have any, and I almost spit it out. It was just too bitter. I can drink coffee black, but it has to at least have sugar in it. I can even drink it with only creamer, as long as it is flavored creamer. I remember that I got so desperate for caffeine that I tried to drink it with syrup... I do not recommend it. Haha~

Is it silly that I think that you are brave for going outside at all? But, I know what you mean about chores, especially dishes. When you live with over five relatives, they pile up quickly, and over a short amount of time.

In America we call being good at gardening having a green thumb. To me, what you are doing is incredible! Especially since it is to help the environment and insects. It's too bad that other insects eat your hard work though.

Wow. If your relatives see you as useless for not having a job, then my relatives must see me as dirt. At least you sometimes go outside, and have a garden. I'm in an apartment struggling to make a game with the simplest game engine. Excuse me while I go cry now.

At least Joe Biden seems nice. Maybe he wouldn't be so hard on unemployed people.

You seem to have kind relatives. An example of my own would be that another cousin helps the one who owns the place I live in with rent. When my helpful cousin got into an argument with the one who owns the apartment she said: "If you have to say what you've done, then you aren't really helping." Suggesting that you have to do more than pay the rent to please her. It's really annoying because she has been...very verbal about how she sees me. Apparently, since I don't have a job the least I can do is help her clean, and watch the dog. Oh, and feed the cat. By the way, I'm sorry for trauma dumping again. I have a cold, so I think it's making me more verbal than usual.

That's okay. At least I know that there is someone in the world who cares about me. And I have my fictional boyfriends too.

Ever since I watched the Disney movie 'Annie', and heard the antagonist tell Annie - "Kid if you think it's bad here, it's lousy out there. I'm doing you a favor by not letting you leave." It's really made me question if I should stay or go. It's not like anyone is forcing me to stay here, but, I'm still here anyway, out of fear.

You are really kind. And you are right, they shouldn't guilt-trip me. However, if I argue back, they will make my life more of a nightmare. I have already had the phone that was given to me taken away for two days. Even though I gave up a laptop so that my cousin could have one month of internet. And it would have been payed using my mom's money. All of the games that I still can't play, programs to make games that I can't use...the possibility of having them are all gone because I gave up my laptop for what she wanted. And, it was only one month, so after that, I could have still had the laptop once the internet came on again.

I have already played two games from that jam, and I loved both of them. I am definitely going to play more, but, I think that I should focus on trying to make a game first, since I gave up because of indentation. But, when I'm done with that, I will be playing more of them.

That sounds like every android phone that I have ever had. And since a phone is all that I have, that isn't good. Now, I am borrowing my cousins' phone, but I've had two phones before that, that were given to me by my mom, and they both had a short lifespan. I don't know what these companies are thinking, but they need to make better products or refund people's money back.

Not really experimenting. I have had so much trouble with indentation, that I have just been copying the script, and adding it back, bit by bit to see where I messed up. If I mess up the indentation, the game won't even load. Imagine writing ten paragraphs, and then trying to test it, but the game won't load. Then having to add the script back in one sentence at a time to see where you went wrong. At this point, I really want Tyrano Builder. T-T

Then, if I make a game, and link it to you, you can still play it. Unless I get nervous, and self-conscious, and change my mind about sending it. But ,that probably won't happen. Maybe.

Hmm...wait, there might be free assets on come to think of it. I could literally just check here.

I have been writing less, ever since I gave up writing a story online due to writer's block. I wrote so many chapters, but I had to drop it, because I had no idea how to continue it. I think I wrote myself into a corner, and would have to rewrite so much if I want to continue it. So, making games could be a fun replacement, once I figure out the indentation part. 

It's alright. I think I understand. I've spent so much time rewriting the script for this game, and every time I finish, (because it is only playable on the browser), I had to upload it to Itch, and try to run it. Because I wanted two love interests, the script was going to be longer than if I only had one. Now I want to delete everything...or at least take away one love interest. So, I've been practically obsessed with getting the indentation right.

I do recognize the feeling of wanting to run away from your responsibilities. I hope that you don't feel too much pressure as a result of the things that you have to do.

Well, you gave me the great idea to make a love interest that I find perfect, so that makes me kind of happy. :D I honestly do hope that you can enjoy yourself, before you go back to your responsibilities. I wish that you get a few chocolates for yourself, and eat them while you drink your coffee. Stay safe, always, my friend.

Is it bad that I like Adam?

I look forward to the completed game. Keep up the good work!

Is this still being worked on?

I'm not going to lie - I don't like Oswin. At all. Ten years of avoiding me, and being rude to me, and then he suddenly softens up because I got cursed? And, if that had not happened? He would never have changed. On the other hand, I love Zahn. He is smart, a good listener, kind, helpful, and he has a beautiful singing voice. As a side note, I do wish that Lakota had been a love interest, because he's actually really sweet.

Maid for You Beta (currently consists of the common route and James' route)

Yes! :)

Okay, I give up. Checking the bed changes nothing. Can you please put the guide to ending 4 in a spoiler block or something?

It's okay, I know how life can be sometimes. 

I am trying to make a short game to experiment more with RenJs, but the indentation is hard, because I have to write everything in a certain format. Oh, well, it might be easier than Renpy, but I wish that I could use Tyranobuilder, because it sounds so easy to use.

I am busy trying to dissociate from my relatives and life, which is why I am making a game to begin with. All I have as sprites are ai from a free ai generator site, and they're kind of bad, but, hey, they are free at least.

I hope your life gets better or is already starting to get better. I miss you, by the way. Stay safe, and happy~ \(^O^)/ (^_^)

This is a beautifully written, highly entrancing game. I was completely engrossed in the story, and I was immensely disappointed when it inevitably ended. Vynn is a sweetheart, and my favorite character, and I cannot wait to see what fate awaits us in the future. Keep up the excellent work!

I know! It's not fair!!! >.<

Whoo-hoo! Yay~ Thank you so much!!! \^O^/

Try the joiplay app to play it.


Joiplay app:

Renpy plugin:

Warning: I wrote this when I was half asleep, so there might be typos. XD

Life has a grudge against us, I suppose.

When my grandma would watch the news, it would always be about a shooting at a school, or on the streets, or someone getting hurt in general. Even my young nephews watch videos about song artists getting killed, or getting hurt in prison. So, I know how discouraging it can be.

That's not pathetic. I constantly wonder why I'm even alive. I mean, there honestly doesn't seem to be a reason. I'm just...existing, and it is really depressing.

Even when my mom was alive, there were times when I got depressed. And my mom spoiled me, and loved me unconditionally, so I also felt like I should be happy. It was always either my cousins or my bad grades at school bringing me down, and I hated it.

I'm playing a Unity game right now that doesn't have saves. It has four separate game days, and it is really long. Plus, when it crashes on Winlator, I have to play it from the beginning again. It is in a beta state as well, so the crashes happen because of game bugs, not Winlator. The game is called Your Boyfriend, and the creator has said that it doesn't have saves because her version of Unity didn't have saves already. But she uses monobleeding edge too, so that doesn't make sense.

I guess they just like being able to vote, and being able to choose who runs the country.

Trust me, we're mad as hatters over here. XD Society has made everyone self-conscious about their image, the food here is too rich and fattening, and like I said before, the suicide rate is very high.

I always thought the UK was one of those places I could go to meet people who were actually nice and friendly where I didn't have to worry about peer pressure, or society judging me. I am so sorry that is how it actually is. The UK deserves better.

Well, I'm glad that you at least have that. I just hope that you don't feel too bad because of the lack of proper medicine.

I get that. My cousin, my other cousin, my nephews, and my cousins' boyfriend's clothes take priority over mine. It's not fun waiting to wash your clothes, or sheets.

That does not sound like a safe working environment. I am really glad that you don't work there anymore.

There does seem to be plenty of fun involved, but, I could only continue for my friend if sexual harrassment is involved.

If they treat their workers better, they wouldn't have that problem. I wish that they could see that.

I get what you mean by it being good to face your fears, like overcoming stage fright, so that you can be an actress, but I am terrified of heights, so I can't stand riding rollercoasters, and my cousins know that I hate heights. I think they are just sadistic.

Everyone's bodies are different, so I understand that. My cousins and nephews are always hot when I'm cold, so it sucks, because they always open the windows when it is cold outside, leaving me freezing.

Higher ups, do tend to be a bit snobby, and rude. At least, that's what I've heard. I really do hope that he got fired, and someone nicer took his place.

When I watch an english dub of One Piece, I am shocked by how bad some of the english voice acting is, and I love that anime, so I understand. Some characters voices make me cringe, and I wonder how the team that made the anime thought they were a good choice to voice that character.

That's perfectly fine. People have different pet peeves that turn them off. For me, it's jump scares in games. I will have a mini heart attack playing Five Nights At Freddy's, and I don't find it fun to have a character suddenly jump out at you.

Still, I am glad that you include it in your games, because I really love it. And you pick the best voice actors too! It's heaven. Yandere Heaven~

Because you want to be seen as a person, not something to be owned.

Well, that is better than a yandere that physically hurts the mc to punish them, and then says that it is their fault for making them like that, or that they made them jealous. Which is strange, because in the game that I'm playing called Your Boyfriend, Peter, the love interest can do all of that, but it depends on the choices that you make. He can be the sweetest yandere you've ever known if you make the right dialogue choices, which is what I'm doing now.

That might be why you created him. Maybe he is  a guilty pleasure of yours?

Neither one of us will be able to go then, because I also don't have a passport. It would be nice, though.

I ate like two big bags of them, and I had two cups of coffee, which I think kept the hunger away because of all the caffeine.

But, it is true that when you diet, you should at least eat food that tastes good, but doesn't have too many calories. I love tuna fish sandwiches, even if mayonaise is fattening, because tuna is fish, and fish is healthy, right? So I feel like that balances it out.

Here we have fried or frozen food every day, but, personally, I try to watch my intake of it. Like, if I know we are having fried chicken for dinner, I will try to stave off my hunger with multiple cups of coffee, and a few walnuts, until then, or if we have chicken nuggets, or pizza rolls, I won't get too many of them. We also always have noodles, but I can't tell if they are healthy or not, because even though they seem healthy, the seasoning in the packet might have a lot of sodium, which isn't good for you. But, we hardly ever have sweets...okay, my nephews do, but my cousin will usually say that's their after school snack, so don't touch it, so I usually don't have to worry about sugar content, except in coffee, and then, I go wild. XD But, I do sometimes have oatmeal, which is reaaally good, by the way, and very healthy.

I don't hate celery, but I at least want to eat it with peanut butter. That is honestly delicious! Eating it by itself, would be miserable.

Since we no longer have multigrain bars, I have either cereal, bacon and eggs, or oatmeal for breakfast. Now, while I do like cereal, I know that it isn't very healthy, so I do prefer oatmeal, because it is healthy AND it tastes good. I only have bacon and eggs when someone makes it for a family meal, because I don't like it as much  It is greasy, and fattening, and I like oatmeal a lot better.

 Yeah, a shake really is just a drink anyway, so that is understandable. I imagine drinking it while eating a protein bar might make it easier to have for breakfast.

My favorite soup is chicken noodle soup. A bit basic, but it's healthy and tasty~ But, yeah, lunch isn't really my favorite meal, anyway.

Dinner for me is either chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, fried chicken, with some veggies and rice, or noodlea, so, yes, kind of heavy. I haven't had tuna fish since we last got some months ago, and I miss it. That was healthy and tasty, but, oh well.

I haven't had chocolate in a while, but I have coffee every day, and I can't function without it. XD

My nephews aren't even that bad. At least they keep it on the toilet seat. But, yeah, cleaning up pee isn't fun, and neither is washing the mop out...or being told that I didn't clean it good enough, or that the mop still smells. It isn't my dog in the first place, so I shouldn't be cleaning up after it, but, then you add insult to injury by saying that I didn't do it right? Come on, that is not fair! >.<

My cousin only likes to watch the dog when her boyfriend is around, because the dog is scared of him, so I watch it a lot. When the kids get home, they play games when they should be watching it, and I end up looking after it again. At least they clean up its' poop, so that's something. But, yeah, it is stressful. It is a really big dog, so the kids can't walk it, because they don't have enough strength to keep it under control. And my cousin refuses to walk it as well. They say it is too expensive to pay for a dog trainer, and no one wants to train it. My cousins boyfriend yells orders at it, bit no one else can get it to listen to them. It is really depressing.

My cousin loves putting cinnamon in her coffee, but, I'm too scared to try it. I might put some in my tea when we get some more though, if it really is that good.

My mom used to put sugar on lemon slices, and eat them just like that, and it almost made me dislike lemons. But, I love lemonaid too much to stop drinking it. I also love lemon flavored candy. But not everyone has the same tastebuds or loves the same thing. I don't really like dark chocolate. I know that it is healthier than milk chocolate, and is good for your heart, but it is just SO bitter. I can eat it, but I would need to wash the taste out of my mouth with something.

Does turmeric tea taste good? I've never heard of it before.

I think that I was immune to the effects of coffee for a short while, but I guess that when you get tired enough, the caffeine can have some effect on your body...either that or it's because we have a different brand of coffee now. Either way, I am so addicted to coffee that I drink it even when there is no cream or sugar. I know that I have a problem, but I don't care. :D

I can get a full eight hours of sleep, and still feel tired, so I think I understand. It's even worse if you are woken up, only to be told to clean up, or to wash the mop out. After that, I don't feel like doing anything for the rest of the day.

Warm weather can make you tired. It might be the reason why some kids and teenagers say that they will do a lot of things for summer break, and then end up doing nothing. So, don't feel bad about that. And, you don't have to force yourself to do anything. If you still feel the same way this summer, it is completely okay! ^-^

Ooh, you garden? That is so cool! I would be terrible at that, mostly because I would forget to water them every day. That's why playing games and reading is my hobby. XD

I have the opposite problem. It feels like I'm not doing much of anything, like I'm not doing enough, and I hate it. So being behind on stuff means that you have things that you need to do, something to work on, and that makes it sound like you have a goal to achieve. That's a good thing, because no one can say that you are being lazy, or that you aren't doing anything. So you are doing great.

At least you can go out. I've been a shut in for so long, that if I tried to go out and interact with people, even just to go grocery shopping, I feel like I would screw it all up. I would need to relearn how to socialize, and even then, I would be like a terrified rabbit, in a world full of hungry wolves. I couldn't do it.

I thought about leaving, going to a shelter, or something. But, the thought of being around a bunch of strangers is scary, too. I'm also afraid of the unknown, and at least I know what to expect living with my relatives, but I don't know what will happen someplace else, or how other people will react to me, or how to deal with them. You are lucky to have gotten out of your own situation, and I really am happy for you.

For as long as I've been living with them, I thought that I had to do everything that they said, because I was living under their roof. But, it didn't mean that I always took the abuse that they gave me. Fighting and arguing with them only makes things worse, and they tell me that if I act out, I can give them back anything that they gave to me, and find a job, and leave. They know that I'm scared to go outside, so they use that to scare me into doing what they want. Or they say that I might as well do something since I'm not working...I hate it so much. You are the only one who understands me, and you are so far away. But, I am grateful to have you. I really am.

When you find something that you are comfortable with, it is hard to change to something else. Besides, Godot doesn't show graphics well on Winlator. Characters have missing hair, and clothes, and look like dress up dolls, the text doesn't show, and the background is a bunch of blurry colors that look like someone mixed paint together on a canvas. So I wouldn't be able to play your games anymore.

Aww, that is really sweet~ But, I found a visual novel maker called RenJs that I think is entirely web-based. I have already made a short game to thank someone who helped me when I was having trouble playing a game, and I want to make one for you too. All you have to do with RenJs is format your words correctly, and you have a game! You type the words into the text file for the script, change the name of the character in a different file, and it even comes with sprites that are free to use! 

It is almost like a sign telling me to make you a game. XD Joking, but I really do want to. One thing though - I really like the sprites that you used for your game "Solipsism Reigns". If those sprites are free to use, can you please tell me where to get them, because I forgot, and please tell me who to give credit to for the images. Thank you!

That reminds me of a youtuber who ordered food that people made and sold on a website. She did a google search for how long it would take for food poisoning to set in. XD Luckily, she was fine after eating all of that food. Your brother seems sweet to warn you about them though. It sounds like he really cares about you.

At that point, I would get my relatives to call the police on them and explain the situation. Maybe then they would listen, and write down what they need to tell you.

And don't worry about me judging you about not picking up the phone. I can't even leave this apartment, so I understand not being able to do something that most people would think is normal.

Now that I can make proper games, I think that I will be able to distract myself from my problems at least a little. I hope that things get better for you, too.

(1 edit)

That's okay, I understand. I really haven't been feeling great either. Actually that's a severe understatement, but I digress. It is completely okay.

Thank you for telling me that. I didn't know where to look for him.

The only thing that I hate about choice of games is that, outside of Dashingdon, there are no save states, and only some of them have checkpoints, so you have to start all over if you made a bad choice.

Even I know to make sure that the person that I vote for is a good person by researching them. They might assumably run the country, after all.

I used to think that all foreign countries were better than the U.S. I suppose that was naive of me.

That's not fair. Why does America have better medication, and why won't americans send it to other countries, so that they can have it as well? If I had thyroid medicine I would definitely send it to you.

My clothes are clean now, and I couldn't be happier! I feel so fresh~

Goodness, what is wrong with people? Especially those perverts! At that point, I would give them a real scare by chasing them as far as I could, then explain the situation to my boss later.

No bathroom or water breaks, and dealing with drunk people, and cleaning after hours of working. I would quit too. How were they able to keep any workers there?

At least it seems like she had fun. That reminds me of when my cousins threatened to not let me come back to Six Flags, ( a theme park), because I didn't want to go on any rollercoasters, or rides that went into the sky. People forcing you to do scary activities are the worst.

To me, being hot is better than being cold, but it would be better to just be warm. Not having a backup person for such an important room is a huge oversight, and a major inconvenience. What was your boss thinking?

I guess some girls like verbally abusive guys. I couldn't imagine why. Charms or no, I couldn't stand to romance a rude boy.

If you still like sadistic yanderes, then you should look up Eggsmr on youtube. He does asmr voice acting as different sadistic yanderes. You would love him.

Characters who want a prize instead of a lover are weird to me. Like, they don't love you, they just want to dominate you, and that feels wrong to me.

I actually don't mind that Kakeru was clingy, or even really that he locked me up. Lying to our dad about me though, mocking the way that he said I walk, and spying on me with cameras like he doesn't trust me, is going too far.

Oh, I get what kind of yandere Takaaki is now. I do love those types of yandere. Yanderes that never get angry at their love interest, and that worship them, like they adore everything about them to the point of obsession, I like them. A happy, kind, obsessive, protective, but trusting yandere is the type that I like. Like the kind of guy that will leave the front door unlocked after kidnapping you, trusting that you won't run away, and only locking you in a room if you break that trust. One that won't kiss you without your permission, but will give you lots of hugs to make up for it. And will do anything for you. I want a guy like a game only, of course.

Maybe we should both visit Finland, then. :D

I didn't eat anything but walnuts for two days, but I lost enough weight that way. Peanuts fill you up surprisingly fast. I know that being on a diet sucks. Depriving yourself of foods that you love isn't fun. I hope that you at least have diet shakes or trail mix, or nutrigrain bars or something that tastes good. Those walnuts had no flavor to them, and I didn't put any salt on them, so that I didn't get extra calories. Don't make the mistake that I made, and at least eat something with flavor.

It mostly makes my life difficult. The kids don't know how to mop properly, so I end up cleaning up pee, and I have to help clean up waste too. Plus feed the cat, because they at least feed the dog. But, the dog jumping on the table, and going through the trash does affect everyone. And it jumps on anyone who is carrying food too. Also not fun, because its' nails are long, and they hurt.

My favorite tea flavors are green tea, black tea, and lemon ginger tea. I didn't know some people claim that their tea can cure stomach aches. However, herbal tea does make my stomach feel better sometimes. And all tea makes me feel sleepy, not just camomile. I thought tea was just supposed to make you sleepy, like coffee wakes you up.

Taking things slow does sound like a good idea. I heard that you mostly get burn out if you do too much at once. A lot of rest and tea/water might help, too. I do hope that you feel okay right now though.

Yeah, I can't see you being angry, you seem too nice for that. But, it sucks that you can't even feel content. Do you think aromatherapy or a stress ball might help to make you less anxious?

I don't understand how other people can be so strong. It is literally terrifying for me to live with these people. They always find a mistake that I made and annoy me about it, or they find something about me to insult, telling me that I need to change. Nothing that I do is ever enough for them. But, I made the decision to live with them, so I can't really complain.

That's okay. I found an engine where you can export to all devices, and is also for mobile called Godot, but I downloaded it and I had no clue what to do. I have no coding skills, so I got overwhelmed fast. I'll be blunt: I hate twine, so I wanted to use a different engine. But, Godot is not it. So, it will be a while before I can make a decent game for you, anyway.

Getting chocolate sounds like the best way to celebrate any holiday~ ^_^ We don't do much for Easter either, so I'm just going to try to relax.

Aaron is really gentle, kind, and hard-working. Who wouldn't like him? Um, Coda isn't really my type, but I don't hate him.

Oh, that's why his smile looks a little scary at first. But, I got used to it. When I found out about his insomnia, I even thought that his smile was strained because he was tired all of the time. XD

It is very surprising. He is so sweet~

Thank goodness! I almost felt bad for him.

Way to just assume no one wants to date Aaron. I actually happen to like him.

That's a good idea! I'll send him a message on whatever social media he is on.

Yeah, you should never have to NEED to escape reality.

Ooh, I go to the online 'Choice Of Games' site now, but I remember those choose your own adventure books. They were so much fun!

Aren't the votes rigged? That's what I heard anyway. If that is the case, it would explain a lot.

The U.S must be the first most miserable country then. There is bullying, over-eating, killing, and, apparently, we are the country known to have the highest suicide rate, as well. So, yeah, not a good look on us.

I just looked up the definition of thyroid, and it seems pretty important. Are you okay? All of my warm clothes need washing right now. All I am wearing are two short-sleeved shirts, and a pair of blue jeans. We are out of bleach, so I can't get any sweaters or long-sleeved shirts washed right now, either.

I looked up images of alpacas, and, yeah, they are pretty cute. Your dad sounds like a really kind person. He reminds me of my mom. She used to buy me whatever I wanted too. I did hear that customer service was tough, but at least you got chocolates. XD That would make it all worth it to me.

Now I'm curious about the downsides to a job like that. People usually scare me, because I get nervous around them. I can't imagine trying to scare anyone. I probably wouldn't be good at it.

I have a bad memory, so I could not memorize lines that easily. Being the nun would have been hard just because of that. I feel kind of bad for that woman. This is why I can't go to haunted houses at theme parks; I would be just as scared as that lady.

I'm pretty weak, so holding that skull would be torture to me. >.< And, did the dry ice make the area cold? We've established that neither of us is good with the cold, so that would be hard for both of us. I hope you at least got bathroom breaks if you drank that much water.

I hope you try to practice self-care once a day, at least. ^-^

I'm glad that people can't push you around as much anymore. I also had to learn to stand up for myself and learn to say no to people at times.

Why do some girls like guys like Sakae? As someone who used to like sadistic yanderes, can you tell me? Takaaki's description reminds me of Kakeru. He was sooo sweet...until his ending, when I realized, he is kind of a jerk. So, Takaaki might leave me feeling disillusioned, too.

Hearing you say that, makes me so happy~ I want to go into the light, and, maybe one day I will.

Thank you for telling me that! Now, I'm moving to Finland, so that I can find a good support group.

I'm kind of on a diet right now, actually. I'm not really fat, but I gained a pound or two, ans now I feel like I need to lose that weight.

The cat and the dog that my cousins have are not house trained, and both are kind of violent, so I am not really finding animals very comforting right now. But, when I drink tea, I also feel sleepy, and that feeling makes me a bit numb to my emotions so that I don't feel them too strongly, which I like. 

I would be happy to get another yandere game from you, but I hope you don't get burn out symptoms.

 I just get numb to the sadness now. When I am feeling content, (which is very rare now), and, I go back to my normal depression, I mostly just feel empty. Unless I end up sad because of an argument with a relative, then I end up almost in tears.

Keep up the good work! I am truly looking forward to playing this game when it comes out!

I am very sorry to bother you, but, I tried to play this on Winlator, and it crashed after the loading screen. Can you give me a guess as to what might be the problem? This was right after it got to 100 percent.

I'm using Winlator.

I hope so. He needs to know how happy he made me!

Well, reality sucks. Fiction is better, anyway. 

I think that I got lucky. If I wasn't so good at escapism, I probably wouldn't be here right now.

I think that a good president would help the lives of ordinary people so much. Maybe one day, we will have a kind president run the country.

That sounds fun! I hope that you had a good time. \(^O^)/

I've never had a toy like that before, but it sounds useful. I get cold so easily, so I need something like that. I know what llamas look like, but  I have never seen an alpaca before. I should look it up sometime. I'm so happy that everything worked out well for you. At least you got job experience, and a possible discount on that toy. Fun fact - I could never work at a donut or icecream shop; I would use all of my money on sweets, and that would not be good for me. ^-^;

That does sound like fun. You seem way too nice to scare anyone, though.

That is such a kind reason to live! But, living for yourself is nice too. I hope you don't stretch yourself too thin trying to help others. Take care of yourself first, sweetie.

And people who make mobile games don't care if most people pay for items, because they get sooo much money from just a small portion of people. Thank goodness for emulators because greedy people like them don't deserve my money or time. Because even if you don't pay with money, you will pay with your time. And time is too important to waste.

I knew you were kind. <3 Yeah, but I sometimes wonder if it would be better if I really could go to another planet that was inhabitable. Maybe one day it will be possible.

Yeah,  a yandere can keep me locked in his house in a game, and kill my best friend, but if I could tell that they really loved me, I would still give them a chance. I'm more used to school settings in games honestly, and these two new yanderes in Yandere Heaven look scary and intimidating. But, yeah, Takaaki doesn't seem as bad. Without spoiling too much, how nice is Takaaki?

You are so sweet! You didn't have to worry so much about me~ While I am very grateful, if the loading times are that bad, I think that this particular series is a hard pass for me. I know that you will make other great yandere games in the future, and I will wait patiently, yet eagerly for those. (:

How are those high notes possible? This singers voice is so beautiful! But, I wonder if this is a love song about remembering someone close to you.

I actually would also like you to listen to this cover of Deep Sea Girl:

I think this song reminds me of how I feel about you. You really do make me want to live again.

Even though the ending of the video is really sad, I think that I like the lyrics more than Aura, because the words in I Exist describe how I feel sometimes. Like 'I see the morning light and wonder why I'm still here.' and 'If I exist another day would anybody even effin care.' But hearing 'better days will come to light', by someone who seems to understand me, feels kind of nice.

Well, chocolate also makes me happy! :D I hope to keep being a good friend to you for a long time.

I think that I played every good route in the extended demo. Noah is kind, gentle, patient, understanding, protective, stern, smart, a good cook, handsome, a gentleman, and has really pretty blue eyes. He seems tired a lot, and has dark circles under his eyes, and seems a bit stressed out because of the player, but I think he's precious. I would honestly stay with him forever. Let me marry him, and I'll be happy. Also, I love the animation. The rain on the main menu, and the steam from the bowl of soup, and the cup of tea are really cool and helps with the immersion. Keep up the great work, and I hope that you still take breaks, and relax sometimes.

I LOVE Paithem! Keep up the great work!


I really love Leander! I can't wait for the next update.

Of course I'll wait! I love the yandere already~ ^_^

I used a translator to play this game, and I really love it! I hope you update soon!

You are an angel, and a miracle worker! It works! The game works, and I can hear his voice! I wish I could thank Snowe's voice actor, because he really did an incredible job. I am going to replay that game so many times because of him, and your wonderful writing skills. (: 

I mostly write to vent feelings and escape reality. When I was younger, and I read my stories to myself, I felt like I had escaped to a world all my own, and it was even better than any other story, because I know what to write to make myself feel happy and free.

I simply dissociate myself from them, which leads to me spending time alone, reading and playing games to escape. It's unhealthy, and sometimes I question my mental health, but it keeps me from doing what Sapphie almost did. I'm still here because I know how to use fiction to heal myself.

This is why many people think that the government is evil. People are already struggling because of their condition, and they just make things worse for them. I really hope things get better one day. It's depressing to live under the thumb of such corrupt humans.

Why are those monsters given such positions of power? And of course, ordinary citizens can do nothing against them. It's like a killer having connections to a cop, so calling the police on them is useless. It's disgusting.

Oooh, are we the same age? That is so cool! And, Happy Belated Birthday! I hope that you had a very fun time on your Birthday~

At least you can say that you have prior work experience in job interviews, that's really helpful.

I was asking myself what I'm living for, and...heh, I guess to check on game updates on twitter and tumblr. To be honest, games are the only reason I'm still alive, and that is why I die a little inside whenever someone deletes their game, especially when it's still incomplete. Uh, I don't know what I would do without good otome games, Winlator, and Joiplay. Mobile games are frustrating because you can only play a little every day, with constant prompts to buy more energy or tickets to continue playing, and have to get items to progress. So I can only play windows games with emulators like Joiplay, and Winlator. Some might say that it is a childish reason to live, but I seriously dont know what I would do if I couldn't cling to a fictional world with cute boys.

After hearing what you are going through, I think you are the strong one. Being harassed so much can't be easy to deal with.

It's good to have an escape, and I hope the game progress goes well. Even though I don't really like mean yanderes I'll try to play the second volume of Yandere Heaven. (: The advocate sounds really kind. And I am really glad that you had someone help you try to communicate your feelings to the government. It isn't right that the Government can take as much time as they want to reply to you. Ignoring you won't make things any better. 

I tend to ignore the world around me when I use a coping mechanism like reading, writing, or gaming to forget something, so I understand.

I really love this song! The rhythm is so upbeat, and the lyrics are so deep. It is like the speaker is singing directly to me. I have it on repeat right now, in fact. A song that really relates to me, and mirrors how I feel is this:

(If the link doesn't work it's called 'Hello, How Are You' by Lizz Robinett. She does a great cover of the song.)

If the day does come where I am happy, it will be because of you. Thank you for being an amazing friend!

I hope that you continue this game!

Okay...but, one day, Pikefish needs love! <3

Pikefish route, please?

It's okay, I know that stuff happens, and you have your own life to live. I am just happy that you did that for me.

This time, if it doesn't work, I'll just wait for the next update of Winlator to see if that one works better. There is already a beta 5.1 version, but, since it is still being tested, I haven't tried it yet. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and effort! ^_^

I Iove rhyming! That's why I enjoy writing poems. I'm so happy to meet someone who loves poems as much as I do. You're welcome! To try so hard to help someone like me, you are very sweet indeed. 

I think that I can relate to that feeling; I have become so distant from all of my relatives that I don't think any of them know me. They probably see me as withdrawn and standoffish. I've gotten used to our lack of interaction though; I think sometimes it is better to be alone, so no one can hurt you...but some things are unavoidable, and I am grateful that they took me in, but we simply don't get along.

That is a truly evil thing to do to someone. One of my cousins has anxiety disorder, and is partially blind, so she struggles with these things as well. Some people didn't want to give her disability benefits, like a disability check because she's working, so they say that she doesn't need it. Things got better for her, and I hope that they do for you as well. And trying to push you out of your comfort zone is disgusting; just as you can only communicate through writing, I could only ever work at home, because of my extreme fear of being outside. If someone forced me to work in a company, or anywhere outside my home, I would lose my mind. Please hang in there a bit longer, okay?

Goodness! They sound like either the most corrupt humans alive or my middle school bullies. They likely know how their words and actions affect you, and they just don't care. It is beyond unfair, but, sadly, I have learned that is how many people are.

Listen, I am 32 years old, and I have never had a real job before, while you have. You have your dad, while the only relative that ever loved me is dead. If I haven't given up, you shouldn't either. Don't let those assholes make you feel depressed, or take away your happiness. You made me feel a small joy that I haven't felt in years, so I really want you to be happy. Please stay strong.

Take your time. I know how it feels to be so mentally drained that you don't want to do anything.

Same. I really hope that things get better for you.