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Anexo:Graduados honorarios de la Universidad de York

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Desde 1966, han recibido grados honorarios por la Universidad de York, Toronto, las siguientes personas:[1]

Graduado Grado Año
John Abele Doctor of Laws 2015
Rosalie Silberman Abella Doctor of Laws 1991
Izzeldin Abuelaish Doctor of Laws 2015
Anni Albers Doctor of Laws 1973
Josef Albers Doctor of Laws 1973
Edgar Tilden Alberts Doctor of Laws 1981
Lincoln MacCauley Alexander Doctor of Laws 1990
Andrew Allan Doctor of Letters 1972
Helen Katherine Stacey Doctor of Laws 1979
Sidney Altman Doctor of Science 1990
Doris Anderson Doctor of Letters 1997
Noël Gilroy Annan Doctor of Letters 1966
Louis Applebaum Doctor of Letters 1979
Mortimer Herbert Appley Doctor of Science 1975
C. J. S. Apps Doctor of Laws 1976
Louise Arbour Doctor of Laws 1995
Hannah Arendt Doctor of Laws 1968
Angela M. Armitt Doctor of Laws 1975
Bromley Armstrong Doctor of Laws 2013
H. Anthony Arrell Doctor of Laws 2008
John Douglas Arnup Doctor of Laws 1969
Harry W. Arthurs Doctor of Laws 2008
Joseph Arvay Doctor of Laws 2016
Nesta Mary Ashworth Doctor of Laws 2001
Beth Atcheson Doctor of Laws 2011
Phoebe Asiyo Doctor of Laws 2003
Jean Augustine Doctor of Laws 2011
Frank Joseph Augustyn Doctor of Letters 1979
Margaret Avison Doctor of Literature 1985
Lloyd Axworthy Doctor of Laws 2015
Yvonne Tempe Aziz Doctor of Laws 1985
Salah Bachir Doctor of Laws 2015
Peggy Baker Doctor of Letters 2013
Thomas Balogh of Hampstead Doctor of Laws 1981
John Bankes Doctor of Laws 2014
Aharon Barak Doctor of Laws 2000
Ernesto Barbini Doctor of Letters 1980
Matthew W. Barrett Doctor of Laws 1993
Maude Barlow Doctor of Laws 2014
Andy Barrie Doctor of Laws 2010
Ruth Nita Barrow Doctor of Laws 1990
James Bartleman Doctor of Laws 2003
Dominic Stephen Barton Doctor of Laws 2012
Sheela Basrur Doctor of Laws 2007
Isabel Bassett Doctor of Laws 2001
Sonja Ingrid Bata Doctor of Laws 1992
Thomas J. Bata Doctor of Laws 1998
David Robert Bates Doctor of Science 1983
Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien Doctor of Laws 1979
Laurent Beaudoin Doctor of Laws 1992
Norma Marian Beecroft Doctorate of Letters 1996
Jean-Marie Philémon Joseph Beetz Doctor of Laws 1983
Monique Bégin Doctor of Letters 1995
Robert Gordon Bell Doctor of Laws 1986
George J. Benjamin Doctor of Laws 1980
Avie Bennett Doctors of Letters 2004
Roy Frederick Bennett Doctor of Laws 1989
Jacques Bensimon Doctor of Letters 1998
J. Thomas Rodney Berger Doctor of Laws 1977
Douglas G. Bergeron Doctor of Laws 2013
Hakan Berggren Doctor of Letters 1994
Pierre Berton Doctor of Letters 1974
Leonard J. Birchall Doctor of Laws 1982
Florence Bayard Bird Doctor of Laws 1971
Claude Thomas Bissell Doctor of Laws 1967
Neil Bissoondath Doctor of Letters 1999
Barbara Aronstein Black Doctor of Laws 1990
Naomi Black Doctor of Laws 2010
C. Reginald Blackstock Doctor of Laws 1974
Cindy Blackstock Doctor of Laws 2017
Richard Blackwell Doctor of Laws 1971
Vincent Wheeler Bladen Doctor of Laws 1975
Marie-Claire Blais Doctor of Letters 1975
Allan Emrys Blakeney Doctor of Laws 1991
Ronald Langley Bloore Doctor of Letters 1993
Jean Sutherland Boggs Doctor of Letters 1976
Roberta Lynn Bondar Doctor of Science 1992
A. Alan Borovoy Doctor of Laws 1988
Bertram Vivian Bowden Doctor of Science 1979
Marion Boyd Doctor of Laws 2017
William J.S. Boyle Doctor of Laws 2012
Asa Briggs Doctor of Laws 1968
Donald Brittain Doctor of Letters 1987
John Edward Broadbent Doctor of Laws 1991
Dave Broadfoot Doctor of Letters 2008
Rosemary Brown Doctor of Laws 1989
Dave Brubeck Doctors of Letters 2004
Thomas Brzustowski Doctor of Science 2005
Ralph Johnson Bunche Doctor of Laws 1970
Jean Robertson Burnet Doctor of Letters 1985
George Allan Burton Doctor of Laws 1973
David Butler-Jones Doctor of Laws 2007
Callwood Doctor of Laws 1988
Maria Campbell Doctor of Letters 1992
Peter Campbell Doctor of Letters 1999
Paul Cantor Doctor of Laws 2012
Herbert Carnegie Doctor of Laws 2006
Anthony Alfred Caro Doctor of Letters 1976
Joseph Caron Doctor of Laws 2011
M. Roch Carrier Doctor of Letters 1993
Robert Carsen Doctor of Laws 2005
Walter Carsen Doctor of Laws 2005
John Jarvis Carson Doctor of Laws 1972
John Robert Cartwright Doctor of Laws 1969
Rubin Carter Doctor of Laws 2005
Thérèse Casgrain Doctor of Laws 1977
Claude Castonguay Doctor of Laws 2000
Maria Livanos Cattaui Doctor of Laws 2006
Ruth Grace Cawker Doctor of Letters 1996
Floyd Sherman Chalmers Bachelor of Fine Arts 1973
Joan Chalmers Doctor of Letters 2000
Mary Ann Chambers Doctor of Laws 2013
Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1988
Shan Chandrasekar Doctor of Laws 2010
Denise Chong Doctor of Laws 2007
Jean Chrétien Doctor of Laws 1986
W. Edmund Clark Doctor of Laws 2013
Joe Clark Doctor of Laws 2009
Alan Martin Clarke Doctor of Laws 1992
Austin Clarke Doctor of Letters 2010
Larry Denman Clarke Doctor of Laws 1985
Adrienne Clarkson Doctor of Laws 2003
Michael "Pinball" Clemons Doctor of Laws 2000
Robert Cluett Doctor of Letters 1996
Bruce Cockburn Doctor of Letters 1989
Jack Cockwell Doctor of Laws 2001
Marshall A. Cohen Doctor of Laws 1986
Maxwell Cohen Doctor of Laws 1969
James Wm. Coldwell Doctor of Laws 1972
David Collenette Doctor of Laws 2015
John Robert Colombo Doctor of Letters 1998
Rita Colwell Doctor of Laws 2014
Hèléne Comay Doctor of Laws 2015
Martin Philip Connell Doctor of Laws 1992
John James Conway Doctor of Laws 1977
Jill Kathryn Ker Conway Doctor of Laws 1977
Ramsay Cook Doctor of Letters 2000
Gail Cook-Bennett Doctor of Laws 2009
Mary Cornish Doctor of Laws 2015
James Alexander Corry Doctor of Laws 1980
Peter Decarteret Cory Doctor of Laws 1997
Gerald P. Cosgrave Doctor of Laws 1973
Francesco Cossiga Doctor of Laws 1986
Irwin Cotler Doctor of Laws 1987
John Coulter Doctor of Letters 1978
Joseph Robert Coulter Doctor of Letters 1972
Donald Cousens Doctor of Laws 2007
Louise Bennett-Coverley Doctor of Letters 1998
Rita Cox Doctor of Letters 1993
Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter Doctor of Science 1994
Paul-André Crêpeau Doctor of Laws 1984
Cathy Crowe Doctor of Laws 2010
Paul Josef Crutzen Doctor of Science 1986
David Michael Culver Doctor of Laws 1989
Alvin Curling Doctor of Laws 2009
Balfour Watson Currie Doctor of Science 1977
Wilfred A. Curtis Doctor of Laws 1968
Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Doctor of Laws 2016
Ralf Gustav Dahrendorf Doctor of Laws 1979
Dominic D'Alessandro Doctor of Laws 2006
Alexander Dalgarno Doctor of Science 2000
Roméo Dallaire Doctor of Laws 2002
Leslie Dan Doctor of Laws 2010
Michael Dan Doctor of Laws 2017
Barnett J. Danson Doctor of Laws 2006
Kenneth George Davey Doctor of Science 2015
True Davidson Doctor of Laws 1978
Frank T. Davies Doctor of Science 1977
Robertson Davies Doctor of Letters 1973
Andrew Davis Doctor of Letters 1984
Wade Davis Doctor of Laws 2014
William Grenville Davis Doctor of Laws 1989
Stanley Harold Deeks Doctor of Laws 1981
David F. Denison Doctor of Laws 2016
Lloyd Arthur Dennis Doctor of Letters 1990
Dora de Pêdery-Hunt Doctor of Letters 1983
Herbet de Souza Doctor of Laws 1996
Horatio Henry Lovat Dickson Doctor of Letters 1981
Robert George Brian Dickson Doctor of Laws 1985
Ricardo Díez-Hochleitner Doctor of Letters 1993
William Dimma Doctor of Laws 1998
Rene Dionne Doctor of Letters 1995
Thomas Clement Douglas Doctor of Laws 1974
Elizabeth Dowdeswell Doctor of Laws 1999
Vincent Roy D'Oyley Doctor of Letters 1994
Garth Drabinsky Doctor of Letters 1995
Victereene Draper Doctor of Laws 1991
Ken Dryden Doctor of Laws 1996
Maurice Samuel Roger Charles Druon Doctor of Letters 1987
Charles Leonard Dubin Doctor of Laws 1990
Louis Dudek Doctor of Letters 1983
Dorothy Dunn Doctor of Laws 1980
René Dussault Doctor of Laws 1992
Peter M. Dwyer Doctor of Letters 1972
Mary Two-Axe Earley Doctor of Laws 1981
Cyrus Eaton Doctor of Laws 1975
Signy H. Eaton Doctor of Letters 1971
Marlys Edwardh Doctor of Letters 2010
John Llewelyn Jones Edwards Doctor of Laws 1982
Mariano Anthony Elia Doctor of Laws 1985
James G. Endicott Doctor of Laws 1983
Michael Enright Doctor of Laws 2012
Georges Henry Erasmus Doctor of Laws 1992
Manfred Erhardt Doctor of Laws 1999
John Robert Evans Doctor of Laws 1977
William MacDonald Evans Doctor of Laws 2017
Barker Fairley Doctor of Letters 1975
Robert Gordon Lee Fairweather Doctor of Laws 1993
Jean-Charles Falardeau Doctor of Laws 1978
Richard Falk Doctor of Laws 2004
Brian Fall Doctor of Laws 2002
Li-Zhi Fang Doctor of Science 1993
William Douglas Farr Doctor of Laws 1994
Sandra Faire Doctor of Laws 2008
Ivan Fecan Doctor of Laws 2008
Saul Feldberg Doctor of Laws 2004
Niv Fichman Doctor of Letters 1998
Debbie Field Doctor of Laws 2016
Robert Duer Claydon Finch Doctor of Letters 1976
Timothy Findley Doctor of Letters 1989
Jacob Finkelman Doctor of Laws 1977
Bernie Finkelstein Doctor of Letters 2012
William Fisch Doctor of Laws 2017
Murray M. Fisher Doctor of Laws 2008
John Gunther Fleming Doctor of Laws 1985
Matt Galloway Doctor of Laws 2017
Maureen Forrester Doctor of Letters 1972
Eugene Alfred Forsey Doctor of Laws 1972
Julia Foster Doctor of Laws 2015
Edith Margaret Fulton Fowke Doctor of Letters 1982
Celia Franca Doctor of Laws 1976
Mayann E. Francis Doctor of Laws 2014
Ursula Martius Franklin Doctor of Science 1985
Graham Fraser Doctor of Laws 2014
John Fraser Doctor of Laws 2007
Sheila Fraser Doctor of Laws 2010
Rowland Cardwell Frazee Doctor of Laws 1984
Samuel Freedman Doctor of Laws 1971
Vaira Vike-Freiberga Doctor of Laws 2008
Julio Frenk Doctor of Laws 2015
Hans Freudenthal Doctor of Science 1974
Martin Friedland Doctor of Laws 2003
John Friedmann Doctor of Laws 2016
Monique Y. Frize Doctor of Science 1994
Herman Northrop Frye Doctor of Letters 1969
Robert Marshall Blount Fulford Doctor of Letters 1987
Ethel Margaret Fulton Doctor of Letters 1986
John Kenneth Galbraith Doctor of Laws 1976
George Alexander Gale Doctor of Laws 1969
Mavis Gallant Doctor of Letters 1984
Frederick G. Gardiner Doctor of Laws 1969
George Ryerson Gardiner Doctor of Laws 1982
Marc Garneau Doctor of Science 2002
William Reginald Stephen Garton Doctor of Science 1972
George E. Gathercole Doctor of Laws 1966
Michèle Gendreau-Massaloux Doctor of Laws 2005
Bertrand Gerstein Doctor of Laws 1980
Reva Gerstein Doctor of Laws 1993
Valerie Gibbons Doctor of Laws 2000
Robert C. Gibson Doctor of Letters 1995
James Gillies Doctor of Laws 2006
Bernard Arthur Gingras Doctor of Science 1979
Edouard Glissant Doctor of Letters 1989
Reginald Godden Doctor of Letters 1985
Serge Godin Doctor of Laws 2013
Anne Golden Doctor of Laws 2000
H. Carl Goldenberg Doctor of Laws 1982
Joan Goldfarb Doctor of Laws 2003
Martin Goldfarb Doctor of Laws 2009
Nicholas Goldschmidt Doctor of Laws 1999
John Peter George Gordon Doctor of Laws 1980
Walter L. Gordon Doctor of Laws 1978
L.B.C. Gower Doctor of Laws 1969
Samuel George McDougall Grange Doctor of Laws 1990
Charlotte Gray Doctor of Laws 2007
John Morgan Gray Doctor of Laws 1976
Stanley I. Greenspan Doctor of Laws 2006
Germaine Greer Doctor of Letters 1999
John A.G. Griffith Doctor of Laws 1982
Roger Guindon Doctor of Laws 1983
Ralph Barker Gustafson Doctor of Letters 1991
Bernard Victor Gutsell Doctor of Laws 1988
Peter Gzowski Doctor of Letters 1991
Arthur Robinson Hackett Doctor of Laws 1981
Peter Haggett Doctor of Science 1983
Don Haig Doctor of Letters 1993
Emmett M. Hall Doctor of Laws 1977
Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday Doctor of Letters 1988
Janet Elizabeth Halliwell Doctor of Science 1991
Francess Georgina Halpenny Doctor of Letters 1982
Herbert Norman Halpert Doctor of Letters 1990
Piers Handling Doctor of Laws 2011
Marsha Hanen Doctor of Laws 1999
Rick Hansen Doctor of Laws 2013
Charles Harold Hantho Doctor of Laws 2008
John Davison Harbron Doctor of Letters 1997
Madeline Isobel Hardy Doctor of Laws 1986
Frederick Kenneth Hare Doctor of Science 1978
Woody T. Harrelson Doctor of Laws 2009
Rex Harrington Doctor of Letters 2006
Henry Silton Harris Doctor of Letters 2001
R. Colebrook Harris Doctor of Letters 1993
Grace Hartman Doctor of Laws 1992
Václav Havel Doctor of Letters 1982
Brent Hawkes Doctor of Laws 2009
Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Doctor of Laws 1984
Arden Haynes Doctor of Laws 2000
Wilson Adonijah Head Doctor of Laws 1982
Seamus Heaney Doctor of Letters 1996
D.O. Hebb Doctor of Science 1966
Chantal Hébert Doctor of Laws 2012
Karl F. Helleiner Doctor of Laws 1978
Jules Heller Doctor of Letters 1985
Jay Hennick Doctor of Law 2011
Martha Henry Doctor of Letters 1990
Marku Henriksson Doctor of Letters 1995
Ben Heppner Doctor of Laws 2003
Peter A. Herrndorf Doctor of Laws 1989
Naomi Louisa Hersom Doctor of Laws 1988
Gerhard G. Herzberg Doctor of Science 1969
General Chaim Herzog Doctor of Laws 1989
Ruth Atkinson Hindmarsh Doctor of Laws 1966
Colin Hines Doctor of Science 2001
Eric John Ernest Hobsbawm Doctor of Letters 1986
Abigail Hoffman Doctor of Laws 1998
Bill Hogarth Doctor of Laws 2010
Peter Hogg Doctor of Laws 2006
Richard Hoggart Doctor of Laws 1988
John Wendell Holmes Doctor of Laws 1981
Beland Hugh Honderich Doctor of Laws 1976
Chaviva Hosek Doctor of Laws 2009
James Houston Doctor of Letters 2001
Charles B. Huggins Doctor of Laws 1968
Clara Hughes Doctor of Laws 2012
John Hunkin Doctor of Laws 2004
Mel Hurtig Doctor of Laws 1980
Frank Iacobucci Doctor of Laws 2005
George Ignatieff Doctor of Laws 1975
Avrom Isaacs Doctor of Laws 1992
Elmer Walter Iseler Doctor of Letters 1994
Tadao Ishikawa Doctor of Laws 1990
Fumiko Ishioka Doctor of Laws 2004
Kenneth Iverson Doctor of Science 1998
Frederic Jackman Doctor of Laws 2010
Henry Newton Rowell Jackman Doctor of Laws 1996
Dean Jacobs Doctor of Laws 2008
Donald P. Jacobs Doctor of Laws 2002
William Jaffe Doctor of Laws 1974
William Fleming James Doctor of Laws 1978
Roberta Jamieson Doctor of Laws 2003
Michaële Jean Doctor of Laws 2007
Thomas Jenkins Doctor of Laws 2015
Pamela Hansford Johnson Doctor of Letters 1967
George Arthur Johnston Doctor of Laws 1981
Leonard V. Johnson Doctor of Laws 1998
David Johnston Doctor of Laws 2017
Richard Ditzel Jones Doctor of Laws 1975
Francis Renault Joubin Doctor of Laws 1979
Pierre Juneau Doctor of Laws 1973
Danielle Juteau Doctor of Laws 2007
Otto Kahn-Freund Doctor of Laws 1975
Karen Kain Doctor of Letters 1979
Ignat Kaneff Doctor of Laws 2010
Alice Kane Doctor of Letters 1998
Udo Kasemets Doctor of Letters 1991
Morris Katz Doctor of Science 1981
Jillian Keiley Doctor of Letters 2016
John George Kemeny Doctor of Laws 1984
Betty Kennedy Doctor of Laws 1982
James Roby Kidd Doctor of Laws 1981
Craig Kielburger Doctor of Laws 2013
Kyung-Won Kim Doctor of Laws 1994
Michael Kirby Doctor of Laws 2009
Marie Claire Kirkland Doctor of Laws 1975
Arthur Kleinman Doctor of Science 1996
Stanley Howard Knowles Doctor of Laws 1979
Vim Kochhar Doctor of Laws 2014
Golda Koschitzky Doctor of Laws 1999
Robert Krembil Doctor of Laws 2000
Rosemarie Kuptana Doctor of Laws 1995
Anton Emil Kuerti Doctor of Letters 1985
Raymond Kurzweul Doctor of Laws 2013
Huguette Labelle Doctor of Laws 1990
Jean-Michel Lacroix Doctor of Laws 2013
Emmanuel Leroy Ladurie Doctor of Letters 1986
Harry S. Laforme Doctor of Laws 2008
Hassanali Lakhani Doctor of Laws 2005
Gilles Lalande Doctor of Laws 1982
William Kaye Lamb Doctor of Laws 1968
Allen Thomas Lambert Doctor of Laws 1982
Wallace E. Lambert Doctor of Laws 1979
Jeanne Lamon Doctor of Letters 1994
Claude R. Lamoureux Doctor of Laws 2006
Vibert Lampkin Doctor of Laws 2009
Rosemarie Landry Doctor of Letters 1991
Michele Landsberg Doctor of Laws 2006
Philip A. Lapp Doctor of Science 1994
Bora Laskin Doctor of Laws 1972
Melvin J. Lasky Doctor of Letters 1990
Pierre Lassonde Doctor of Laws 2014
Melvin D. Lastman Doctor of Laws 1997
Margaret Laurence Doctor of Letters 1980
Jeannette Lavell Doctor of Laws 2016
Frank G. Lawson Doctor of Laws 1968
Irving Layton Doctor of Letters 1979
Herbert Allan Borden Leal Doctor of Laws 1978
Charles Philippe Leblond Doctor of Science 1986
Gerald Eric Le Dain Doctor of Laws 1976
Mary Jo Leddy Doctor of Letters 1993
William Ralph Lederman Doctor of Laws 1979
Michael Lee-Chin Doctor of Laws 2009
Viola Léger Doctor of Laws 2010
John Daniel Leitch Doctor of Laws 1980
Father Germain Lemieux Doctor of Laws 1977
Douglas V. Lepan Doctor of Laws 1976
Sheldon Levy Doctor of Laws 1999
Stephen Lewis Doctor of Laws 1984
William Arthur Lewis Doctor of Laws 1981
Claire L'Heureux-Dubé Doctor of Laws 2001
Mark Lievonen Doctor of Laws 2015
Jutta Limbach Doctor of Laws 2003
Bengt Lindquist Doctor of Laws 2013
Victor Ling Doctor of Science 2006
Jean Little Doctor of Letters 2002
John A. Livingston Doctor of Letters 1992
Lee A. Lorch Doctor of Laws 1993
George Ross Lord Doctor of Science 1972
Helen Lucas Doctor of Letters 1991
Bernard Lucht Doctor of Laws 2014
George Luscombe Doctor of Letters 1978
Kevin G. Lynch Doctor of Laws 2016
Donald Cameron MacDonald Doctor of Laws 1983
Flora Isabel MacDonald Doctor of Laws 1989
George E.C. MacDonald Doctor of Laws 2006
Roderick MacDonald Doctor of Laws 2011
H. Ian MacDonald Doctor of Laws 2007
Sheena MacDonald Doctor of Letters 1998
Elsie Gregory MacGill Doctor of Science 1978
Mark R. MacGuigan Doctor of Laws 1996
Robert M. MacIntosh Doctor of Laws 1976
John Price Sinclair MacKenzie Doctor of Laws 1990
Steven Glenwood MacLean Doctor of Science 1993
Archibald MacLeish Doctor of Letters 1971
Alistair MacLeod Doctor of Letters 2001
Wanda MacNevin Doctor of Laws 2017
Earle Douglas MacPhee Doctor of Laws 1972
Kay MacPherson Doctor of Laws 1987
Roger Mahabir Doctor of Laws 2016
Tak Wah Mak Doctor of Science 2004
Elias Wolf Mandel Doctor of Letters 1989
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Doctor of Laws 1989
John Manley Doctor of Laws 2016
Lata Mangeshkar Doctor of Letters 1995
Alberto Manguel Doctor of Laws 2015
Preston Manning Doctor of Laws 2008
Peter Mansbridge Doctor of Laws 2011
Sylvia Maracle Doctor of Laws 2016
James March Doctor of Laws 2007
Arthur Donald Margison Doctor of Laws 1981
M. Maurice Marois Doctor of Science 1987
Adelaide Marriott Doctor of Laws 1973
Leonard C. Marsh Doctor of Laws 1977
Bharat Masrani Doctor of Laws 2017
Harrie S.W. Massey Doctor of Science 1981
Marguerite Mathieu Doctor of Laws 1987
Judith Maxwell Doctor of Letters 1994
Margaret Norrie McCain Doctor of Laws 2008
Lynn McDonald Doctor of Laws 2008
Myres Smith McDougal Doctor of Laws 1970
Robert R. McEwen Doctor of Laws 2005
David J. McFadden Doctor of Laws 2012
Edgar W. McInnis Doctor of Letters 1972
Beverley McLachlin Doctor of Laws 1999
Norman McLaren Doctor of Letters 1972
R.S. McLaughlin Doctor of Laws 1966
Robert McMichael Doctor of Letters 1970
Roland Roy McMurtry Doctor of Laws 1991
Alan G. McNally Doctor of Laws 1999
Janet McPhee Doctor of Letters 1986
Deborah Meier Doctor of Laws 2009
Jacques Menard Doctor of Laws 2011
Eileen Mercier Doctor of Letters 2010
Norah Michener Doctor of Letters 1970
Daniel Roland Michener Doctor of Laws 1970
Eleanor Milne Doctor of Letters 1995
David Mirvish Doctor of Letters 2002
Edwin Mirvish Doctor of Laws 1992
Rohinton Mistry Doctor of Letters 2003
François Mitterrand Doctor of Laws 1987
Lorraine Althea Constance Monk Doctor of Letters 1982
Diane Goudie Doctor of Laws 2007
Eleanor Moore Doctor of Laws 2007
Henry Moore Doctor of Letters 1971
James Mavor Moore Doctor of Letters 1969
Angeline Moreau Doctor of Letters 1976
Raymond Moriyama Doctor of Laws 1973
Lawrence Whitaker Morley Doctor of Science 1974
Harris Mutio Mule Doctor of Laws 1980
Janet Murray Doctor of Laws 1979
James Fraser Mustard Doctor of Science 1996
Knowlton Nash Doctor of Laws 2005
Mark Nathanson Doctor of Laws 2008
Philip Ndegwa Doctor of Laws 1978
Daniel Nestor Doctor of Laws 2012
Peter Charles Newman Doctor of Letters 1975
William T. Newnham Doctor of Laws 1975
Margaret Norquay Doctor of Laws 1985
Samantha Nutt Doctor of Laws 2011
Alanis Obomsawin Doctor of Letters 1994
Manuel Obregon Doctor of Laws 2015
Dennis O'Connor Doctor of Laws 2007
Louis L. Odette Doctor of Letters 1999
David Offord Doctor of Science 2002
Betty Oliphant Doctor of Letters 1992
Geoffrey Oldham Doctor of Laws 2006
Don Oliver Doctor of Laws 2012
Opiyo Oloya Doctor of Laws 2012
Ratna Omidvar Doctor of Laws 2012
David Onley Doctor of Laws 2009
Wladyslaw Orlicz Doctor of Science 1974
Yuri Fyodorovich Orlov Doctor of Laws 1987
Gordon Francis Joseph Osbaldeston Doctor of Laws 1984
Bernard Ostry Doctor of Laws 2002
Sylvia Ostry Doctor of Laws 1971
Steve Paikin Doctor of Laws 2017
Andreas George Papandreou Doctor of Laws 1983
Jean-Guy Paquet Doctor of Laws 1983
Madeleine Parent Docotor of Letters 1996
Gérard Parizeau Doctor of Laws 1982
Roderic B. Park Doctor of Science 1981
Manuel Elkin Patarroyo Doctor of Science 1995
Linus Carl Pauling Doctor of Science 1966
Julie Payette Doctor of Science 2010
Landon Pearson Doctor of Laws 2011
Gérard Pelletier Doctor of Laws 1971
Lewis Perinbam Doctor of Laws 1984
Vera Peters Doctor of Science 1975
Oscar Emmanuel Peterson Doctor of Letters 1982
Jean K. Petrie Doctor of Science 1969
Kim Phuc Doctor of Laws 2004
Walter George Pitman Doctor of Laws 1989
Jean-Robert Pitte Doctor of Laws 2012
Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut Doctor of Laws 1987
Beryl Alyce Plumptre Doctor of Laws 1981
John Charles Polanyi Doctor of Science 1988
Harry Pollock Doctor Letters 1995
Irvine Rudsdale Pounder Doctor of Laws 1972
Gerald A. Pratley Doctor of Letters 1991
Raul Prebisch Doctor of Laws 1978
Timothy Price Doctor of Laws 2009
Francis E.L. Priestley Doctor of Literature 1988
John S. Proctor Doctor of Laws 1977
Donald Fulton Putnam Doctor of Laws 1974
Robert Rabinovitch Doctor of Laws 2003
Shridath Surendranath Ramphal Doctor of Laws 1988
Calvin Gordon Rand Doctor of Laws 1984
G.M. Rao Doctor of Laws 2011
Albert Reichmann Doctor of Laws 1991
Escott Meredith Reid Doctor of Laws 1972
Kate Reid Doctor of Letters 1970
William R. Reid Doctor of Letters 1978
Alison Richard Doctor of Laws 2006
Mordecai Richler Doctor of Letters 1999
George W. Rickey Doctor of Letters 1978
Charles Stewart Almon Ritchie Doctor of Letters 1992
Peter Ritchie-Calder Doctor of Science 1976
Robbie Robertson Doctor of Laws 2005
John Josiah Robinette Doctor of Laws 1987
Laura Jane Robinson Doctor of Laws 2012
Douglas Roche Doctor of Laws 2002
Edmée de La Rochefoucauld Doctor of Letters 1988
Virginia J. Rock Doctor of Letters 1994
Edward Samuel Rogers Doctor of Laws 1994
Roy Romanow Doctor of Laws 2009
Murray George Ross Doctor of Letters 1973
Roger James Rossiter Doctor of Laws 1971
Samuel Rothstein Doctor of Letters 1971
Paul Rouleau Doctor of Laws 2009
James of Rusholme Doctor of Laws 1970
Nancy Ruth Doctor of Laws 1994
Albie Sachs Doctor of Laws 1994
Albert Martin Sacks Doctor of Laws 1969
Bengt Saltin Doctor of Laws 2011
Peggie Sampson Doctor of Letters 1988
Peter Sandor Doctor of Laws 1999
Jukka-Pekka Saraste Doctor of Letters 1995
Peter Sato Doctor of Laws 2007
Samuel Berrick Saul Doctor of Laws 1981
Arthur R.A. Scace Doctor of Laws 1993
Vincent Joseph Schaefer Doctor of Science 1983
Anatoly Scharansky Doctor of Laws 1982
Daphne Schiff Doctor of Laws 2005
William George Schneider Doctor of Science 1966
Seymour Schulich Doctor of Laws 2003
Samuel Schwartz Doctor of Laws 2015
Edward Walter Scott Doctor of Laws 1987
Francis Reginald Scott Doctor of Laws 1976
Ian Gilmour Scott Doctor of Laws 1997
Marianne Florence Scott Doctor of Laws 1985
Wm. Pearson Scott Doctor of Laws 1971
Amartya Sen Doctor of Laws 2004
Richard Burton Setlow Doctor of Science 1985
Kathleen Shannon Doctor of Letters 1996
Isadore Sharp Doctor of Laws 2009
A.G. Shenstone Doctor of Science 1972
Howard Shore Doctor of Laws 2007
Ann B. (Rusty) Shteir Doctor of Laws 2016
Haroon Siddiqui Doctor of Letters 2001
James Harris Simons Doctor of Sciences 2016
George Gaylord Simpson Doctor of Science 1966
Lister S. Sinclair Doctor of Letters 1991
Murray Sinclair Doctor of Laws 2015
Walter Max Ulyate Sisulu Doctor of Laws 1985
Michael Smith Doctor of Science 1994
Charles Percy Snow Doctor of Laws 1967
Harry S. Somers Doctor of Letters 1977
Gregory Sorbara Doctor of Laws 2013
Joseph Sorbara Doctor of Laws 2010
Nasrin Sotoudeh Doctor of Laws 2013
Wishart Flett Spence Doctor of Laws 1974
Keith Spicer Doctor of Laws 1974
Hugh Worrell Springer Doctor of Laws 1980
Graham Spry Doctor of Laws 1976
Charles Perry Stacey Doctor of Laws 1973
Mark Starowicz Doctor of Letters 2001
Steven S. Staryk Doctor of Letters 1980
Catherine Irene Steele Doctor of Letters 1972
Gunther Siegmund Stent Doctor of Science 1984
Michael Stevenson Doctor of Laws 2011
Donald A. Stewart Doctor of Laws 2012
Calvin R. Stiller Doctor of Science 2011
Boris Peter Stoicheff Doctor of Science 1982
Teresa Stratas Doctor of Letters 2000
Maurice F. Strong Doctor of Laws 1973
Barry D. Stuart Doctor of Laws 2014
Louella Margaret Sturdy Doctor of Laws 1991
Theodore Morris Sugden Doctor of Science 1973
Francoise Sullivan Doctor of Letters 1998
David Suzuki Doctor of Science 2005
Felicitas Svejda Doctor of Science 2000
Barbara Willis Sweete Doctor of Letters 1998
Pol Swings Doctor of Science 1969
Thomas H.B. Symons Doctor of Laws 1973
Emöke Szathmáry Doctor of Laws 2008
Florence Tabobondung Doctor of Laws 1998
Jiazhen Tan Doctor of Science 1984
Walter Surma Tarnopolsky Doctor of Laws 1989
Ratan N. Tata Doctor of Laws 2014
George Tatham Doctor of Laws 1978
Brainerd Blyden-Taylor Doctor of Laws 2009
Malcom Gordon Taylor Doctor of Laws 1987
Nathan A. Taylor Doctor of Laws 1982
Veronica Tennant Doctor of Letters 1987
Menaka Thakkar Doctor of Letters 1993
Henry George Thode Doctor of Science 1972
Stuart Douglas Thom Doctor of Laws 1980
Clara McCandless Thomas Doctor of Letters 1986
Walter A. Thompson Doctor of Laws 1972
Shirley L. Thomson Doctor of Laws 2002
Rick Tobias Doctor of Laws 2012
David Lloyd Tough Doctor of Laws 1972
Alain Touraine Doctor of Laws 2008
Harold Barling Town Doctor of Letters 1966
Tom Traves Doctor of Laws 2014
Arthur Tremblay Doctor of Laws 1978
Eric Lansdown Trist Doctor of Laws 1983
Lap-Chee Tsui Doctor of Science 2001
Barbara Turnbull Doctor of Law 2012
Alice Willard Turner Doctor of Laws 1977
John Napier Turner Doctor of Laws 1969
Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond Doctor of Laws 2013
William Twining Doctor of Laws 2002
Anne Barbara Underhill Doctor of Science 1969
Frank Hawkins Underhill Doctor of Letters 1970
Lyndall F. Urwick Doctor of Laws 1972
Francesca Valente Doctor of Letters 1999
Guy Vanderhaeghe Doctor of Letters 2003
George Vari Doctor of Laws 1992
Helen Vari Doctor of Laws 2003
M.G. Vassanji Doctor of Letters 2005
Roy Henry Vickers Doctor of Laws 2007
Jean-Pierre Vigier Doctor of Science 1995
M. Josephe Jean-Marie Gilles Vigneault Doctor of Letters 1985
Paul Volcker Doctor of Laws 2001
Robert Carsten von Borstel Doctor of Science 1987
Miriam Waddington Doctor of Letters 1985
Immanuel Wallerstein Doctor of Letters 1995
Edwin Hodges Walker Doctor of Laws 1979
Maxwell William Ward Doctor of Laws 1981
John Warkentin Doctor of Laws 2011
James Wreford Watson Doctor of Letters 1985
Whipper Billy Watson Doctor of Laws 1984
Sheila Watt-Cloutier Doctor of Laws 2015
Richard Earl Waugh Doctor of Laws 2007
Robert Weaver Doctor of Laws 1977
Karen Weiler Doctor of Laws 2017
Larry Weinstein Doctor of Letters 1998
Paul Weller Doctor of Laws 2009
Hilary M. Weston Doctor of Laws 2002
Robert White Doctor of Laws 1988
Herbert William Whittaker Doctor of Letters 1971
John Whyte Doctor of Laws 2013
Hayley Wickenheiser Doctor of Laws 2017
Shelagh B. Wilkinson Doctor of Laws 2009
John Mark Willinsky Doctor of Laws 2008
Lee Williams Doctor of Laws 2002
John Willis Doctor of Laws 1973
Bertha Wilson Doctor of Laws 1986
Ian E. Wilson Doctor of Letters 2001
Michael Wilson Doctor of Laws 2005
Henry S. Wingate Doctor of Laws 1967
Warren K. Winkler Doctor of Laws 2012
Rose Wolfe Doctor of Laws 2003
Arthur Owen Woodhouse Doctor of Laws 1981
John Yolton Doctor of Laws 1974
Eberhard Heinrich Zeidler Doctor of Laws 1992
Barbara Jean McDougall Zimmerman Doctor of Laws 2012
Moses Znaimer Doctor of Letters 2001

