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See also: -istää





Formally -ise- +‎ -taa, i.e. extracted from verbs originally formed by the suffix -taa from adjectives ending in -inen : -ise-. This reanalysis has likely been further supported by verbs such as altistaa, kaunistaa, tiivistää, valmistaa, all -taa verbs derived from adjectives which show -is even in the nominative.



-istaa (front vowel harmony variant -istää, stem -ista-, linguistic notation -istA- or -istAA)

  1. Forms verbs meaning "to make (into)", predominantly from adjectives; -ize/-ise
    vahva (strong) + ‎-istaa → ‎vahvistaa (to strengthen)
    tosi (real) + ‎-istaa → ‎todistaa (to verify)
  2. Forms verbs referring to applying a tool onto or to equipping something.
    kone (machine) + ‎-istaa → ‎koneistaa (to machine)
    tietokone (computer) + ‎-istaa → ‎tietokoneistaa (to computerize)

Usage notes


After labial vowels, the -i- is frequently omitted: see -staa.


Inflection of -istaa (Kotus type 53/muistaa, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -istan en -ista 1st sing. olen -istanut en ole -istanut
2nd sing. -istat et -ista 2nd sing. olet -istanut et ole -istanut
3rd sing. -istaa ei -ista 3rd sing. on -istanut ei ole -istanut
1st plur. -istamme emme -ista 1st plur. olemme -istaneet emme ole -istaneet
2nd plur. -istatte ette -ista 2nd plur. olette -istaneet ette ole -istaneet
3rd plur. -istavat eivät -ista 3rd plur. ovat -istaneet eivät ole -istaneet
passive -istetaan ei -isteta passive on -istettu ei ole -istettu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -istin en -istanut 1st sing. olin -istanut en ollut -istanut
2nd sing. -istit et -istanut 2nd sing. olit -istanut et ollut -istanut
3rd sing. -isti ei -istanut 3rd sing. oli -istanut ei ollut -istanut
1st plur. -istimme emme -istaneet 1st plur. olimme -istaneet emme olleet -istaneet
2nd plur. -istitte ette -istaneet 2nd plur. olitte -istaneet ette olleet -istaneet
3rd plur. -istivat eivät -istaneet 3rd plur. olivat -istaneet eivät olleet -istaneet
passive -istettiin ei -istettu passive oli -istettu ei ollut -istettu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -istaisin en -istaisi 1st sing. olisin -istanut en olisi -istanut
2nd sing. -istaisit et -istaisi 2nd sing. olisit -istanut et olisi -istanut
3rd sing. -istaisi ei -istaisi 3rd sing. olisi -istanut ei olisi -istanut
1st plur. -istaisimme emme -istaisi 1st plur. olisimme -istaneet emme olisi -istaneet
2nd plur. -istaisitte ette -istaisi 2nd plur. olisitte -istaneet ette olisi -istaneet
3rd plur. -istaisivat eivät -istaisi 3rd plur. olisivat -istaneet eivät olisi -istaneet
passive -istettaisiin ei -istettaisi passive olisi -istettu ei olisi -istettu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. -ista älä -ista 2nd sing.
3rd sing. -istakoon älköön -istako 3rd sing. olkoon -istanut älköön olko -istanut
1st plur. -istakaamme älkäämme -istako 1st plur.
2nd plur. -istakaa älkää -istako 2nd plur.
3rd plur. -istakoot älkööt -istako 3rd plur. olkoot -istaneet älkööt olko -istaneet
passive -istettakoon älköön -istettako passive olkoon -istettu älköön olko -istettu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. -istanen en -istane 1st sing. lienen -istanut en liene -istanut
2nd sing. -istanet et -istane 2nd sing. lienet -istanut et liene -istanut
3rd sing. -istanee ei -istane 3rd sing. lienee -istanut ei liene -istanut
1st plur. -istanemme emme -istane 1st plur. lienemme -istaneet emme liene -istaneet
2nd plur. -istanette ette -istane 2nd plur. lienette -istaneet ette liene -istaneet
3rd plur. -istanevat eivät -istane 3rd plur. lienevät -istaneet eivät liene -istaneet
passive -istettaneen ei -istettane passive lienee -istettu ei liene -istettu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st -istaa present -istava -istettava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -istaakseni -istaaksemme
2nd -istaaksesi -istaaksenne
3rd -istaakseen
past -istanut -istettu
2nd inessive2 -istaessa -istettaessa agent4 -istama
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -istaessani -istaessamme
2nd -istaessasi -istaessanne
3rd -istaessaan
negative -istamaton
instructive -istaen 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).
4) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.
* The third-person singular indicative form -istaa does not exhibit final gemination,
unlike the first infinitive (the lemma form), even though they are spelled identically.

3rd inessive -istamassa
elative -istamasta
illative -istamaan
adessive -istamalla
abessive -istamatta
instructive -istaman -istettaman
4th3 verbal noun -istaminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st -istamaisillani -istamaisillamme
2nd -istamaisillasi -istamaisillanne
3rd -istamaisillaan

Derived terms








Re-extracted form of -taa after nominals ending in -in. Akin to Finnish -istaa.





-istaa (front vowel variant -istää)

  1. Used to form inchoative verbs: -ise
    vari (hot) + ‎-istaa → ‎varistaa (heat up)

Usage notes

  • After labial vowels (-o, , -u, -y), an alternative form -staa is more frequently used.


Conjugation of -istaa (type 2/kirjuttaa, st-ss gradation)
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -issan en -issa 1st singular oon -istant, oon -istanut en oo -istant, en oo -istanut
2nd singular -issat et -issa 2nd singular oot -istant, oot -istanut et oo -istant, et oo -istanut
3rd singular -istaa ei -issa 3rd singular ono -istant, ono -istanut ei oo -istant, ei oo -istanut
1st plural -issamma emmä -issa 1st plural oomma -istanneet emmä oo -istanneet
2nd plural -issatta että -issa 2nd plural ootta -istanneet että oo -istanneet
3rd plural -istaat1), -istavat2), -issettaa evät -issa, ei -isseta 3rd plural ovat -istanneet evät oo -istanneet, ei oo -issettu
impersonal -issettaa ei -isseta impersonal ono -issettu ei oo -issettu
Imperfekta Pluskvamperfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -issin en -istant, en -istanut 1st singular olin -istant, olin -istanut en olt -istant, en olt -istanut
2nd singular -issit et -istant, et -istanut 2nd singular olit -istant, olit -istanut et olt -istant, et olt -istanut
3rd singular -isti ei -istant, ei -istanut 3rd singular oli -istant, oli -istanut ei olt -istant, ei olt -istanut
1st plural -issimma emmä -istanneet 1st plural olimma -istanneet emmä olleet -istanneet
2nd plural -issitta että -istanneet 2nd plural olitta -istanneet että olleet -istanneet
3rd plural -istiit1), -istivat2), -issettii evät -istanneet, ei -issettu 3rd plural olivat -istanneet evät olleet -istanneet, ei olt -issettu
impersonal -issettii ei -issettu impersonal oli -issettu ei olt -issettu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular -istaisin en -istais 1st singular olisin -istant, olisin -istanut en olis -istant, en olis -istanut
2nd singular -istaisit, -istaist1) et -istais 2nd singular olisit -istant, olisit -istanut et olis -istant, et olis -istanut
3rd singular -istais ei -istais 3rd singular olis -istant, olis -istanut ei olis -istant, ei olis -istanut
1st plural -istaisimma emmä -istais 1st plural olisimma -istanneet emmä olis -istanneet
2nd plural -istaisitta että -istais 2nd plural olisitta -istanneet että olis -istanneet
3rd plural -istaisiit1), -istaisivat2), -issettais evät -istais, ei -issettais 3rd plural olisivat -istanneet evät olis -istanneet, ei olis -issettu
impersonal -issettais ei -issettais impersonal olis -issettu ei olis -issettu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular 1st singular
2nd singular -issa elä -issa 2nd singular oo -istant, oo -istanut elä oo -istant, elä oo -istanut
3rd singular -istakkoo elköö -istako 3rd singular olkoo -istant, olkoo -istanut elköö olko -istant, elköö olko -istanut
1st plural 1st plural
2nd plural -istakkaa elkää -istako 2nd plural olkaa -istanneet elkää olko -istanneet
3rd plural -istakkoot elkööt -istako, elköö -issettako 3rd plural olkoot -istanneet elkööt olko -istanneet, elköö olko -issettu
impersonal -issettakoo elköö -issettako impersonal olkoo -issettu elköö olko -issettu
positive negative
1st singular -istanen en -istane
2nd singular -istanet et -istane
3rd singular -istannoo ei -istane
1st plural -istanemma emmä -istane
2nd plural -istanetta että -istane
3rd plural -istannoot evät -istane, ei -issettane
impersonal -issettanoo ei -issettane
Nominal forms
Infinitivat Partisipat
active passive
1st -istaa present -istava -issettava
2nd inessive -istaes past -istant, -istanut -issettu
instructive -istaen 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect.
2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect.
*) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (-istakkaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well.
**) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative
***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential
****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition.
3rd illative -istammaa
inessive -istamas
elative -istamast
abessive -istamata
4th nominative -istamiin
partitive -istamista, -istamist

Derived terms
