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Fallout Wiki

A combination of appearance and charm. A high Charisma is important for characters that want to influence people with words.— Fallout in-game description

Charisma is one of the seven primary statistics in the SPECIAL system.

Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics[]

In Fallout 2, Charisma also determines the number of base companion slots the player character is given. This number is equal to their Charisma score divided by two, rounded down. As an example, with a Charisma at five, two can be recruited. Please note that one companion can still be recruited (in a few cases) even with the lowest Charisma score.

Predesigned Primary Charisma-based Characters (PPCC) of Fallout are Albert, and in Fallout 2's case, Chitsa.

In Fallout Tactics, Charisma is, at best, a secondary trait. Due to the nature of the game (i.e. almost exclusively combat-based), it is feasible to complete the game easily with 1 or 2 Charisma with no penalty. The only role is that when the Warrior starts with Charisma of 10, their rank is Senior Initiate, rather than Initiate. It is involved with the Barter skill and promotions, and is required for the Leader and Divine Favor perks. A low Charisma, on the other hand, gives access to the Loner perk.

Ways to increase Charisma in Fallout[]

  • Find the Singer random encounter. Speaking with Patrick the Celt and passing a Speech check will increase Charisma by one.
  • Use some Mentats for a temporary +1 Charisma.

Ways to increase Charisma in Fallout 2[]

Charisma-based perks[]

Perk Required Level Additional Requirements Games
Brown Noser 5 2 Intelligence 6 Fallout Tactics
Presence 6 3 - Fallout, Fallout 2
Team Player 4 3 - Fallout Tactics
Leader 6 4 - Fallout Tactics
Loner <5 4 Outdoorsman 40% Fallout Tactics
Magnetic Personality <10 6 - Fallout 2
Way of the Fruit 6 6 - Fallout Tactics
Bluff Master 3 8 - Fallout Tactics
Animal Friend 5 9 Outdoorsman 25% Fallout
Karma Beacon 6 9 - Fallout 2
Master Trader 7 9 / 12 - Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics
Cult of Personality 10 12 - Fallout, Fallout 2
Divine Favor 8 14 - Fallout Tactics

Fallout 3[]

Modifies: Speech and Barter skills, NPC Disposition

Charisma increases the disposition of all NPCs, which makes Speech checks easier. Disposition is also affected somewhat by Karma (most NPCs like good characters more), quests (doing a quest in a way an NPC likes can dramatically boost disposition), and dialog options (being a jerk in conversations can lower disposition a little). Charisma also affects the Barter and Speech skills. Characters who use Speech will want at least a decent Charisma, but adding points to the skill is almost always better than adding points to the score. Characters who do not use the Speech skill have little use for this SPECIAL score.

There are also general Charisma checks in dialogue with some characters, in addition to Speech checks. Avoid wearing things like Enclave Power Helmets, as they deduct 1 point of Charisma while equipped.

Value Skill Modifiers
1 Barter +2, Speech +2
2 Barter +4, Speech +4
3 Barter +6, Speech +6
4 Barter +8, Speech +8
5 Barter +10, Speech +10
6 Barter +12, Speech +12
7 Barter +14, Speech +14
8 Barter +16, Speech +16
9 Barter +18, Speech +18
10 Barter +20, Speech +20

Charisma-based perks[]

Perk Requirement Level Additional Requirements
Child at Heart 4 4
Scoundrel 4 4
Impartial Mediation 5 8
Animal Friend 6 10
Master Trader 6 14 Barter 60

Ways to increase Charisma[]


Fallout: New Vegas[]

Charisma in New Vegas modifies Barter, Speech and Companion Nerve. Companion Nerve gives each companion in the party +5% to their damage and armor, up to a maximum of +50% at 10 Charisma.

Regardless of Barter or Speech level, some interactions will not be available with a too low Charisma (e.g. Corporal Betsy). These ultimately do not have any significant effect on gameplay, nor do they provide any special bonuses.

Charisma-based perks[]

Perk Requirement Level Additional Requirements
Ferocious Loyalty 6 6
Animal Friend 6 10 Survival 45

Interactions that require Charisma stat[]

Level names and statistics[]

Value Name Companion Armor & Damage Skill Modifiers
1 Misanthrope +5% Barter/Speech +2
2 Old Hermit +10% Barter/Speech +4
3 Creepy Undertaker +15% Barter/Speech +6
4 Peevish Librarian +20% Barter/Speech +8
5 Substitute Teacher +25% Barter/Speech +10
6 Cheery Salesman +30% Barter/Speech +12
7 Diplomat +35% Barter/Speech +14
8 Movie Star +40% Barter/Speech +16
9 Casanova +45% Barter/Speech +18
10 Cult Leader +50% Barter/Speech +20

Ways to increase Charisma[]


Ways to decrease Charisma[]


  • If the Courier's Charisma stat is the most extreme (highest or lowest), Doc Mitchell will either comment "them bullets didn't affect your charm none." (for highest) or about frontal lobe damage (for lowest).

Fallout 4[]

Charisma is your ability to charm and convince others. It affects your success to persuade others in dialogue and prices when you barter.

Charisma influences several game mechanics. It directly controls the ability to charm and convince others, replacing the Speech skill in governing one's chance of successfully persuading in dialogues. It also replaces the Barter skills from previous games by governing the prices received from trading with merchants.

In Fallout 4, Charisma also governs access to the following perks:

  • Cap Collector; Get better prices from merchants and invest in their stores.
  • Lady Killer / Black Widow; Be more effective against the opposite sex in combat, persuasion, and use of the Intimidation perk.
  • Local Leader; Build workshops and traders at settlements and establish supply lines to link them.
  • Party Boy/Party Girl; Increase the effects of alcohol and remove any chance of addiction.
  • Buffs to companions or the Sole Survivor based on companions:
  • Mental manipulation of NPCs in combat:
    • Animal Friend; Pacify, Incite, or Command Wasteland "animals" (typically mammals) below the player character's level.
    • Intimidation; Pacify, Incite, or Command human and non-feral ghoul enemies below the player character's level.
    • Wasteland Whisperer; Pacify, Incite, or Command Wasteland creatures (typically non-mammalian animals, but also includes feral ghouls and super mutants) below the player character's level.

Effect on a settlement[]

Charisma affects the maximum amount of settlers allowed at a settlement:

Effect on Speech[]

Charisma affects the chance of passing a Speech check:

Additionally, each rank of Lady Killer or Black Widow adds 10% if the target is of the opposite gender. The final result of the Chance to Succeed formula is limited to a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 100%, so there is always a slight chance of success.

Difficulty Level Modifier
Yellow -35%
Orange -50%
Red -65%

One has a 100% chance of success to pass a Red check with a Charisma value of 11 or higher; this includes all clothing, armor, and drug effects.

The SCAV! #1 magazine permanently increases speech checks success rate by 10%.

Effect on Barter[]

Charisma affects item buy/sell values; the value of an item for buying or selling is its innate value multiplied by either the buying price modifier or the selling price modifier:

Multiply the modifier from Charisma and all applicable modifiers above to get the (near) final modifier.

If one gets a final buying modifier that is less than 1.2, the game will use 1.2. If one gets a final selling modifier that is greater than 0.8, the game will use 0.8.

The minimum purchase price is 120% of the item's value and the maximum selling price is 80% of the item's value. It appears that this applies even after one gets a discount from a vendor. Because 1.2/0.8 = 1.5, anything which can be scrapped to more than 1.5x its value will lead to profits simply by buying the object, scrapping it, and selling the components. An example item which easily surpasses the 1.5x return value is cooking oil, which has a value of 4 and scraps to components with a net value of 13.

To get the best prices:

  • Without any of the other factors above, one needs 16 CHA for buying and 15 CHA for selling.
  • With the Cap Collector 1 perk, one needs 15 CHA for both buying and selling.
  • With the Cap Collector 2 perk, one needs 13 CHA for both buying and selling.
  • With the Cap Collector 2 perk and the Barter bobblehead, one needs 12 CHA for buying and selling.
  • With the Cap Collector 2 perk, the Barter bobblehead, and all 8 ranks of Junktown Vendor, one needs 8 CHA for buying and 12 CHA for selling.
  • Grape Mentats will act in every way like +5 Charisma plus Cap Collector 1, which means using them alone plus 10 CHA is sufficient.
    • Near-maximum selling price and near-minimum buying price can be reached without expending any SPECIAL points in Charisma or related perks. A combination of the Barter bobblehead, Charisma bobblehead, fully ranked Junktown Vendor, alcoholic beverages, Grape Mentats, and Charisma-boosting clothing and/or Sharp armor can provide enough Charisma points to effectively reach buying and selling limits.
  • With the Cap Collector 2 perk, the Barter bobblehead, and all 8 ranks of Junktown Vendor, and having done the relevant quest to make the vendor like the player character enough for a discount:
Charisma Buying Price Modifier Selling Price Modifier
1 3.35 0.2985
2 3.20 0.3125
3 3.05 0.3279
4 2.90 0.3448
5 2.75 0.3636
6 2.60 0.3846
7 2.45 0.4082
8 2.30 0.4348
9 2.15 0.4651
10 2.00 0.5000
11 1.85 0.5405
12 1.70 0.5882
13 1.55 0.6452
14 1.40 0.7143
15 1.25 0.8000
16+ 1.20 0.8000
Modifier Buying Price Modifier Selling Price Modifier
Cap Collector 1 0.90 1.10
Cap Collector 1+2 0.72 1.32
Barter bobblehead 0.95 1.05
Junktown Vendor 0 1.00 1.00
Junktown Vendor 1 0.97 1.00
Junktown Vendor 2 0.94 1.00
Junktown Vendor 3 0.91 1.00
Junktown Vendor 4 0.88 1.00
Junktown Vendor 5 0.85 1.00
Junktown Vendor 6 0.82 1.00
Junktown Vendor 7 0.79 1.00
Junktown Vendor 8 0.76 1.00
Wasteland Survival 6 0.90 1.00
Friend Discount - Connie Abernathy 0.75 1.25
Friend Discount - Alexis Combes 0.90 1.1
Friend Discount - Trashcan Carla 1 1.1

These factors are multiplicative and not additive; for instance, rank 2 of Cap Collector gives a 1.32 selling modifier. A Friend Discount is when the player character gets better prices from a vendor for completing a quest. For example, completing Returning the Favor for Connie Abernathy's husband unlocks a Friend Discount with Connie. Other vendors may have the same or other discounts.

Ways to increase Charisma[]

Combined with all base game items a maximum Charisma of 32 can be reached, while with all add-ons included 48 is the maximum.


Fallout 76[]

Charisma is your ability to lead and help others. It allows you to share higher point Perk Cards and also affects your rewards from Group Missions and prices when you barter.

Modifies: Rewards from Group Quests, Barter Bonus

Sharing a perk card requires the player character to have a Charisma that is three times the rank of the card.

At a Charisma of 1 there is +0% Experience Points (XP) and +0% caps rewards from group quests. Each additional level of Charisma increases both XP gain and caps gain by +5%, except for the jump from Charisma = 4 to Charisma = 5, where the XP gain and caps gain increases by +10%. At the maximum Charisma of 15, the XP gain and caps gain is +75%.

Effect on Barter[]

Charisma affects item buy/sell values; the value of an item for buying or selling is its innate value multiplied by either the buying price modifier or the selling price modifier. While Hard Bargain will increase Charisma during bartering, it provides less benefit for those with higher charisma.

Selling items to vendors caps at 25% of the item's value, the buying modifier caps at 175%, and items will be purchasable at this price with 25 Charisma.

Charisma Buying Price Modifier Selling Price Modifier Buying to Selling ratio (lower is better)
1 2.5 0.1 25
2 2.4 0.1 24
3 2.4 0.125 19.2
4 2.3 0.125 18.4
5 2.3 0.15 15.333
6 2.2 0.15 14.667
7 2.2 0.175 12.571
8 2.1 0.175 12
9 2.1 0.2 10.5
10 2 0.2 10
11 1.98 0.205 9.659
12 1.96 0.21 9.333
13 1.94 0.215 9.023
14 1.92 0.22 8.727
15 1.9 0.225 8.444
16 1.88 0.23 8.174
17 1.86 0.235 7.915
18 1.84 0.24 7.667
19 1.82 0.245 7.429
20 1.8 0.25 7.2
21 1.79 0.25 7.16
22 1.78 0.25 7.12
23 1.77 0.25 7.08
24 1.76 0.25 7.04
25 1.75 0.25 7

In short, Buy price decreases from 2.5 by 0.1 for every even level of Charisma up to 10, then from 2 by 0.02 for every single level of Charisma up to 20, then from 1.8 by 0.01 for every level of Charisma up to 25. Sell price increases from 0.1 by 0.025 for every odd level of Charisma up to 10, then from 0.2 by 0.005 for every level of Charisma up to 20.

Charisma-based Perks[]

Name Level Rank Description
Animal Friend 30 1 Aim your gun at any Animal below your level for a 25% chance to pacify it.
2 Aim your gun at any Animal below your level for a 50% chance to pacify it.
3 Aim your gun at any Animal below your level for a 75% chance to pacify it.
Anti-Epidemic 34 1 Your disease cures have a 50% chance to cure a disease on nearby teammates.
2 Your disease cures always cure a disease from nearby teammates too.
Bloodsucker 11 1 Bloodpacks now satisfy thirst, no longer irradiate, and heal 50% more.
2 Bloodpacks satisfy more thirst, no longer irradiate, and heal 100% more.
3 Bloodpacks greatly satisfy thirst, no longer irradiate, and heal 150% more.
Bodyguards 5 1 Gain 6 Damage & Energy Resist(max 18) for each teammate, excluding you.
2 Gain 8 Damage & Energy Resist(max 24) for each teammate, excluding you.
3 Gain 10 Damage & Energy Resist (max 30) for each teammate, excluding you.
4 Gain 12 Damage & Energy Resist (max 36) for each teammate, excluding you.
E.M.T. 9 1 Players you revive come back with health regen for 15 seconds.
2 Players you revive come back with improved health regen for 30 seconds.
3 Players you revive come back with high health regen for 60 seconds.
Field Surgeon 15 1 Stimpaks and RadAway will now work much more quickly.
Friendly Fire 48 1 Teammates hit by your flame weapons regen health briefly (no molotovs).
2 Teammates hit by your flame weapons regen more health briefly (no molotovs).
3 Teammates hit by your flame weapons regen even more health (no molotovs).
Happy Camper 3 1 Hunger and thirst grow 40% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop
2 Hunger and thirst grow 80% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop
Happy-Go-Lucky 17 1 Your Luck is increased by 2 while under the influence of alcohol.
2 Your Luck is increased by 3 while under the influence of alcohol.
Hard Bargain 7 1 Buying and selling prices at vendors are better.
2 Buying and selling prices at vendors are even better.
3 Buying and selling prices at vendors are now much better.
Healing Hands 28 1 Players you revive are cured of all Rads.
Injector 19 1 Players you revive have +6 Action Point regen for 10 minutes.
2 Players you revive have +12 Action Point regen for 10 minutes.
3 Players you revive have +18 Action Point regen for 10 minutes.
Inspirational 2 1 When you are on a team, gain 5% more XP.
2 When you are on a team, gain 10% more XP.
3 When you are on a team, gain 15% more XP.
Lone Wanderer 4 1 When adventuring alone, take 10% less damage and gain 10% AP regen. Cost: 2
2 When adventuring alone, take 15% less damage and gain 20% AP regen. Cost: 3
3 When adventuring alone, take 20% less damage and gain 30% AP regen. Cost: 4
Magnetic Personality 13 1 Gain 1 Charisma for each teammate, excluding yourself.
2 Gain 2 Charisma for each teammate, excluding yourself.
Overly Generous 32 1 Rads increase your chance to inflict 25 rads with a melee attack
2 Rads increase your chance to inflict 50 rads with a melee attack
Party Girl Party Boy 24 1 The effects of alcohol are doubled. Cost: 2
2 The effects of alcohol are tripled. Cost: 3
Philanthropist 39 1 Restore some of your teammates hunger and thirst when you eat or drink.
2 Restore more of your teammates hunger and thirst when you eat or drink.
3 Restore much more of your teammates hunger and thirst when you eat or drink.
Quack Surgeon 22 1 Revive other players with liquor!
Rad Sponge 44 1 When affected by rads, you periodically heal 80 rads on nearby teammates.
2 When affected by rads, you periodically heal 140 rads on nearby teammates.
3 When affected by rads, you periodically heal 200 rads on nearby teammates.
Spiritual Healer 36 1 You regenerate health for 5 seconds after reviving another player.
2 You regenerate more health for 7 seconds after reviving another player.
3 You regenerate even more health for 10 seconds after reviving another player.
Squad Maneuvers 37 1 Run 10% faster when part of a team.
2 Run 20% faster when part of a team.
Strange in Numbers 42 1 Positive mutation effects are 25% stronger if teammates are mutated too.
Suppressor 40 1 Reduce your target's damage output by 10% for 2 seconds after you attack.
2 Reduce your target's damage output by 20% for 2 seconds after you attack.
3 Reduce your target's damage output by 30% for 2 seconds after you attack.
Team Medic 20 1 Your stimpaks now also heal your teammates for half the normal strength.
2 Your stimpaks now also heal nearby teammates for 75% of normal strength.
3 Your stimpaks now also heal nearby teammates for their full strength.
Tenderizer 46 1 Make your target receive 5% more damage for 5 seconds after you attack.
2 Make your target receive 7% more damage for 7 seconds after you attack.
3 Make your target receive 10% more damage for 10 seconds after you attack.
Travel Agent 26 1 You pay 30% fewer Caps when Fast Traveling.
Wasteland Whisperer 50 1 Aim your gun a creature below your level for a 25% chance to pacify it.
2 Aim your gun a creature below your level for a 50% chance to pacify it.
3 Aim your gun a creature below your level for a 75% chance to pacify it.

Ways to increase Charisma[]

Fallout Shelter[]

Charisma affects how efficient a dweller is while working in the living rooms, radio studio, and barbershop facilities. It can be increased on different dwellers by assigning them to the lounge.

Fallout: The Board Game[]

Unlike other games, Charisma is not treated as a variable ranging from 1 to 10, but instead as a token that can be obtained at the start or when leveling up. A player character with the Charisma token gets free rerolls during certain tests and can also recruit certain companions from the shop.

Any player character wearing formalwear gains one hit during a Charisma test. However, a player character cannot gain any rerolls from Charisma while wearing metal armor. During any Charisma test, Day Tripper can be used to gain one free hit.

Charisma-based perks[]

Companions requiring Charisma[]

