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That's us. We got sent here to fix the rails and make some new ones, and for that we got to use dynamite. Of course, dynamite works pretty good against caravan guards, too. So, that's what we do - rob and blow things up.

Dawes is a Powder Ganger who guards the NCR Correctional Facility entrance in 2281.


A glorified gate guard,[1] Dawes was a member of a major gang back in the Hub.[2] He was imprisoned and sent to the Mojave correctional facility as part of a work-release program. Not that it had much effect on him; Dawes was part of the crew that organized the NCRCF uprising and got rid of their corrections officers using explosives meant for clearing boulders off the railway line.[3] He chose to stick around because of the defensible nature of the NCR Correctional Facility, and its access to trade routes.[4]

Dawes will grant access to the NCR Correctional Facility to a character who has a sufficient reputation with the Powder Gangers in exchange for 100 caps.[5] Alternatively, assisting Joe Cobb in Run Goodsprings Run will earn free access to the facility.[6]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Other interactions[]

  • Wearing faction armor to overcome low reputation with the Powder Gangers is ineffective with Dawes, as he will note that he doesn't recognize the wearer as somebody he served time with[8] and will still demand the entrance fee of 100 caps.[5] After the fee is paid, Dawes will see through the faction disguise and attack. Killing Dawes at this point will not make the others hostile unless it also triggers a reputation drop to Vilified.
  • Without any special Sneak skill, it is possible to achieve Hidden status beside or behind Dawes and pickpocket his NCRCF visitor's center key. As the key is marked with no weight or value, pickpocketing the key will never fail (unlike with Dawes' other possessions) as long as the Courier is hidden. There is no Karma loss for this, nor for using the key on the door.
  • Should Eddie have died for whatever reason he will be unsure who if anyone will take his place as leader of the Powder Gangers.[9]
  • He will greet a female character more 'politely' than a male character.[10][11]


Notable quotes[]


Dawes appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Dawes: Look at you, walking in here like you're one of us. Don't you know this is Powder Ganger territory?"
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What did you do to end up in here?"
    Dawes: "Me? I ran with the toughest gang in the Hub. You've heard of the Hub, right? It's, uh, west of here, I think, back in California."
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "What exactly is a Powder Ganger?"
    Dawes: "That's us. We got sent here to fix the rails and make some new ones, and for that we got to use dynamite. Of course, dynamite works pretty good against caravan guards, too. So, that's what we do - rob and blow things up."
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  4. The Courier: "If you're free, why are you sticking around?"
    Dawes: "We've got the biggest, baddest fort in the wasteland. There's water and power, and if we need grub, we just go out and steal it."
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Courier: "Can I go in?"
    Dawes: "Well, I don't know. Depends on if you can make it worth my time. A hundred caps sounds right to me."
    The Courier: "Here's the caps."
    Dawes: "All right, you can go on in. Can't guarantee your safety, though. Just saying."
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Courier: "Can I go in?"
    Dawes: "Yeah, all right. Figure you could help us out the way you helped out Cobb's crew over in Goodsprings."
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  7. Dawes: "Did you see me take out that NCR trooper? Right through his eye!"
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  8. Dawes: "I know all the guys I did time with around here and you ain't one of them. Can't fool me with that Powder Ganger getup."
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "Who's in charge of the prison now?"
    Dawes: "Not sure who's gonna take over with Eddie dead."
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  10. Dawes: "Okay, I know I wasn't serving time with no girl, or I'd have heard about it. You come to play with the Powder Gangers?"
    (Dawes' dialogue)
  11. Dawes: Hey there, girlie. You here to party with the Powder Gangers?"
    (Dawes' dialogue)