في قاعِ كُـلِّ شاهق تُربَتي

@feluka / feluka.tumblr.com

أَنْـبُـتُ مَصْقُولَ الْأَقْـلَاَمِ

❤♥️ Save a Gazan family ♥️❤

@amalashuor, her husband, and their baby girl Maryam are constantly on my mind.

Amal, who was still a student when the attack on Gaza interrupted her pursuit of a Master's degree, has had to evacuate time and time again, seeking shelter for her family.

Every time she asks "why isn't my campaign making progress? Who can I speak to to get help?" I feel like I've failed her. Her campaign, which has a very reachable goal, has been stagnating.

We don't know how many opportunities they will to cross the border. We can't take chances. Time is of the essence. If the time comes and the border opens and they haven't reached their goal yet, I don't know what I'll do. They cannot separate, so they must have enough to evacuate all three of them.

Please, please donate, and if you can't, share as far as you can , as urgently as possible.

Let's get them safe. ❤


ok so the blog asking their followers to mass report me turned out to be as anon said, all bark and no bite, but i'm actually going to log off for a While on my own accord because real life stuff is getting hectic especially with my exams and i'm not doing well. i'm going to be giving my login info to a trusted friend and having them change it so i literally can't log back in if i wanted to (that's on tumblr for not giving any temporary deactivation options)

***this blog, for now, is inactive***

mutuals are free to add me on discord (same username as here) and for the two people who still haven't received their commissions, i will be in contact in about two weeks hopefully. inbox and dms are still open for whenever i log back in but don't count on it because sometimes i get overwhelmed by the amount of unanswered messages. if you needed my help with something i really am so so sorry and i wish i could help. please continue to reblog my pinned post <3


WE NEED TO GET @iyadsobhegaza TO 10K

Iyad's daughter is very sick. There are cases of polio, chicken pox, monkey pox, and several other diseases spreading throughout Gaza right now. Young children and elderly people are the ones most at risk but with starvation and lack of clean drinking water and the general unsanitary situation, anyone can become sick very easily. And with a family of 10 including 2 elderly people and several small children, Iyad has a lot to worry about.

They NEED this money both to save up for evacuation and for daily expenses like for food, water, shelter, and medicine (especially after they lost 11k due to GFM deleting their previous fundraiser which you can read about here). Everything is currently very expensive in Gaza and they were displaced yet again recently. Iyad often can't even aquire medicine for his blood pressure which tends to spike unpredictably. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE HOW URGENT THIS IS.

Iyad's previous fundraiser is #177/173 on the Vetted Gaza Fundraisers Spreadsheet and was vetted by nabulsi here. We are still waiting for it to get updated to his current P*yP*l.

Donations have been majorly slowing down as of late and it's incredibly concerning. It's getting at most 2 donations per day now and that's unacceptable. They haven't even reached 3% of their goal yet. Please donate if you are able to and if you are not, please share. Perhaps queue this a few times in advance.



For your donation you can get:


this is getting AT MOST 2-3 donations per day currently. Iyad and his family are in extreme danger both because of direct israeli attacks and the polluted state of much of the Gaza strip which leads to disease very easily

I cannot say this enough: PLEASE DONATE !! even if you can spare just a dollar that's a dollar they didn't have before !!


Urgent: Mahmoud needs a new laptop!

Can you imagine taking exams in an active war zone? That is the reality for Mahmoud @ma7moudgaza2. Please take the time to read his story:

Who among us does not remember University Street, the alleys of halls, the park, the cafeteria, and the coffee sellers on the roads.

How can a person forget his home?! His comfort, after returning from university, was to enjoy a cup of coffee, his ritual for completing his tasks, and at the end of the week in front of the television watching a comedy movie.

The house and the road to it were beautiful. Life was lived with sincerity and warmth of moments. It was our happiness to return to our homes.

Happiness became a wish, and a loaf of bread became a miniature happiness.

I am writing to you in extreme pain. My house has been damaged, and I have lost my university laptop. I currently need an MSI laptop to complete my university studies, and its price is $2000 due to the war and the extremely high prices. I ask for a donation as soon as possible so that I can solve the final exams that begin at the end of the week.

His fundraiser only has $3,475 donations so far, which means we have to raise $1525 as quickly as possible! Please share and donate!


There is $1,500 left to buy a laptop for me to enable me to take the electronic final exams🙌🍉

So share and donate if youu can guy’s 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Keep going guy’s Left 1400$ for goal 🙌🚨


i am so frustrated..in the past 20 hrs hazem @hazempalestine has only raised €25. he deserves better from all of us

art to repost on instagram under the readmore


€7,967 raised of €50,000 goal


gfm link for easy access

Only THREE DONATIONS IN PAST TWO HOURS. Please help Hazem evacuate his family who has been stuck in North Gaza, the area suffering from the worst and LONGEST period of food scarcity and starvation, for almost a year now. Hazem hasn’t seen his younger siblings nor his parents in 11 months.

€8,147 raised of €50,000 goal!! Let’s help Hazem get to 9k at least by the end of day. Please help us raise €853 in the next 12 hours.


Urgent: Mahmoud needs a new laptop!

Can you imagine taking exams in an active war zone? That is the reality for Mahmoud @ma7moudgaza2. Please take the time to read his story:

Who among us does not remember University Street, the alleys of halls, the park, the cafeteria, and the coffee sellers on the roads.

How can a person forget his home?! His comfort, after returning from university, was to enjoy a cup of coffee, his ritual for completing his tasks, and at the end of the week in front of the television watching a comedy movie.

The house and the road to it were beautiful. Life was lived with sincerity and warmth of moments. It was our happiness to return to our homes.

Happiness became a wish, and a loaf of bread became a miniature happiness.

I am writing to you in extreme pain. My house has been damaged, and I have lost my university laptop. I currently need an MSI laptop to complete my university studies, and its price is $2000 due to the war and the extremely high prices. I ask for a donation as soon as possible so that I can solve the final exams that begin at the end of the week.

His fundraiser only has $3,475 donations so far, and much of the money has already been spent just to survive. We have to raise $1525 as quickly as possible! Please share and donate!

$4195/$5000! We need to hit $5000 by the end of today!!

$4295/$5000! Only $705 to go!! If every person who reblogged this donated just $5 we can reach our goal!



I asked every member of my family if they felt they would survive this war‼️, and surprisingly they all gave the same answer, no, they denied that they would survive. I did not expect to hear my sister, who is only 10 years old, tell me that she feels like she is going to die soon and that she is praying to God not to let a missile tear her apart when she dies. How can this world be so cruel? Is it fair that a child dies while dreaming of life? I need you to help me protect the rest of my family. I cannot afford to lose any more of them. Any amount will make a difference in saving them.


Urgent: Mahmoud needs a new laptop!

Can you imagine taking exams in an active war zone? That is the reality for Mahmoud @ma7moudgaza2. Please take the time to read his story:

Who among us does not remember University Street, the alleys of halls, the park, the cafeteria, and the coffee sellers on the roads.

How can a person forget his home?! His comfort, after returning from university, was to enjoy a cup of coffee, his ritual for completing his tasks, and at the end of the week in front of the television watching a comedy movie.

The house and the road to it were beautiful. Life was lived with sincerity and warmth of moments. It was our happiness to return to our homes.

Happiness became a wish, and a loaf of bread became a miniature happiness.

I am writing to you in extreme pain. My house has been damaged, and I have lost my university laptop. I currently need an MSI laptop to complete my university studies, and its price is $2000 due to the war and the extremely high prices. I ask for a donation as soon as possible so that I can solve the final exams that begin at the end of the week.

His fundraiser only has $3,475 donations so far, and much of the money has already been spent just to survive. We have to raise $1525 as quickly as possible! Please share and donate!

$4195/$5000! We need to hit $5000 by the end of today!!


Urgent: Mahmoud needs a new laptop!

Can you imagine taking exams in an active war zone? That is the reality for Mahmoud @ma7moudgaza2. Please take the time to read his story:

Who among us does not remember University Street, the alleys of halls, the park, the cafeteria, and the coffee sellers on the roads.

How can a person forget his home?! His comfort, after returning from university, was to enjoy a cup of coffee, his ritual for completing his tasks, and at the end of the week in front of the television watching a comedy movie.

The house and the road to it were beautiful. Life was lived with sincerity and warmth of moments. It was our happiness to return to our homes.

Happiness became a wish, and a loaf of bread became a miniature happiness.

I am writing to you in extreme pain. My house has been damaged, and I have lost my university laptop. I currently need an MSI laptop to complete my university studies, and its price is $2000 due to the war and the extremely high prices. I ask for a donation as soon as possible so that I can solve the final exams that begin at the end of the week.

His fundraiser only has $3,475 donations so far, which means we have to raise $1525 as quickly as possible! Please share and donate!


There is $1,500 left to buy a laptop for me to enable me to take the electronic final exams🙌🍉

So share and donate if youu can guy’s 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Keep going guy’s Left 1400$ for goal 🙌🚨

The goal has reached $4160 today, guys. There is only $840 left to reach the goal and buy a laptop for me to take my exams. I must achieve this goal by tomorrow!!🚨‼️


Please donate mahmoud needs the amount by tomorrow!!!

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