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Fallout Wiki

As a loyal soldier of the Enclave, I got orders to kill you. Hope you don't mind.

Enclave patrolmen are soldiers who patrol the territories around Navarro in 2241 in Fallout 2.


Clad in the recognizable advanced power armor of the Enclave, patrolmen are brutal, efficient, and thoroughly deadly. Under Proposition 312, they have standing orders to eliminate all illegal aliens on Enclave territories, without exception.[1]

They usually patrol in squads of three to nine soldiers, and are heavily armed with various energy weapons and even heavy support armaments and are a major threat to anyone foolish enough to cross through Enclave territories.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

38 Paradigm of Humanity
This character has no special interactions.



Despite the disguise working in other Enclave installments, wearing advanced power armor will not stop the patrolmen from attacking.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Now I suppose you're going to tell me you're just out looking for a water chip. Do I look dumb? Get him!"


Enclave patrolmen appear only in Fallout 2.

Behind the scenes[]

Enclave patrolmen reference the main quest of Fallout.[2]


  1. Enclave patrolmen: "You're an illegal alien on Enclave territory. Proposition 312 orders us to shoot on sight. Sorry, boy!"
    (Enclave patrolmen's dialogue)
  2. Enclave patrolman: "{204}{}{Now I suppose you're going to tell me you're just out looking for a water chip. Do I look dumb? Get him!}"
Enclave Symbol (FO3)