  • i just dont think its fair that ppl living paycheck to paycheck are the main ones trying to help palestinians

  • can we bully celebrities with more money into donating to these campaigns how do we do that

  • it’s spelling bee finals. you kiss your locket for luck. the pronouncer says ‘hot to go’. you smirk, and open the locket, containing a tiny photo of chappell roan. 'we did it,’ you whisper, but two men in suits immediately tackle you. you are disqualified for having paper with you during the contest and looking at it (that’s cheating). the next contestant gets 'chiaroscurist’ or some such and win. then if things couldn’t get any worse, dan and phil walk onto stage and

  • Urgent: Mahmoud needs a new laptop!

    Can you imagine taking exams in an active war zone? That is the reality for Mahmoud @ma7moudgaza2. Please take the time to read his story:

    Who among us does not remember University Street, the alleys of halls, the park, the cafeteria, and the coffee sellers on the roads.

    How can a person forget his home?! His comfort, after returning from university, was to enjoy a cup of coffee, his ritual for completing his tasks, and at the end of the week in front of the television watching a comedy movie.

    The house and the road to it were beautiful. Life was lived with sincerity and warmth of moments. It was our happiness to return to our homes.

    Happiness became a wish, and a loaf of bread became a miniature happiness.

    I am writing to you in extreme pain. My house has been damaged, and I have lost my university laptop. I currently need an MSI laptop to complete my university studies, and its price is $2000 due to the war and the extremely high prices. I ask for a donation as soon as possible so that I can solve the final exams that begin at the end of the week.


    His fundraiser only has $3,475 donations so far, and much of the money has already been spent just to survive. We have to raise $3525 as quickly as possible! Please share and donate!

  • Please read this.

    Mahmoud had already lost hope for evacuation when his campaign didn’t receive enough donations, and instead decided to rebuild his family home. Now he has given up on that as well, and decided to at least commit to pursuing his degree amidst everything going on.

    Between constantly getting displaced on the whims of the IOF and providing for his family and the unreliability on internet connection, he has really, really struggled to study for his degree. One thing we can do to help with this is donate until he reaches his goal to purchase a laptop so he can use it to correspond with the university as he’s remotely sitting for his exams at the end of this month.

    He lost his previous one along with his family home. I can’t emphasize how much more sad and tired he sounds with every time I hear his voice. Please help my friend.

    Keep reading

  • In its historic ruling, the ICJ found that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza is entirely unlawful, that Israel practices apartheid and racial segregation, and that all states are under a duty to help bring this to an end, including by cutting off all economic, trade and investment relations with Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. In other words, as a matter of international law, all countries are obliged to participate in an economic boycott of Israel’s activities in the occupied Palestinian territory and to divest from any existing economic relations there.

    13 August 2024

  • ❤♥️ Save a Gazan family ♥️❤


    @amalashuor, her husband, and their baby girl Maryam are constantly on my mind.

    Amal, who was still a student when the attack on Gaza interrupted her pursuit of a Master's degree, has had to evacuate time and time again, seeking shelter for her family.

    Every time she asks "why isn't my campaign making progress? Who can I speak to to get help?" I feel like I've failed her. Her campaign, which has a very reachable goal, has been stagnating.

    We don't know how many opportunities they will to cross the border. We can't take chances. Time is of the essence. If the time comes and the border opens and they haven't reached their goal yet, I don't know what I'll do. They cannot separate, so they must have enough to evacuate all three of them.

    Please, please donate, and if you can't, share as far as you can , as urgently as possible.

    Let's get them safe. ❤

    #175 on this vetted fundraiser list.

  • My friend, @feluka, I am grateful to you for everything you did for me. You are a very wonderful person. You spent a lot of time for my family @feluka. Thank you very much. We have approached the first goal of the campaign, and I hope for your continued support for my family.🍉❤️‍🩹

  • 竄ャ28,085 raised of 竄ャ30,000

    Just a little more to go. The goal is within sight. Keep going 笙・

    Keep reading

  • *Initiative: "Save Abu Yamen's Family Now"* 🙏

    Dear friends,

    Abu Yamen's family, including his innocent children, are living in constant fear, under relentless bombing in Gaza. Their lives are hanging by a thread, and we need your urgent help to save them.

    **How can you make a difference?

    1. **Share this message:** "Abu Yamen's family is in desperate need of our help. Their lives are at risk, and we must act now. 🌍 Please, donate if you can or share this message with others."

    2. **Tag someone who cares:** Choose someone who would want to help, tag them, and ask them to spread the word.

    3. **Keep it going:** Encourage them to tag others and continue the chain.

    Every share, every tag, every action could be the one that saves a life. Let’s come together and act now to protect Abu Yamen’s family. 🙏💔

    I will start with @apollos-olives 🙏 Please reblog this initiative and tag someone who care 🙏


  • Hello Tumblr community!

    This blog has been started to document and share fundraisers vetted by @nabulsi, @el-shab-hussein, and Moh'd Ayesh. We felt it would help to create a space dedicated to this documentation process.

    The fundraisers we are vetting will be added to this page as well as included in our google sheet.

    We will continue to reblog and share on our personal blogs, and that will not change, but this blog will help better organize these fundraisers.

    Please spread this as we'd like to start using this primarily to share newly vetted fundraisers.

    ~ Thank you

  • always crazy to me how i could make aliyah right now and have a bunch of different organizations help me move to israel basically for free despite having not a single relative there or having ever been there before or having any family history remotely connected to israel for the past two thousand years. but my palestinian friends whos families were exiled cant return, cant or would have difficulty even trying to visit their remaining relatives right now, and would probably get harassed or killed by settlers if they tried to visit the towns their families used to live in that are now mostly populated by israelis. even with american passports palestinians trying to visit israel or palestine report this

    and not only does israel do everything to encourage jews to move to there with ease, with the support of american and european governments, these same european countries that actually RECENTLY exiled us will make us go through hoops to try to return and gain citizenship in the places our ancestors are directly from

  • Reminds me of this photoset (sorry for meh quality) which really emphasizes the inequality in "right of return".


    Source: Ghada Karmi and Ellen Siegel, in 1973, 1992 and 2011. Photos by Francis Khoo (1, 2) and Jean-Pascal Deillon (3).

    Notes from the Palestine Poster Project: Curator's note: These three photos depict Ghada Karmi and Ellen Siegel holding up almost identical posters over a period of thirty years. The first two photos are of the two women opposite the Israeli embassy in London (1973 and 1992) and the third photo is taken in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC more recently.

    Similar photo:


    Source. This one is from 2009.

  • Urgent: Mahmoud needs a new laptop!

    Can you imagine taking exams in an active war zone? That is the reality for Mahmoud @ma7moudgaza2. Please take the time to read his story:

    Who among us does not remember University Street, the alleys of halls, the park, the cafeteria, and the coffee sellers on the roads.

    How can a person forget his home?! His comfort, after returning from university, was to enjoy a cup of coffee, his ritual for completing his tasks, and at the end of the week in front of the television watching a comedy movie.

    The house and the road to it were beautiful. Life was lived with sincerity and warmth of moments. It was our happiness to return to our homes.

    Happiness became a wish, and a loaf of bread became a miniature happiness.

    I am writing to you in extreme pain. My house has been damaged, and I have lost my university laptop. I currently need an MSI laptop to complete my university studies, and its price is $2000 due to the war and the extremely high prices. I ask for a donation as soon as possible so that I can solve the final exams that begin at the end of the week.


    His fundraiser only has $3,475 donations so far, which means we have to raise $1525 as quickly as possible! Please share and donate!

  • @lovingchaosheartladdy is a scammer pretending to be a Palestinian woman, absolutely sickening.

    please block her and do not promote her ask messages!!

  • US folks: jewish voice for peace has a form you can use to call on your senators to oppose the latest arms deal with israel. it's quick and easy, please do it and share!

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    You say “when you vote for her [Harris], you vote for its [genocide] perpetuation.” Do I infer correctly your meaning that the American voter who opposes genocide and opposes Trump shouldn’t participate in this year’s presidential election?

  • Lol people on here have already given you 60 different resources with which to proceed if you want to vote in this election. You guys just choose not to listen because you want to think of this election as a ya fantasy schism in history where you get to vote between the red overlord and the blue overlord and no other choice. In reality there’s protest voting, there’s the uncommitted movement, there’s voting third party. If you actually were interested in voting in a meaningful way, you would have researched it for yourself. But all you guys rly wanna do is prove a snide point. It’s a lost cause directing you to any alternatives atp.

  • Hello everyone, I wanna highlight this Sudanese family's campaign.

    It is only 5k! and they're half way there but haven't gotten any new donations in 4 days! So please Donate & share, let's help this lovely family out 🫶

    For more information and Sudanese fund campaigns to support, kindly check this list

  • 900$ to go y'all!!!!

    Please keep boosting we're so close T-T

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    Have you ever visited a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

  • Have you ever visited a UNESCO World Heritage Site?



    See Results
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    &. lilac theme by seyche