Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 47.djvu/180

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a rigid blockade, which, without any serious fighting, brought the Moors to terms and obtained the release of 339 captives—men, women, and boys. In October he returned to England, and in the following January sent in a series of proposals for the release of the captives in Algiers. To obtain this by treaty, he wrote, had been found impossible; to redeem them by money was impolitic; but the end might be gained by blockading their port with a fleet of sufficient strength. If this was continued for three or four years, the trade of the Moors would be destroyed, their ships would become worm-eaten and unserviceable, and the sale—in Spain or Italy—of such prisoners as were taken would furnish money for the redemption of English captives. At the same time the maintenance of the fleet would be much to the king's honour. The king's absolute want of means and the state of affairs at home prevented the suggestion being then acted on; but it appears to be the origin of the plan which was effectually carried out some forty years later, under Narbrough, Allin, and Herbert. In April 1638 Rainborow was one of a commission to inquire into frauds in the importation of timber. In 1640 he was member for Aldborough in the Long parliament, but died in February 1641–2. He was buried on the 16th, when he was described as ‘grand-admiral and general captain,’ a style which can scarcely have been official. He was married, and left issue several daughters and sons, one of whom, Thomas [q. v.], is separately noticed. He wrote his name with the spelling here given.

[Archæologia, xlvi. 11; John Dunton's Journal of the Sally fleet, with the Proceedings of the Voyage (4to, 1637); Cal. State Papers, Dom.]

RAINBOWE, EDWARD, D.D. (1608–1684), bishop of Carlisle, was born on 20 April 1608 at Blyton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire, of which place his father, Thomas Rainbowe, was vicar. His mother, Rebecca, daughter of David Allen, rector of the neighbouring parish of Ludborough, was skilled in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Edward's godfather, Edward Wray of Rycot, was second son of Sir Edward Wray of Glentworth in Lincolnshire. As the Wrays possessed much influence, the connection proved highly advantageous to young Rainbowe. After spending a short time at school at Gainsborough, he was sent in April 1620 to Peterborough, to be under Dr. John Williams, then one of the prebendaries, and an old friend of his father. When, in the following year, Williams was preferred to the deanery of Westminster and bishopric of Lincoln, Rainbowe removed to Westminster School. From Westminster he proceeded in July 1623 to Corpus Christi College, Oxford, as scholar, but in 1625 he received from Frances, dowager countess of Warwick, a nomination to one of the scholarships founded at Magdalene College, Cambridge, by her father, Sir Christopher Wray. He graduated B.A. in 1627, M.A. in 1630, B.D. in 1637, and D.D. in 1646. While in statu pupillari he was suddenly called upon by the vice-chancellor to act as terræ filius in place of one who was deprived of the office on account of his scurrility. Rainbowe was facetious without coarseness, and acquitted himself to the satisfaction of his auditors. In July 1630 he accepted the mastership of a school at Kirton-in-Lindsey, but soon moved with some Cambridge contemporaries to London, settling first in Fuller's Rents, and afterwards at Sion College, so as to make use of the library. He took holy orders, and preached his first sermon in April 1632. After making a vain application for the chaplaincy to the society of Lincoln's Inn, he was appointed curate at the Savoy. In November 1633 he was recalled to Cambridge. The master and fellows of his college elected him to a by-fellowship on the foundation of Dr. Goch, with a promise of the first open founder's fellowship that should fall vacant. He became a successful tutor, numbering among his pupils two sons of the Earl of Suffolk, with whom he became intimate, and two of Francis Leke, baron Deincourt. The noble families of Northumberland, Warwick, and Orrery also showed him favour. In 1637 he accepted the small living of Childerley, near Cambridge; in 1637 he became dean of Magdalene; and in 1642 master, by the gift of the Earl of Suffolk. From this last office he was dismissed, by order of parliament, in 1650. In 1652 he accepted from the Earl of Suffolk the small living of Little Chesterford in Essex. He became rector of Benefield in Northamptonshire in 1658, by the presentation of the Earl of Warwick, after the Earl of Orrery had procured for him the concession of induction without the intervention of the ‘Tryers.’

On the Restoration in 1660, Rainbowe was restored to his mastership at Cambridge, and appointed chaplain to the king; in the following year he was made dean of Peterborough, and removed to that place, but he returned to Cambridge on being appointed vice-chancellor in November 1662. In 1664 he was elected bishop of Carlisle, on the translation of Dr. Richard Sterne to the archiepiscopal see of York. Rainbowe was conse-