Wiktionary:Quotations/Templates/English C

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English quotation templates (C)
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This is a list of available English quotation templates ordered alphabetically by the author's surname (or title, if there is no author) and then by the template name. You can find an automatic list at [1].

Caine, Hall

Output Template
1889 June–November, Hall Caine, The Bondman. A New Saga. [], volume I (The Book of Stephen Orry), London: William Heinemann, published January 1890, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Caine Bondman}}
1894 January–July, Hall Caine, The Manxman, London: William Heinemann, published 3 August 1894 (1 September 1894 printing), →OCLC:
{{RQ:Caine Manxman}}
1891, Hall Caine, The Scapegoat: A Romance [], volume I, London: William Heinemann, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Caine Scapegoat}}
1887, Hall Caine, A Son of Hagar: A Romance of Our Time [], volume I, London: Chatto and Windus, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Caine Son of Hagar}}

Calvin, John

Output Template
1577, Iohn Calvin, translated by Arthur Golding, The Sermons of M. Iohn Calvin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. [], London: [] Lucas Harison, and George Byshop, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Calvin Golding Ephesians}}
1574, Iohn Caluin [i.e., John Calvin], translated by Arthur Golding, Sermons of Master Iohn Caluin, vpon the Booke of Iob. [], London: [] Henrie Binneman, for Lucas Harison and George Bishop, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Calvin Golding Iob}}
1571, John Calvin, translated by Arthur Golding, The Psalmes of Dauid and Others. With M. Iohn Caluin’s Commentaries, London: [] Thomas East and Henry Middelton; for Lucas Harison, and G[e]orge Byshop, →OCLC, 1st part:
{{RQ:Calvin Golding Psalmes}}
1561 May 16 (Gregorian calendar), Ihon Caluin [i.e., John Calvin], translated by [Thomas Norton], The Institution of Christian Religion, [], London: [] Reinolde [i.e., Reginald?] Wolfe & Richarde Harison, →OCLC, 1st book,:
{{RQ:Calvin Norton Institution}}

Camden, William

Output Template
1610, William Camden, translated by Philémon Holland, Britain, or A Chorographicall Description of the Most Flourishing Kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, [], London: [] [Eliot’s Court Press for] Georgii Bishop & Ioannis Norton, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Camden Holland Britain}}
1635, William Camden, translated by R[obert] N[orton], Annals, or, The Historie of the Most Renowned and Victorious Princesse Elizabeth, Late Queen of England. [], 3rd edition, London: [] Thomas Harper, for Benjamin Fisher, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Camden Norton Elizabeth}}
1605, M. N. [pseudonym; William Camden], Remaines of a Greater Worke, Concerning Britaine, [], London: [] G[eorge] E[ld] for Simon Waterson, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Camden Remaines}}

Campbell, Thomas

Output Template
1799, Thomas Campbell, “The Pleasures of Hope; Part First”, in The Pleasures of Hope; in Two Parts. With Other Poems, Edinburgh: [] Mundell & Son; London: Longman & Rees, and J. Wright, [], →OCLC, page 3:
{{RQ:Campbell Pleasures of Hope}}

Carew, Richard

Output Template
1609, Richard Carew, The Survey of Cornwall. [], new edition, London: [] B. Law, []; Penzance, Cornwall: J. Hewett, published 1769, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Carew Survey of Cornwall}}
1594, Torquato Tasso, “Canto Primo: The First Song”, in R[ichard] C[arew], transl., Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The Recouerie of Hierusalem. [], London: [] Iohn Windet for Christopher Hunt [], →OCLC, page 2:
{{RQ:Tasso Carew Godfrey of Bulloigne}}

Carlyle, Thomas

Output Template
1839 (indicated as 1840), Thomas Carlyle, “(please specify the page)”, in Chartism, London: James Fraser, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Carlyle Chartism}}
1837, Thomas Carlyle, The French Revolution: A History [], volume I (The Bastille), London: Chapman and Hall, →OCLC, book I (Death of Louis XV):
{{RQ:Carlyle French Revolution}}
1858, Thomas Carlyle, History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great, volume I, London: Chapman and Hall, [], →OCLC, book I, page 3:
{{RQ:Carlyle Friedrich}}
{{RQ:Carlyle John Sterling}}
1850 February 1, Thomas Carlyle, “No. I. The Present Time.”, in Latter-Day Pamphlets, London: Chapman and Hall, [], →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:Carlyle Latter-Day Pamphlets}}
1840 May 5, Thomas Carlyle, “Lecture I. The Hero as Divinity. Odin. Paganism: Scandinavian Mythology.”, in On Heroes, Hero-Worship and The Heroic in History, London: Chapman and Hall, [], published 1840, →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:Carlyle On Heroes}}
1843 April, Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present, American edition, Boston, Mass.: Charles C[offin] Little and James Brown, published 1843, →OCLC, book I (Proem):
{{RQ:Carlyle Past and Present}}
1832 January (date written), Thomas Carlyle, “James Carlyle, of Ecclefechan, Mason”, in James Anthony Froude, editor, Reminiscences, volume I, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., published 1881, →OCLC, page 3:
{{RQ:Carlyle Reminiscences}}
{{RQ:Carlyle Sartor Resartus}}
1825, Thomas Carlyle, “Part I. His Youth (1759–1784).”, in The Life of Friedrich Schiller. [], London: [] [C. Richards] for Taylor and Hessey, [], →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:Carlyle Schiller}}

Carr, Emily

Output Template
1942, Emily Carr, The Book of Small, Toronto, Ont.: Oxford University Press, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Carr Book of Small}}

Carroll, Lewis

Output Template
1865 November (indicated as 1866), Lewis Carroll [pseudonym; Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, London: Macmillan and Co., →OCLC:
{{RQ:Carroll Alice}}
1871 December 27 (indicated as 1872), Lewis Carroll [pseudonym; Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, London: Macmillan and Co., →OCLC:
{{RQ:Carroll Looking-Glass}}
1876, Lewis Carroll, The Hunting of the Snark [] , London: Macmillan:
{{RQ:Carroll Snark}}
1889, Lewis Carroll [pseudonym; Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], Sylvie and Bruno, London, New York, N.Y.: Macmillan and Co., →OCLC:
{{RQ:Carroll Sylvie and Bruno}}

Carver, Raymond

Output Template
{{RQ:Carver What We Talk About}}

Cather, Willa

Output Template
1918 September, Willa Sibert Cather, My Ántonia, Boston, Mass.; New York, N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin Company [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cather My Antonia}}
1913 June, Willa Sibert Cather, O Pioneers!, Boston, Mass.; New York, N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin Company [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cather O Pioneers}}
{{RQ:Cather Professor's House}}

A Catholic Dictionary

Output Template
1884, William E[dward] Addis, Thomas Arnold, “ABBESS”, in A Catholic Dictionary: Containing Some Account of the Doctrine, Discipline, Rites, Ceremonies, Councils, and Religious Orders of the Catholic Church, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Catholic Dictionary}}

Cave, William

Output Template
1678, Antiquitates Christianæ: Or, the History of the Life and Death of the Holy Jesus: [], London: [] E. Flesher, and R. Norton, for R[ichard] Royston, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Taylor Cave Antiquitates Christianae}}

Centlivre, Susanna

Output Template
1709 (date written), Susanna Cent-livre, The Man’s Bewitch’d; or, The Devil to Do about Her. A Comedy, [], Dublin: [] J. Jones, for George Ewing, [], published 1737, →OCLC, Act I, page 9:
{{RQ:Centlivre Man's Bewitch'd}}

The Century Dictionary

Output Template
{{RQ:Century Dictionary}}

Cervantes, Miguel de

Output Template
1749, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, translated by [Peter Anthony] Motteux, edited by [John] Ozell, The History of the Renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha. [], 8th edition, volume I, London: [] W[illiam] Innys, [], →OCLC, part I:
{{RQ:Cervantes Motteux Don Quixote}}
{{RQ:Cervantes Ormsby Don Quixote}}
{{RQ:Cervantes Shelton Don Quixote}}
{{RQ:Cervantes Smollett Don Quixote}}

Chambers, Ephraim

Output Template
1728, E[phraim] Chambers, “Cyclopædia”, in Cyclopædia: Or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences; [] In Two Volumes, volumes I (A–H), London: [] James and John Knapton [et al.], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chambers Cyclopaedia}}

Chambers, Robert W.

Output Template
1894, [Robert William Chambers], In the Quarter, New York, N.Y., Chicago, Ill.: F. Tennyson Neely, publisher, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chambers Quarter}}
1907 August, Robert W[illiam] Chambers, chapter I, in The Younger Set, New York, N.Y.: D. Appleton & Company, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chambers Younger Set}}

Chapman, George

Output Template
1604 (first performance), George Chapman, Al Fooles: A Comedy, [], London: [] [George Eld] for Thomas Thorpe, published 1605, →OCLC, Act I:
{{RQ:Chapman Al Fooles}}
1603–1604 (date written), [George Chapman], Bussy D’Ambois: A Tragedie: [], London: [] [Eliot’s Court Press] for William Aspley, published 1607, →OCLC, Act I, page 1:
{{RQ:Chapman Bussy D'Ambois}}
c. 1607–1608 (date written), George Chapman, “Byrons Conspiracie”, in The Conspiracie, and Tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron, Marshall of France. [], London: [] G[eorge] Eld for Thomas Thorppe, and are to be sold [by Laurence Lisle] [], published 1608, →OCLC, Act I:
{{RQ:Chapman Charles}}
1612, Geor[ge] Chap[man], The Widdowes Teares: A Comedie. [], London: [] William Stansby] for Iohn Browne, [], →OCLC; republished in Richard Herne Shepherd, The Comedies and Tragedies of George Chapman [] in Three Volumes, volume III, London: John Pearson [], 1873, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chapman Comedies and Tragedies}}
1605 August (first performance), Geo[rge] Chapman, Ben Ionson, Ioh[n] Marston, Eastward Hoe. [], London: [] [George Eld] for William Aspley, published September 1605, →OCLC, Act I, scene i:
{{RQ:Chapman Eastward Hoe}}
1609, Geo[rge] Chapman, Euthymiæ Raptus; or The Teares of Peace: [], London: [] H[umphrey] L[ownes] for Rich[ard] Bonian, and H. Walley: [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chapman Euthymiae Raptus}}
1596 February 22 (first performance, Gregorian calendar; published 1598), George Chapman, “The Blind Beggar of Alexandria”, in Richard Herne Shepherd, editor, The Works of George Chapman: Plays. [], London: Chatto and Windus, [], published 1874, →OCLC:
The spelling has been modernized.
{{RQ:Chapman Works}}
[1611?], Homer, “The First Booke of Homers Iliads”, in Geo[rge] Chapman, transl., The Iliads of Homer Prince of Poets. [], London: [] Nathaniell Butter, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Homer Chapman Iliads}}
1614–1615, Homer, “The First Booke of Homers Odysses”, in Geo[rge] Chapman, transl., Homer’s Odysses. [], London: [] Rich[ard] Field [and William Jaggard], for Nathaniell Butter, published 1615, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Homer Chapman Odysseys}}
{{RQ:Marlowe Hero and Leander}}

Chapman, John Jay

Output Template
1914, John Jay Chapman, “Hector’s Farewell”, in Homeric Scenes: Hector’s Farewell and The Wrath of Achilles, New York, N.Y.: Laurence J. Gomme, →OCLC, page 7:
{{RQ:John Jay Chapman Homeric Scenes}}

Chesnutt, Charles W.

Output Template
{{RQ:Chesnutt House Behind the Cedars}}
1901 October, Charles W[addell] Chesnutt, The Marrow of Tradition, Boston, Mass., New York, N.Y.: Houghton, Mifflin and Company [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chesnutt Marrow}}

Chesterton, Gilbert Keith

Output Template
1903 December 19, Gilbert K[eith] Chesterton, “The Tremendous Adventures of Major Brown”, in The Club of Queer Trades, New York, N.Y., London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, published April 1905, →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:Chesterton Club of Queer Trades}}
1901, G[ilbert] K[eith] Chesterton, “Introduction”, in The Defendant, London: R. Brimley Johnson, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chesterton Defendant}}
1930, G[ilbert] K[eith] Chesterton, “Prologue of the Pressman”, in Four Faultless Felons, London, Toronto, Ont.: Cassell and Company, →OCLC, page 3:
{{RQ:Chesterton Four Faultless Felons}}
1910 July 23, G[ilbert] K[eith] Chesterton, “The Blue Cross”, in The Innocence of Father Brown, London, New York, N.Y.: Cassell and Company, published 1911, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chesterton Innocence of Father Brown}}
{{RQ:Chesterton Manalive}}
{{RQ:Chesterton Napoleon}}
1908, Gilbert K[eith] Chesterton, “To Edmund Clerihew Bentley: The Dedication of The Man Who Was Thursday”, in Poems, 1st American edition, New York, N.Y.: John Lane Company, published 1916, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chesterton Poems}}
1933 November, G[ilbert] K[eith] Chesteron, “The Scandal of Father Brown”, in The Scandal of Father Brown, London, Toronto, Ont.: Cassell and Company, published 1935, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chesterton Scandal of Father Brown}}
1927 September, G[ilbert] K[eith] Chesteron, “The Secret of Father Brown”, in The Secret of Father Brown, London, Toronto, Ont.: Cassell and Company, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Chesterton Secret of Father Brown}}
{{RQ:Chesterton Shaw}}
{{RQ:Chesterton Thursday}}
1910, Gilbert K[eith] Chesterton, “The Medical Mistake”, in What’s Wrong with the World, London, New York, N.Y.: Cassell and Company, [], →OCLC, part I (The Homelessness of Man), page 3:
{{RQ:Chesterton What's Wrong}}

Chettle, Henry

Output Template
c. 1591–1593 (date written), attributed to Anthony Munday, Henry Chettle, William Shakespeare [et al.], edited by Alexander Dyce, Sir Thomas More, a Play; [], London: [] [Frederick Shoberl, Junior] for the Shakespeare Society, published 1844, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Munday et al Thomas More}}

Cheyne, George

Output Template
1733, George Cheyne, The English Malady: Or, A Treatise of Nervous Diseases of All Kinds, [], London: [] G[eorge] Strahan []; Bath, Somerset: J. Leake, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cheyne English Malady}}
1705, George Cheyne, “Of the Physical Laws, and the Uniform Appearances of Nature”, in Philosophical Principles of Natural Religion: [], London: [] George Strahan [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cheyne Philosophical Principles}}
1740, Geo[rge] Cheyne, “Discourse I. Philosophical Conjectures about the Nature and Qualities of the Original Animal Body, and of Its Progressive State in Its Several Stages of Existence.”, in An Essay on Regimen. [], London: [] C[harles] Rivington, []; Bath, Somerset: J. Leake, [], →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:Cheyne Regimen}}

Christie, Agatha

Output Template
1977, Agatha Christie, chapter 5, in An Autobiography, part II, London: Collins, →ISBN:
{{RQ:Christie Autobiography}}
1920 October, Agatha Christie, “I Go to Styles”, in The Mysterious Affair at Styles [], New York, N.Y.: Grosset & Dunlap, published March 1927, page 9:
{{RQ:Christie Mysterious Affair}}
1924 March, Agatha Christie, “The Adventure of ‘The Western Star’”, in Poirot Investigates, London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, published 2007, →ISBN:
{{RQ:Christie Poirot Investigates}}

Churchill, Charles

Output Template
1764, C[harles] Churchill, “Book I”, in The Duellist. A Poem. [], London: [] G. Kearsly, []; W[illiam] Flexney, []; J. Coote, []; C. Henderson, []; J. Gardiner, []; and J. Almon, [], →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:C. Churchill Duellist}}
1762, [Charles Churchill], “Book I”, in The Ghost, London: [] William Flexney, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:C. Churchill Ghost}}

Churchill, Winston (1871–1947)

Output Template
1897 December (indicated as 1898), Winston Churchill, The Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., →OCLC:
{{RQ:Churchill Celebrity}}
{{RQ:Churchill Crisis}}
1904 May, Winston Churchill, The Crossing, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., →OCLC, book I (The Borderland), page 1:
{{RQ:Churchill Crossing}}
{{RQ:Churchill Far Country}}

Churchill, Winston Spencer (1874–1965)

Output Template
1948–1953, Winston Churchill, The Second World War, th edition, London, Toronto, Ont.: Cassell & Co.:
{{RQ:W. S. Churchill WW2}}

Cibber, Colley

Output Template
[1707], [Colley] Cibber, The Double Gallant: Or, The Sick Lady’s Cure. A Comedy. [], London: [] Bernard Lintott, []; and sold by John Phillips, [], →OCLC, Act I, scene [i], page 1:
{{RQ:Cibber Double Gallant}}
1700 (date written), Colley Cibber, Love Makes a Man: Or, The Fop’s Fortune. A Comedy. [], London: [] Richard Parker [], Hugh Newman [], and E. Rumbal [], published 1701, →OCLC, Act I, page 1:
{{RQ:Cibber Love Makes a Man}}
{{RQ:Cibber Refusal}}
1702, [Colley] Cibber, She Wou’d, and She Wou’d Not, or The Kind Impostor. A Comedy. [], London: [] William Turner [], and John Nutt, [], published 1703, →OCLC, Act I, page 1:
{{RQ:Cibber She Wou'd}}
{{RQ:Vanbrugh Cibber Provok'd Husband}}

Clare, John

Output Template
1820, John Clare, “[Poems.] Helpstone.”, in Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery, London: [] [T. Miller] for Taylor and Hessey, []; and E[dward] Drury, [], →OCLC, page 3:
{{RQ:Clare Rural Life}}
1827, John Clare, “[The Shepherd’s Calendar] January”, in The Shepherd’s Calendar; [], London: [] [F]or John Taylor, [], by James Duncan, [], →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:Clare Shepherd's Calendar}}
1821, John Clare, “The Village Minstrel”, in The Village Minstrel, and Other Poems, volume I, London: [] [T. Miller] for Taylor and Hessey, []; and E[dward] Drury, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Clare Village Minstrel}}

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of

Output Template
1702–1704, Edward [Hyde, 1st] Earl of Clarendon, “Book I”, in The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641. [], volume I, part I, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed at the Theater, published 1707, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Clarendon History}}

Clarke, Marcus

Output Template
1875, Marcus Clarke, His Natural Life [For the Term of His Natural Life], volume I, London: Richard Bentley and Son, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Clarke His Natural Life}}

Clavell, John

Output Template
c. 1631–1633 (first performance), [John Clavell], edited by John Henry Pyle Pafford and W[alter] W[ilson] Greg, The Soddered Citizen (The Malone Society Reprints; 82), London: [] [F]or the Malone Society by John Johnson at the Oxford University Press, published 1936, →OCLC, Act I, scene i, page 1:
{{RQ:Clavell Soddered Citizen}}

Cleland, John

Output Template
1751, [John Cleland], “Part I”, in Memoirs of a Coxcomb, London: [] R[alph] Griffiths, [], →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:Cleland Coxcomb}}
1749, [John Cleland], “[Letter the First]”, in Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure [Fanny Hill], volume I, London: [] [Thomas Parker] for G. Fenton [i.e., Fenton and Ralph Griffiths] [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cleland Fanny Hill}}
1766, [John Cleland], “A Sketch of an Attempt at the Retrieval of the Antient Celtic, or, Primitive Language of Europe”, in The Way to Things by Words, and to Words by Things; [], London: [] L[ockyer John] Davis and C[harles] Reymers, [], →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:Cleland Way to Things}}

Cockeram, Henry

Output Template
1623, H[enry] C[ockeram], “Abacted”, in The English Dictionarie: or, An Interpreter of Hard English VVords. [], London: [] [Eliot’s Court Press] for Edmund Weauer, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cockeram English Dictionarie}}

Coke, Edward

Output Template
{{RQ:Coke Institutes}}

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Output Template
{{RQ:Coleridge Biographia Literaria}}
1797, S[amuel] T[aylor] Coleridge, “Kubla Khan: Or A Vision in a Dream”, in Christabel: Kubla Khan, a Vision: The Pains of Sleep, London: [] John Murray, [], by William Bulmer and Co. [], published 1816, →OCLC, page 55:
{{RQ:Coleridge Christabel}}
1796, S[amuel] T[aylor] Coleridge, “Monody on the Death of Chatterton”, in Poems on Various Subjects, London: [] G[eorge] G[eorge] and J[ohn] Robinsons, and J[oseph] Cottle, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Coleridge Poems}}
1813, S[amuel] T[aylor] Coleridge, Remorse. A Tragedy, [], London: [] W. Pople, [], →OCLC, Act I, scene i, page 1:
{{RQ:Coleridge Remorse}}
1816, S[amuel] T[aylor] Coleridge, The Statesman’s Manual; or The Bible the Best Guide to Political Skill and Foresight: [], London: [] [S. Curtis] for Gale and Fenner, []; J. M. Richardson, []; and Hatchard, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Coleridge Statesman's Manual}}
1797–1798 (date written; revised 1817), S[amuel] T[aylor] Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In Seven Parts.”, in Sibylline Leaves: A Collection of Poems, London: Rest Fenner, [], published 1817, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Coleridge Sybilline Leaves}}
1822 December 29, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “Character of OthelloSchiller’s Robbers—Shakspeare—Scotch Novels—Lord ByronJohn KembleMathews”, in H[enry] N[elson] C[oleridge], editor, Specimens of the Table Talk of the Late Samuel Taylor Coleridge. [], volume I, London: John Murray, [], published 1835, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Coleridge Table Talk}}
1834, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “[Juvenile Poems.] Julia.”, in The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge [], volume I, London: Macmillan and Co., →OCLC, page 3:
{{RQ:Coleridge Works}}
1797–1798 (date written), [Samuel Taylor Coleridge], “The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere”, in Lyrical Ballads, with a Few Other Poems, London: [] J[ohn] & A[rthur] Arch, [], published 1798, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Wordsworth Coleridge Lyrical Ballads}}

Collins, Wilkie

Output Template
1848, [William] Wilkie Collins, Memoirs of the Life of William Collins, Esq., R. A., volume I, London: Longman, [] :
{{RQ:Collins Memoirs}}
1863, [William] Wilkie Collins, My Miscellanies. [], volume I, London: Sampson Low, Son, & Co., [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Collins Miscellanies}}
{{RQ:Collins No Name}}
{{RQ:Collins Poor Miss Finch}}
1859 November 26 – 1860 August 25, [William] Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White. [], New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, [], published 1860, →OCLC, part I, page 5:
{{RQ:Collins Woman in White}}
1867 December 12, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, “No Thoroughfare”, in Charles Dickens, editor, All The Year Round: Extra Christmas Number, London: Chapman & Hall, [], →OCLC, Act I:
{{RQ:Dickens Collins No Thoroughfare}}
1859 December 13, Wilkie Collins, “The Ghost in the Cupboard Room”, in Charles Dickens, editor, The Haunted House. The Extra Christmas Number of All the Year Round [], volume II, London: [] C[harles] Whiting, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Dickens Haunted House}}

Colman, George, the Elder

Output Template
1766, George Colman, David Garrick, The Clandestine Marriage, a Comedy. [], London: [] T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, []; R[oberts] Baldwin, []; R. Davis, []; and T[homas] Davies, [], →OCLC, Act I, page 1:
{{RQ:Colman Garrick Clandestine Marriage}}

Colman, George, the Younger

Output Template
1797 July 15 (first performance), George Colman [the Younger], The Heir at Law: A Comedy, [], Dublin: [] T. Burnside, [], and George Folingsby, [], published 1798, →OCLC, Act I, scene i, page 5:
{{RQ:G. Colman Heir at Law}}

Congreve, William

Output Template
1693 (first performance), [William] Congreve, The Double-Dealer. A Comedy, London: [] Jacob Tonson [], published 1735, →OCLC, Act I, scene i, page 15:
{{RQ:Congreve Double Dealer}}
1695, [William] Congreve, Love for Love: A Comedy. [], London: [] Jacob Tonson, [], →OCLC, Act I, scene i, page 1:
{{RQ:Congreve Love for Love}}
{{RQ:Congreve Mourning Bride}}
1693, [William] Congreve, The Old Batchelour, a Comedy. [], 2nd edition, London: [] Peter Buck, [], →OCLC, Act I, page 1:
{{RQ:Congreve Old Batchelour}}
{{RQ:Congreve Way of the World}}

Connor, Ralph

Output Template
1901, Ralph Connor, The Man from Glengarry: A Tale of the Ottawa, Toronto, Ont.: The Westminster Company, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Connor Glengarry}}

Conrad, Joseph

Output Template
{{RQ:Conrad Arrow of Gold}}
1914, Joseph Conrad, Chance[2], London: Methuen, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Conrad Chance}}
1899 February, Joseph Conrad, “The Heart of Darkness”, in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, volume CLXV, number M, New York, N.Y.: The Leonard Scott Publishing Company, [], →OCLC, part I, page 193:
{{RQ:Conrad Heart of Darkness}}
1901, Joseph Conrad, Ford M. Hueffer [i.e., Ford Madox Ford], The Inheritors: An Extravagant Story, London: William Heinemann, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Conrad Hueffer Inheritors}}
1903, Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Hueffer [i.e., Ford Madox Ford], Romance [], London: Smith, Elder & Co., [], →OCLC, (please specify the page):
{{RQ:Conrad Hueffer Romance}}
1899 September – 1900 July, Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim: A Tale, Edinburgh, London: William Blackwood and Sons, published 1900, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Conrad Lord Jim}}
1904–1906, Joseph Conrad, The Mirror of the Sea, 1st American edition, New York, N.Y., London: Harper & Brothers, published October 1906, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Conrad Mirror of the Sea}}
{{RQ:Conrad Narcissus}}
1904 January 29 – October 7, Joseph Conrad, Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard, London, New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers [], published 1904, →OCLC, part first (The Silver of the Mine), page 1:
{{RQ:Conrad Nostromo}}
1896, Joseph Conrad, An Outcast of the Islands, London: T. Fisher Unwin [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Conrad Outcast}}
1906 January–October, Joseph Conrad, The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale, London: Methuen & Co., [], published 1907, →OCLC; The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale (Collection of British Authors; 3995), copyright edition, Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1907, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Conrad Secret Agent}}
1902 January–March, Joseph Conrad, “Typhoon”, in George R. Halkett, editor, The Pall Mall Magazine, volume XXVI, London: Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, →OCLC, chapter I:
{{RQ:Conrad Typhoon}}
1913 December, Joseph Conrad, “The Planter of Malata”, in Within the Tides: Tales, London, Toronto, Ont.: J[oseph] M[alaby] Dent & Sons Ltd., published 1915, →OCLC, page 3:
{{RQ:Conrad Within the Tides}}

Cook, James; and King, James

Output Template
1784, James Cook, A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Undertaken, by the Command of His Majesty, for Making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere. [], volume I, London: [] W[illiam] and A. Strahan; for G[eorge] Nicol, []; and T[homas] Cadell, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cook King Voyage}}

Cooper, James Fenimore

Output Template
1841, J[ames] Fenimore Cooper, The Deerslayer: A Tale. [], 1st British edition, volume I, London: Richard Bentley, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cooper Deerslayer}}
{{RQ:Cooper Heidenmauer}}
{{RQ:Cooper Home as Found}}
1848, [James Fenimore Cooper], Jack Tier; or The Florida Reef. [], volume I, New York, N.Y.: Burgess, Stringer & Co., →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cooper Jack Tier}}
{{RQ:Cooper Last of the Mohicans}}
{{RQ:Cooper Mercedes}}
{{RQ:Cooper Notions of the Americans}}
1848, [James Fenimore Cooper], The Oak Openings; or, The Bee-hunter. [], volume I, New York, N.Y.: Burgess, Stringer, & Co., →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cooper Oak Openings}}
{{RQ:Cooper Pathfinder}}
{{RQ:Cooper Pioneers}}
1827, [James Fenimore Cooper], The Prairie; a Tale. [], volume I, Philadelphia, Pa.: Carey, Lea & Carey [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cooper Prairie}}
1827 November 27, [James Fenimore Cooper], The Red Rover, [], volume I, Paris: [] [Lachevardiere] for Hector Bossange, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cooper Red Rover}}
1842, J[ames] F[enimore] Cooper, The Two Admirals. A Tale of the Sea (Collection of British Authors; XV), Tauchnitz edition, Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cooper Two Admirals}}
{{RQ:Cooper Wyandotte}}

Coryat, Thomas

Output Template
{{RQ:Coryat Crudities}}

Coupland, Douglas

Output Template
1991, Douglas Coupland, Generation X, New York: St. Martin's Press, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Coupland X}}

Cowper, William

Output Template
1791, Homer, “[The Iliad.] Book I.”, in W[illiam] Cowper, transl., The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, Translated into Blank Verse, [], volume I, London: [] J[oseph] Johnson, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cowper Homer}}
1781 (date written), William Cowper, “Table Talk”, in Poems, London: [] J[oseph] Johnson, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cowper Poems}}
1781 (date written), William Cowper, “Table Talk”, in The Poetical Works of William Cowper. [], volume I, Edinburgh: James Nichol, []; London: James Nisbet and Co. [], published 1854, →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cowper Poetical Works}}
1785, William Cowper, “Book I. The Sofa.”, in The Task, a Poem, [], London: [] J[oseph] Johnson;  [], →OCLC, page 1:
{{RQ:Cowper Task}}

Craddock, Charles Egbert [pseudonym; Murfree, Mary Noailles]

Output Template
1891, Charles Egbert Craddock [pseudonym; Mary Noailles Murfree], In the “Stranger People’s” Country [], New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Craddock Stranger People's Country}}

Crane, Stephen

Output Template
{{RQ:Crane Red Badge of Courage}}

Crawfurd, John

Output Template
1820, John Crawfurd, “Introduction”, in History of the Indian Archipelago. Containing an Account of the Manners, Arts, Languages, Religions, Institutions, and Commerce of Its Inhabitants. [...] In Three Volumes, volume I, Edinburgh: Printed [by George Ramsay and Company] for Archibald Constable and Co. []; London: Hurst, Robinson, and Co. [], →OCLC, ), page 1:
{{RQ:Crawfurd Indian Archipelago}}

Cudworth, Ralph

Output Template
1678, R[alph] Cudworth, The True Intellectual System of the Universe: The First Part; wherein All the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is Confuted; and Its Impossibility Demonstrated, London: [] Richard Royston, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cudworth Universe}}

Culpeper, Nicholas

Output Template
1662, Bartholinus [i.e., Thomas Bartholin], translated by Nicholas Culpeper and Abdiah Cole, Bartholinus Anatomy; [] (The Physitian’s Library), London: [] Peter Cole [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Bartholin Culpeper Anatomy}}
1652, Nich[olas] Culpeper, The English Physitian: Or An Astrologo-physical Discourse of the Vulgar Herbs of This Nation. [], London: [] Peter Cole, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Culpeper English Physitian}}
1655, Lazarus Riverius [i.e., Lazare Rivière], translated by Nicholas Culpeper, Abdiah Cole, and William Rowland, The Practice of Physick, [], London: [] Peter Cole, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Riviere Culpeper Physick}}

Cummings, E. E.

Output Template
{{RQ:Cummings Enormous Room}}

Cunningham, John

Output Template
1766, John Cunningham, “Day, a Pastoral”, in Poems, Chiefly Pastoral, Dublin: [] Peter Wilson, [], and Boulter Grierson, [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Cunningham Poems}}

Curwood, James Oliver

Output Template
1918, James Oliver Curwood, The Courage of Marge O’Doone, Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., [], →OCLC:
{{RQ:Curwood Marge O'Doone}}
English quotation templates (C)
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